Zpět na seznam článků
Lukeš Julius
Prof., Ph.D.
Born May 14, 1963 in České Budějovice
- Member of Learned Society since 2004
Professional Experience
- 1991–present: Research Scientist, Institute of Parasitology, České Budějovice
- 1992–2012: Member of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Parasitology
- 1993: Postdoctoral Fellow, E.C.Slater Institute, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 1995–2022: Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Parasitology, Institute of Parasitology
- 1994–1997: Assistant, Faculty of Biology, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice
- 1997–1998: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biology, University of California, Riverside
- 1998–1999: Visiting Scientist, Molecular Biology Institute, University of California, Los Angeles
- 2003–2012: Chair of the Department of Molecular Biology, University of South Bohemia
- 2006–present: Professor, Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia
- 2007–2012: Member of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Sciences
- 2008–2013: Member of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Agriculture
- 2008–2012: Head of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Parasitology
- 2012–2022: Director of the Institute of Parasitology
- 2012–2018: Committee member of the International Society of Protistologists
- 2021–present: Vice–head of the principal Scientific Board of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Honors and Awards
- 1993: EMBO Fellowship
- 1995: Fulbright Travel Grant
- 1997: Young Scientist Award of the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- 2000–2005: European Councillor of the International Society for Evolutionary Protistology
- 2006–2008: President of the International Society for Evolutionary Protistology
- 2002: Prize of the Czech Academy of Sciences for outstanding young researchers
- 2003–2009: President of the Czech Society of Protozoology
- 2004–present: Member of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic
- 2007: Prize of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- 2007–2009: Vice–president of the International Society of Protistologists
- 2009–2011: Associate of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
- 2011: Prize of the Minister of Education for Excellence in Research
- 2012–2017: Senior Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
- 2013–present: Member of the Faculty of 1000
- 2013: Medal from the mayor for merits in research and education
- 2014–present: Fellow of the American Academy for Microbiology
- 2015–present: Fellow of the European Academy of Microbiology
- 2016–present: Member of the Comenius Academic Club
- 2018–present: Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
- 2020: Prize of the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences for research excellence
- 2020–present: Member of the scientific board of the Neuron Endowment Fund
- 2023: Member - American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- 2023-present: EMBO member
- 2023: J. G. Mendel medal for Achievements in Natural Sciences
- 2023 Prize of the Minister of Education for Excellence in Research
- 2024-present: Member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences
Invited Lectures
- University of Hannover, Germany, 1991
- University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1993, 1994, 2003
- University of Arizona, Tucson, USA, 1995
- State University of New York, Stony Brook, USA, 1995
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA, 1995
- Wesleyan University, Middletown, USA, 1997
- Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, 1997, 2000
- University of California, Los Angeles, USA, 1998, 1999, 2002
- Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 1999, 2006, 2007, 2010
- School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK, 2000
- Institute of Cytology, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2001
- De Duve Institute of Pathology, Brussels, Belgium, 2002, 2006
- Max–Planck–Institute for Molecular Physiology, Dortmund, Germany, 2002
- Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2003, 2008
- CIRAD, Montpellier, France, 2003
- Sun Yat–Sen University, Guangzhou, China, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2012, 2014
- Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, 2004
- University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland, 2004
- Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, USA, 2004
- New York University, New York, USA, 2004
- University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2004
- University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 2005
- Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Vancouver, Canada, 2005, 2006
- Foundation Oswaldo Cruz, Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2005
- University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2005
- Seattle Biomedical Research Institute, Seattle, USA, 2006, 2010
- Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada, 2006
- South Medical University, Guangzhou, China, 2006
- Kuvin Centre, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 2006
- Technion–Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, 2006
- University of California, Riverside, USA, 2007
- Philipps University, Marburg, Germany, 2008
- University of Glasgow, Glasgow, U.K., 2008
- Newcastle University, U.K., 2008
- Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Quebec, Canada, 2008
- University of Cambridge, U.K., 2008
- Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, 2008
- Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 2008
- University of Bern, Switzerland, 2008
- University of California, Irvine, USA, 2009
- Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, 2009
- University of Cardiff, Cardiff, U.K., 2010
- University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil, 2010
- Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan, 2010
- Seattle Biomed, Seattle, USA, 2010, 2012
- Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, 2011, 2013
- King Abdulah University, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, 2011
- Molecular Biology Laboratory, Cambridge, U.K., 2011
- University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 2011
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany, 2011, 2012
- University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 2011
- Biodiversity Institute, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 2012
- University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K., 2012
- University of California, Riverside, USA, 2012
- Philipps University, Marburg, Germany, 2012
- National Institutes of Alergy and Infectious Diseases, Bethesda, USA, 2012
- University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, 2012
- University of Exeter, Exeter, U.K., 2012
- Chinese Agricultural University, Beijing, China, 2012
- Ecole Normale Superieure, Lyon, France, 2013
- Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany, 2013
- Clemson University, Clemson, USA, 2013
- University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA, 2013
- Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, 2013
- University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, U.K., 2014
- Institute of Tropical Medicine, Havana, Cuba, 2014
- East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China, 2014
- Beckman Centre, University of California, Irvine, USA, 2015
- University of Arizona, Tucson, USA, 2015
- Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2015
- University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K., 2015
- Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, USA, 2015
- Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, 2015
- Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2016
- University of Kent, Canterbury, U.K., 2016
- University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany, 2016
- University of Wurzburg, Wurzburg, Germany, 2016
- Duke University, Durham, USA, 2017
- Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, 2017
- State University of New York, Buffalo, USA, 2017
- Université de la Reunion, St. Denis, France, 2017
- Gdansk University, Gdansk, Poland, 2017
- London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, U.K., 2017
- École Normal Superieure, Lyon, France, 2017
- Ahmed Ben Bella University, Oran, Algeria, 2017
- Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Toronto, Canada, 2018
- Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 2019
- École nationale vétérinaire d’Alfort, Paris, France, 2019
- Balaton Limnological Institute, Tihany, Hungary, 2020
- University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, 2020 (e–way)
- University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, USA, 2020 (e–way)
- New York University, New York, USA, 2022 (e–way)
- University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2022
- National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, 2023
- Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, USA, 2023
- EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany, 2023
- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Bethesda, USA, 2024
- University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia, 2024
- University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2024
- Comillas Pontifical University, Madrid, Spain, 2024
Editorial Board
- 2004–2006: Protistology
- 2005–2011: Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology
- 2004–2008: Kinetoplastid Biology and Diseases
- 2009–present: The Open Parasitology Journal
- 2010–2012: International Journal for Parasitology
- 2011–2012: Folia Parasitologica (Associate Editor)
- 2015–present: PeerJ
- 2017–present: Protist (Associate Editor)
- 2018–present: PLoS Pathogens (ad hoc Associate Editor)
- 2019–present: Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology (Associate Editor)
- 2020–present: µLife
Principal organizer of conferences
- XIII. biannual conference (International Society for Evolutionary Protistology) – August 2000 (120 participants)
- Trypanosomiasis and Leishmaniasis seminar (British Society of Parasitology) – August 2004 (140 participants)
- Euroleish Meeting (EU consortium) – September 2004 (30 participants)
- Mitochondrion of trypanosomes enters the postproteomic era – September 2009 (70 participants)
- Integrated Microbial Biodiversity workshop (Canadian Institute for Advanced Research) – June 2014 (75 participants)
- Trypanosomiasis and Leishmaniasis seminar (British Society of Parasitology) – September 2016 participants)
- Comparative genomics of unicellular eukaryotes: Interactions and symbioses (EMBO conference in St. Feliu de Guixols) – October 2022 (130 participants)
List of publications
References > 18,000; Hirsch index = 64)
- Aguado M., Carvalho S., Valdés-Tresanco M., Lin D., Padilla-Mejía N.E., Corpas-Lopez V., Tesařová M., Lukeš J., Gray D., Gonzáles-Bacerio J., Wyllie S. & Field M. (2024) Identification and validation of compounds targeting Leishmania major leucyl-aminopeptidase M17. ACS Infect. Dis. (accepted)
- Grybchuk D., Galan A., Klocek D., Macedo D.H., Wolf Y.I., Votýpka J., Butenko A., Lukeš J., Neri U., Záhonová K., Kostygov A.Y., Koonin E.V. & Yurchenko V. (2024) Identification of diverse RNA viruses in Obscuromonas flagellates (Euglenozoa: Trypanosomatidae: Blastocrithidiinae). Virus Evol. (in press)
- Chmelová L., Kraeva N., Saura A., Krayzel A., Vieira C.S., Neves Ferreira T., Soares R.P., Bučková B., Galan A., Horáková E., Ganyukova A.I., Malysheva M.N., Butenko A., Prokopchuk G., Frolov A.O., Lukeš J., Horváth A., Škodová-Sveráková I., Feder D., Kostygov A.Y. & Yurchenko V. (2024) Intricate balance of dually-localized catalase in Leptomonas seymouri (Kinetoplastea: Trypanosomatidae) modulates infectivity. Int. J. Parasitol. (in press)
- Afonin D.A., Gerasimov E.S., Škodová-Sveráková I., Záhonová K., Gahura O., Albanaz A.T.S., Myšková E., Bykova A., Paris Z., Lukeš J., Opperdoes F.R., Horváth A., Zimmer S. & Yurchenko V. (2024) Blastocrithidia nonstop mitochondrial genome and its expression are remarkably insulated from nuclear codon reassignment. Nucl. Acids Res. 52, 3870-3885.
- Votýpka J., Zeman Š., Stříbrná E., Pajer P., Bartoš O., Kment P., Lukeš J. IV & Lukeš J. III (2024) Multiple trypanosomatid co-infections of insects: The Cuban case study. Parasitology (in press)
- Cadena L.R., Edgcomb V.P. & Lukeš J. (2024) Gazing into the abyss: A glimpse into the diversity, distribution, and behavior of heterotrophic protists from the deep-sea floor. Environ. Microbiol. 26, e16598.
- Opperdoes F.R., Chmelová L., Škodová-Sveráková I., Záhonová K., Lukeš J. & Yurchenko V. (2024) In silico prediction of the metabolism of Blastocrithidia nonstop, a trypanosomatid with non-canonical genetic code. BMC Genomics 25, 184.
- Bartošová-Sojková P., Butenko A., Richtová J., Fiala I., Oborník M. & Lukeš J. (2024) Inside the host: Understanding the evolutionary trajectories of intracellular parasitism. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. (in press)
- Butenko A., Lukeš J., Speijer D. & Weideman J.G. (2024) Mitochondrial genomes revisited: Why do different lineages retain different genes? BMC Biol. 22, 15.
- Kostygov A.Y., Albanaz A.T.S., Butenko A., Gerasimov E.S., Lukeš J. & Yurchenko V. (2024) Phylogenetic framework to explore trait evolution in Trypanosomatidae. Trends Parasitol. 40, 96-99.
- del Campo J., Carlos-Oliveira M., Čepička I., Hehenberger E., Horák A., Karnkowska A., Kolísko M., Lara E., Lukeš J., Pánek T., Piwosz K., Richter D., Škaloud P., Sutak R., Tachezy J. & Hampl V. (2024) The protist cultural renaissance. Trends Microbiol. 32, 128-131.
- Lukeš J., Čepička I. & Kolísko M. (2024) No end in sight for novel incredible (heterotrophic) protists. Curr. Biol. 34, R55-R58.
- Zhang P., Liu J., Yin X.-M., Zhou J.-Y., Lukeš J., Lun Z.-R. & Lai D.-H. (2023) Towards disentangling the classification of freshwater fish trypanosomes. Marine Life Sci. Technol. 5, 551-563.
- Lukeš J., Speijer D., Zíková A., Alfonzo J.D., Hashimi H. & Field M.C. (2023) Trypanosomes as a magnifying glass for cell and molecular biology. Trends Parasitol. 39, 902-912.
- Tashyreva D., Týč J., Horák A. & Lukeš J. (2023) Ultrastructure and 3D reconstruction of a diplonemid protist and its novel membranous organelle. mBio 14, e01921-23.
- Macedo D.H., Grybchuk D., Režnarová J., Votýpka J., Klocek D., Yurchenko T., Ševčík J., Magri A., Urda Dolinská M., Záhonová K., Lukeš J., Servienė E., Jászayová A., Serva S., Malysheva M.N., Frolov A.O., Yurchenko V. & Kostygov A.Y. (2023) Diversity of RNA viruses in the cosmopolitan monoxenous trypanosomatid Leptomonas pyrrhocoris. BMC Biol. 21, 191.
- Albanaz A.T.S., Carrington M., Frolov A.O., Ganyukova A.I., Gerasimov E.S., Kostygov A.Y., Lukeš J., Malysheva M.N., Volf P., Votýpka J., Zakharova A., Záhonová K., Zimmer S.L., Yurchenko V. & Butenko A. (2023) Shining the spotlight on the neglected: new high-quality genome assemblies as a gateway to understanding the evolution of Trypanosomatidae. BMC Genomics 24, 471.
- Pyrih J., Hammond M., Alves A., Dean S., Sunter J., Wheeler R., Gull K. & Lukeš J. (2023) Comprehensive sub-mitochondrial protein map of the parasitic protist Trypanosoma brucei unveils novel aspects of organellar biology. Cell Reports 42, 113083.
- Záhonová K., Valach M., Tripathi P., Benz C., Opperdoes F.R., Barath P., Lukáčová V., Danchenko M., Faktorová D., Horváth A., Burger G., Lukeš J. & Škodová-Sveráková I. (2023) Subunit composition of mitochondrial dehydrogenase complexes in diplonemid flagellates. Biochim. Biophys. Acta – Gen Subj. 1867, 130419.
- Sheikh S., Pánek T., Gahura O., Týč J., Záhonová K., Lukeš J., Eliáš M. & Hashimi H. (2023) A novel group of dynamin-related proteins shared by eukaryotes and giant viruses is able to remodel mitochondria from within the matrix. Mol. Biol. Evol. 40, msad134.
- Flegontova O., Lukeš J. & Horák A. (2023) Intra-genomic diversity of the V9 hypervariable region of the 18S rRNA gene in eukaryotes and its impact on metabarcoding. iScience 26, 107291.
- Valach M., Benz C., Aguilar L.C., Gahura O., Faktorová D., Zíková A., Oeffinger M., Burger G., Gray M.W. & Lukeš J. (2023) Miniature RNAs are embedded in an exceptionally protein-rich mitoribosomes via an elaborate assembly pathway. Nucleic Acids Res. 51, 6443-6460.
- Prokopchuk G., Butenko A., Dacks J.B., Speijer D., Field M.C. & Lukeš J. (2023) Lessons from the deep: Mechanisms behind the diversification of eukaryotic protein complexes. Biol. Reviews 98, 1910-1927.
- Zakharova A., Tashyreva D., Butenko A., Morales J., Saura A., Svobodová M., Poschmann G., Nandipati S., Zakharova A., Noyvert D., Gahura O., Týč J., Stühler K., Kostygov A.Y., Nowack E.C.M., Lukeš J. & Yurchenko V. (2023) A neo-functionalized homolog of a host transmembrane protein controls localization of bacterial endosymbionts in the trypanosomatid Novymonas esmeraldas. Curr. Biol. 33, 2690-2701.e5.
- Veselá-Strejcová J., Scalco E., Zingone A., Colin S., Caputi L., Sarno D., Nebesářová J., Bowler C. & Lukeš J. (2023) Diverse eukaryotic phytoplankton from around the Marquesas Islands documented by combined microscopy an molecular techniques. Protist 174, 125965.
- Faktorová D., Záhonová K., Benz C., Dacks J.B., Field M.C. & Lukeš J. (2023) Functional differentiation of Sec13 paralog in the euglenozoan protists. Open Biol. 13, 220364.
- Valášek L.S., Lukeš J. & Paris Z. (2023) Stops making sense – for the people? Clin. Transl. Med. 13, e1270.
- George E.E., Barcyte D., Lax G., Livingston S., Tashyreva D., Husnik F., Lukeš J., Eliáš M. & Keeling P.J. (2023) A single cryptomonad cell harbours a complex community of organelles, bacteria, a phage and selfish elements. Curr. Biol. 10, 1982-1996.e4.
- Bruce Krejčí A., Votýpková K., Lukeš J. & Votýpka J. (2023) Varroa destructor. Trends Parasitol. 39, 487-488.
- Valach M., Moreira S., Petitjean C., Benz C., Butenko A., Flegontova O., Nenarokova A., Prokopchuk G., Batstone T., Lapébie P., Lemogo L., Sarrasin M., Stretenowich P., Tripathi P., Yazaki E., Nara T., Henrissat B., Lang B.F., Gray M.W., Williams T.A., Lukeš J. & Burger G. (2023) Recent expansion of metabolic versatility in Diplonema papillatum, the model species of a highly speciose group of marine eukaryotes. BMC Biol. 21, 99.
- Muñoz-Gómez S.A., Cadena L.R., Léger M.M., Gardiner A.T., Sheikh S., Connell L., Bílý T., Beatty T., Kopejtka K., Koblížek M., Roger A.J., Slamovits C.H., Lukeš J. & Hashimi H. (2023) The development of intracytoplasmic membranes in alphaproteobacteria involves the conserved mitochondrial crista-developing protein Mic60. Curr. Biol. 33, 1099-1111.e6
- Flegontova O., Flegontov P., Jachníková N., Lukeš J. & Horák A. (2023) Water masses shape pico-nano eukaryotic communities of the Weddell Sea. Commun. Biol. 6, 64.
- Pilátová J., Tashyreva D., Týč J., Vancová M., Bokhari S.N.H., Skoupý R., Klementová M., Küpper H., Mojzeš P. & Lukeš J. (2023) Massive accumulation of strontium and barium in diplonemid protists. mBio 14, e03279-22.
- Kachale A., Pavlíková Z., Nenarokova A., Roithová A., Durante I.M., Miletínová P., Záhonová K., Nenarokov S., Votýpka J., Horáková E., Ross R.L., Yurchenko V., Beznosková P., Paris Z., Valášek L.S. & Lukeš J. (2023) Short tRNA anticodon stem with mutant eRF1 allow stop codon reassignment. Nature 613, 751-758.
- Gerasimov E.S., Afonin D.A., Korzhavina O.A., Lukeš J., Low R., Hall N., Tyler K., Yurchenko V. & Zimmer S.L. (2022) Mitochondrial RNA editing in Trypanoplasma borreli: new tools, new revelations. Comp. Struct. Biotech. J. 20, 6388-6402.
- Benz C., Müller N., Kaltenbrunner S., Váchová H., Vancová M., Lukeš J., Varga V. & Hashimi H. (2022) Kinetoplatid–specific X2–family kinesins interact with a kinesin–like plecstrin homology domain protein that localizes to the trypanosomal microtubule quartet. Mol. Microbiol. 118, 155–174.
- Lukeš J., Kachale A., Votýpka J., Butenko A. & Field M.C. (2022) African trypanosome strategies for conquering new hosts and territories: The end of monophyly? Trends Parasitol. 38, 724–736.
- Zhang P., Chen K., Svobodová M., Yang T.-B., Lukeš J. Zhang J., Lun Z.-R. & Lai D.-H. (2022) Does the fish infecting Trypanosoma micropteri belong to Trypanosoma carassii? Folia Parasitol. 69, 024.
- Zakharova A., Albanaz A.T.S., Opperdoes F.R., Škodová–Sveráková I., Zagirova D., Saura A., Chmelová L., Gerasimov E.S., Leštinová T., Bečvář T., Sádlová J., Volf P., Lukeš J., Horváth A., Butenko A. & Yurchenko V. (2022) Leishmania guyanensis M4147 as a new LRV1–bearing model parasite: phosphatidate phosphatase 2–like protein controls cell cycle progression and intracellular lipid content. PLoS Negl. Trop. Dis. 16, e0010510.
- Štefka J., Votýpka J., Lukeš J. & Balvín O. (2022) Parasite of the month: Cimex lectularius and Cimex hemipterus (Bed bugs). Trends Parasitol. 38, 919–920.
- George E.E., Tashyreva D., Kwong W.K., Okamoto N., Horák A., Husnik F., Lukeš J. & Keeling P.J. (2022) Gene transfer agents in bacterial endosymbionts of microbial eukaryotes. Genome Biol. Evol. 14, 7.
- Horáková E., Lecordier L., Cunha P., Sobotka R., Changmai P., Langedijk C.J.M., Van den Abbeele J., Vanhollebeke B. & Lukeš J. (2022) Heme–deficient metabolism and impaired cellular differentiation as an evolutionary trade–off for human infectivity in Trypanosoma brucei gambiense. Nat. Commun. 13, 7075.
- Hammond M., Dorrell R.G., Speijer D. & Lukeš J. (2022) Eukaryotic cellular intricacies shape mitochondrial proteomic complexity. BioEssays 44, 2100258.
- Tashyreva D., Simpson A., Prokopchuk G., Škodová–Sveráková I., Butenko A., Hammond M., George E.E., Flegontova O., Záhonová K., Faktorová D., Yabuki A., Horák A., Keeling P.J. & Lukeš J. (2022) Diplonemids–a review on „new“ flagellates on–the–oceanic–block. Protist 173, 125868.
- Prokopchuk G., Korytář T., Juricová V., Majstorovic J., Horák A., Šimek K. & Lukeš J. (2022) Trophic flexibility of marine diplonemids–switching from osmotrophy to bacterivory. ISME J. 16, 1409–1419.
- Votýpka J., Stříbrná E., Modrý D., Bryja J., Bryjová A. & Lukeš J. (2022) Unexpectedly high diversity of trypanosomes in small sub–Saharan mammals. Int. J. Parasitol. 52, 647-658.
- Jorge F., Brealey J.C., Brindley P.J., Cantacessi C., Duron O., Fitzpatrick C.R., Hahn M., Hervé V., Knoll L.J., Kohl K.D., Lalle M., Lukeš J., Martínez Martínez J., Perkins S.L., Poulin R., Rosario K., Schneider A.C., Schriml L.M., Thompson L.R. & Dheilly N.M. (2022) MIxS–SA: a MIxS extension defining the minimum information standard for sequence data from symbiotic organisms. ISME Commun. 1, 9.
- Kořený L., Oborník M., Horáková E., Waller R.S. & Lukeš J. (2022) The convoluted history of heme biosynthesis. Biol. Reviews 97, 141–162.
- Škodová–Sveráková I., Záhonová K., Juricová V., Danchenko M., Moos M., Baráth P., Prokopchuk G., Butenko A., Lukáčová V., Kohútová L., Bučková B., Horák A., Faktorová D., Horváth A., Šimek P. & Lukeš J. (2021) Highly flexible metabolism of the marine euglenozoan protist Diplonema papillatum. BMC Biol. 19, 251.
- Tortorelli G., Pettolino F., Lai D.-H., Tomčala A., Bacić A., Oborník M., Lukeš J. & McFadden G.I. (2021) The cell wall polysaccharides of a photosynthetic relative of apicomplexans, Chromera velia. J. Phycol. 57, 1805–1809.
- Hammond M., Zoltner M., Garrigan J., Butterfield E., Varga V., Lukeš J. & Field M.C. (2021) The distinctive flagellar proteome of Euglena gracilis illuminates the complexities of protistan flagella adaption. New Phytol. 232, 1323–1336.
- Zakharova A., Saura A., Butenko A., Podešvová L., Warmusová S., Kostygov A.Y., Nenarokova A., Lukeš J., Opperdoes F.R. & Yurchenko V. (2021) A new model trypanosomatid Novymonas esmeraldas: genomic perception of its “Candidatus Pandoraea novymonadis“ endosymbiont. mBio 12, e01606–21.
- Smilansky V., Jirků M., Milner D.S., Ibáñez R., Gratwicke B., Nicholls A., Lukeš J., Chambouvet A. & Richards T.A. (2021) Expanded host and geographic range of tadpole associations with the Severe Perkinsea Infection group. Biol. Letters 17, 20210166.
- Skalický T., Alves J.M.P., Morais A.C., Režnarová J., Butenko A., Lukeš J., Serrano M., Buck G.A., Teixeira M.G.M., Camargo E.P., Sanders M., Cotton J.A., Yurchenko V. & Kostygov A.Y. (2021) Endosymbiont capture, a repeated process of endosymbiont transfer with replacement in the trypanosomatid Angomonas spp. Pathogens 10, 702.
- Paris Z., Svobodová M., Kachale A., Horáková E., Nenarokova A. & Lukeš J. (2021) A mitochondrial cytidine deaminase is responsible for C to U editing of tRNATrp to decode the UGA codon in Trypanosoma brucei. RNA Biol. 18, 278–286.
- Husnik F., Tashyreva D., Boscaro V., George E.E., Lukeš J. & Keeling P.J. (2021) Bacterial and archaeal symbioses with protists. Curr. Biol. 31, R862–R877.
- Lopes A.L.K., Kriegová E., Lukeš J., Krieger M.A. & Ludwig A. (2021) Distribution of Merlin in eukaryotes and first report of DNA transposons in kinetoplastid protists. PLoS One 16, e251133.
- Záhonová K., Lax G., Sinha S.D., Richards T.A., Lukeš J. & Wideman J.G. (2021) Single–cell genomics unveils a canonical origin of the diverse mitochondrial genomes of euglenozoans. BMC Biol. 19, 103.
- Votýpka J., Petrželková K.J., Brzoňová J., Jirků M., Modrý D. & Lukeš J. (2021) How monoxenous trypanosomatids revealed hidden feeding habits of their tsetse fly hosts. Folia Parasitol. 68, 019.
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- Janouškovec J., Sobotka R., Lai D.-H., Flegontov P., Koník P., Komenda J., Ali S., Prášil O., Pain A., Oborník M., Lukeš J. & Keeling P.J. (2013) Split photosystem protein, linear–mapping topology and growth of structural complexity in the plastid genome of Chromera velia. Mol. Biol. Evol. 30, 2447–2462.
- Votýpka J., Suková E., Kraeva N., Ishemgulova A., Duží I., Lukeš J. & Yurchenko V. (2013)Diversity of trypanosomatids (Kinetoplastea: Trypanosomatidae) parasitizing fleas (Insecta: Siphonaptera) and description of a new genus Blechomonas gen. n. Protist 164, 763–781.
- Hashimi H., McDonald L., Stříbrná E. & Lukeš J. (2013) Trypanosome Letm1 protein is essential for mitochondrial potassium homeostasis. J. Biol. Chem. 288, 26914–26925.
- Flegontov P., Votýpka J., Skalický T., Logacheva M.D., Penin A.A., Tanifuji G., Onodera N.T., Kondrashov A.S., Volf P., Archibald J.M. & Lukeš J. (2013) Paratrypanosoma is a novel early–branching trypanosomatid. Curr. Biol. 23, 1787–1793.
- Týč J., Votýpka J., Klepetková H., Šuláková H., Jirků M. & Lukeš J. (2013) Growing diversity of trypanosomatid parasites of flies (Diptera: Brachycera): frequent cosmopolitism and moderate host specificity. Mol. Phyl. Evol. 69, 255–264.
- Changmai P., Horáková E., Long S., Černotíková–Stříbrná E., McDonald L.M., Bontempi E.J. & Lukeš J. (2013) Both human ferredoxins equally efficiently rescue ferredoxin deficiency in Trypanosoma brucei. Mol. Microbiol. 89, 135–151.
- Mach J., Poliak P., Matušková A., Žárský V., Janata J., Lukeš J. & Tachezy J. (2013) An advanced system of the mitochondrial processing peptidase and core protein family in Trypanosoma brucei and multiple origins of the core I subunit in eukaryotes. Genome Biol. Evol. 5, 860–875.
- Qablan M.A., Oborník M., Petrželková K.J., Sloboda M., Shudiefat M.F., Hořín P., Lukeš J. & ModrýD. (2013) Infections by Babesia caballi and Theileria equi in Jordanian equids: epidemiology and genetic diversity. Parasitology 140, 1096–1103.
- Paris Z., Horáková E., Rubio M.A.T., Sample P., Fleming I.M.C., Armocida S., Lukeš J. & Alfonzo J.D. (2013) The T. brucei TRM5 methyltransferase plays an essential role in mitochondrial protein synthesis and function. RNA 19, 649–658.
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- Basu S., Leonard J.C., Desai N., Mavridou D.A.I., Tang K.H., Goddard A.D., Ginger M.L., Lukeš J. & Allen J.W.A. (2013) Divergence of Erv1–associated mitochondrial import and export pathways in trypanosomes and anaerobic protists. Eukaryot. Cell 12, 343–355.
- Hashimi H., Zimmer S.L., Ammerman M.L., Read L.K. & Lukeš J. (2013) Dual core processing: MRB1 is an emerging kinetoplast RNA editing complex. Trends Parasitol. 29, 91–99.
- Maslov D.A., Votýpka J., Yurchenko V. & Lukeš J. (2013) Diversity and phylogeny of insect trypanosomatids: all that is hidden shall be revealed. Trends Parasitol. 29, 43–52.
- Vávra J., Lukeš J. (2013) Microsporidia and „the art of living together”. Adv. Parasitol. 82, 253–319.
- Kořený L., Oborník M. & Lukeš J. (2013) Make it, take it or leave it: Heme metabolism of parasites. PLoS Pathogens 9, e1003088.
- Verner Z., Škodová I., Poláková S., Ďurišová–Benkovičová V., Horváth A. & Lukeš J. (2013) Alternative NADH dehydrogenace (NDH2): intermembrane–space–facing counterpart of mitochondrial complex I in the procyclic Trypanosoma brucei. Parasitology 140, 328–337.
- Pawlowski J., Audic S., Adl S., Bass D., Belbahri L, Berney C., Bowser S.S., Čepička I., Decelle J., Dunthorn M., Fiore–Donno A.-M., Gile H.G., Holzmann M., Jahn R., Jirků M., Keeling P.J., Kostka M., Kudryavtsev A., Lara E., Lukeš J., Mann G.D., Mitchell A.D.E., Nitsche F., Romeralo M., Saunders W.G., Simpson A.G.B., Smirnov V.A., Spouge J., Stern F.R., Stoeck T., Zimmermann J., Schindel D. & de Vargas C. (2012) CBOL Protist Working Group: Barcoding eukaryotic richness beyond the animal, plant and fungal kingdoms. PLoS Biology 10, e1001419.
- Kafková L., Ammerman M.L., Faktorová D., Fisk J.C., Zimmer S.L., Sobotka R., Read L.K., Lukeš J. & Hashimi H. (2012) Functional characterization of two paralogs that are novel RNA binding proteins influencing mitochondrial transcripts of Trypanosoma brucei. RNA 18, 1846–1861.
- Adl S.M., Simpson A.G., Lane C.E., Lukeš J., Bass D., Bowser S.S., Brown M., Burki F., Dunthorn M., Hampl V., Heiss A., Hoppenrath M., Lara E., LeGall L., Lynn D.H., McManus H., Mitchell E.A.D., Mozley–Stanridge S.E., Wegener Parfrey L., Pawlowski J., Rueckert S., Shadwick L., Schoch C., Smirnov A. & Spiegel F.W. (2012) The revised classification of eukaryotes. J. Euk. Microbiol. 59, 429–493.
- Tsaousis A.D., Ollagnier de Choudens S., Gentekaki E., Long S., Gaston D., Stechmann A., Vinella D., Py B., Fontecave M., Barras F., Lukeš J. & Roger A.J. (2012) The evolution of Fe/S cluster biogenesis in the anaerobic parasite Blastocystis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109, 10426–10431.
- Burki F., Flegontov P., Oborník M., Cihlář J., Pain A., Lukeš J. & Keeling P.J. (2012) Reevaluating the green versus red signal in eukaryotes with secondary plastid of red algal origin. Genome Biol. Evol. 4, 738–747.
- Gnipová A., Panicucci B., Paris Z., Verner Z., Horváth A., Lukeš J. & Zíková A. (2012) Disparatephenotypic effects from the knockdown of various Trypanosoma brucei cytochrome c oxidace subunits. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 184, 90–98.
- Jirků M., Yurchenko V.Y., Lukeš J. & Maslov D.A. (2012) New species of insect trypanosomatids from Costa Rica and the proposal for a new subfamily within the Trypanosomatidae. J. Euk. Microbiol. 59, 537–547.
- Flegontov P. & Lukeš J. (2012) Mitochondrial genomes of photosynthetic euglenids and alveolates. Adv. Botan. Res. 63, 127–153.
- Votýpka J., Klepetková H., Jirků M., Kment P. & Lukeš J. (2012) Phylogenetic relationships of trypanosomatids parasitizing true bugs (Insecta: Heteroptera) in sub–Saharan Africa. Int. J. Parasitol. 42, 489–500.
- Flegontova O., Lukeš J. & Flegontov P. (2012) Lack of evidence for integration of Trypanosoma cruzi minicircle DNA in South American human genomes. Int. J. Parasitol. 42, 437–441. (Factor 6.0; must read)
- Lai D.-H., Bontempi E. & Lukeš J. (2012) Trypanosoma brucei solanesyl–diphosphate synthase localizes to the mitochondrion. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 183, 189–192.
- Ammerman M.L., Downey K.M., Hashimi H., Fisk J.C., Tomasello D.L., Faktorová D., Kafková L., King T., Lukeš J. & Read L.R. (2012) Architecture of the trypanosome RNA editing accessory complex, MRB1. Nucl. Acids Res. 40, 5637–5650.
- Kořený L., Sobotka R., Kovářová J., Gnipová A., Flegontov P., Horváth A., Oborník M., Ayala F.J. & Lukeš J. (2012) Aerobic kinetoplastid flagellate Phytomonas does not require heme for viability. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109, 3808–3813.
- Montagnes D., Roberts E., Lukeš J. & Lowe C. (2012) The rise of model protozoa. Trends Microbiol. 20, 184–191.
- Jirků M., Pomajbíková K., Petrželková K.J., Hůzová Z., Modrý D. & Lukeš J. (2012) Detection of Plasmodium in human feces. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 18, 634–636.
- Votýpka J., Klepetková H., Yurchenko V.Y., Horák A., Lukeš J. & Maslov D.A. (2012) Cosmopolitan distribution of a trypanosomatid Leptomonas pyrrhocoris. Protist 163, 616–631.
- Qablan M.A., Sloboda M., Jirků M., Oborník M., Dwairi S., Amr Z.S., Hořín P., Lukeš J. & Modrý D. (2012) Quest for the piroplasms in camels: identification of Theileria equi and Babesia caballi in Jordanian dromedaries. Vet. Parasitol. 186, 456–460.
- Docampo R. & Lukeš J. (2012) The solution of fifty years–calcium mystery and the promises of trypanosome mitochondria. Trends Parasitol. 28, 31–36.
- Oborník M., Modrý D., Lukeš M., Černotíková–Stříbrná E., Cihlář J., Tesařová M., Kotabová E., Vancová M., Prášil O. & Lukeš J. (2012) Morphology, ultrastructure and life cycle of Vitrella brassicaformis n. sp., n. gen., a novel chromerid from the Great Barrier Reef. Protist 163, 306–323.
- Long S., Changmai P., Tsaousis A.D., Skalický T., Verner Z., Wen Y.-Z., Roger A.J. & Lukeš J. (2011) Stage–specific requirement for Isa1 and Isa2 proteins in the mitochondrion of Trypanosoma brucei and heterologous rescue by human and Blastocystis orthologues. Mol. Microbiol. 81, 1403–1418.
- Tanifuji G., Kim E., Onodera N.T., Gibeault R., Dlutek M., Cawthorn R.J., Fiala I., Lukeš J., Greenwood S.J. & Archibald J.M. (2011) Genomic characterization of Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis (Amoebozoa) and its kinetoplastid endosymbiont. Eukaryot. Cell 10, 1143–1146.
- Flegontov P., Gray M.W., Burger G. & Lukeš J. (2011) Gene fragmentation: a key to mitochondrial genome evolution in Euglenozoa? Curr. Genet. 57, 225–232.
- Lukeš J., Archibald J.M., Keeling P.J., Doolittle W.F. & Gray M.W. (2011) How a neutral evolutionary ratchet can build cellular complexity. IUBMB Life 63, 528–537.
- Doolittle W.F., Lukeš J., Archibald J.M., Keeling P.J. & Gray M.W. (2011) Does constructive neutral evolution play an important role in the origin of cellular complexity? BioEssays 33, 427–429.
- Szabová J., Růžička P., Verner Z., Hampl V. & Lukeš J. (2011) Experimental examination of EFL and MATX eukaryotic horizontal gene transfers: co–existence of mutually exclusive transcripts predates functional rescue. Mol. Biol. Evol. 28, 2371–2378.
- Ammerman M.L., Hashimi H., Novotná L., Čičová Z., McEvoy S.M., Lukeš J. & Read L.K. (2011) MRB3010 is a core component of the MRB1 complex that facilitates an early step of the kinetoplastid RNA editing process. RNA 17, 865–877.
- Alfonzo J.D. & Lukeš J. (2011) Assembling Fe/S–clusters and modifying tRNAs: ancient co–factors meet ancient adaptors. Trends Parasitol. 27, 235–238.
- Sloboda M., Jirků M., Lukešová D., Qablan M., Batsukh Z., Fiala I., Hořín P., Modrý D. & Lukeš J. (2011) A survey for piroplasmids in horses and Bactrian camels in north–eastern Mongolia. Vet. Parasitol. 179, 246–249.
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- Paris Z., Hashimi H., Lun S., Alfonzo J.D. & Lukeš J. (2011) Futile import of tRNAs and proteins into the mitochondrion of Trypanosoma brucei evansi. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 176, 116–120.
- Verner Z., Čermáková P., Škodová I., Kriegová E., Horváth A. & Lukeš J. (2011) Complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) is active in but non–essential for procyclic Trypanosoma brucei. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 175, 196–200.
- Richterová L., Vávrová Z. & Lukeš J. (2011) DEAD–box RNA helicase is dispensable for mitochondrial translation in Trypanosoma brucei. Exp. Parasitol. 127, 300–303.
- Oborník M., Vancová M., Lai D.-H., Janouškovec J., Keeling P.J. & Lukeš J. (2011) Morphology and ultrastructure of multiple life cycle stages of the photosynthetic relative of Apicomplexa, Chromera velia. Protist 162, 115–130.
- Gray M.W., Lukeš J., Archibald J.M., Keeling P.J. & Doolittle W.F. (2010) Irremediable complexity? Science 330, 920–921.
- Lukeš J., Hashimi H., Verner Z. & Čičová Z. (2010) The remarkable mitochondrion of trypanosomes and related flagellates. In: Structures and organelles in pathogenic protists (ed. De Souza W.). Springer–Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg; pp. 228–252.
- Lukeš J., Raper J. (2010) Prophylactic antiparasitic transgenosis for human parasitic disease? Mol. Therapy 18, 1745–1747.
- Lun Z.-R., Lai D.-H., Li F.-J., Lukeš J. & Ayala F.J. (2010) Trypanosoma brucei: two steps to spread out from Africa. Trends Parasitol. 26, 434–437.
- Gazdag M., Cirstea I., Breitling R., Lukeš J., Blankenfeldt W. & Alexandrov K. (2010) Purificationand crystallization of human Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase recombinantly produced in the protozoan Leishmania tarentolae. Acta Crystalograph. F66, 871–877.
- Týč J., Long S., Jirků M. & Lukeš J. (2010) YCF45 protein, usually associated with plastids, is targeted into the mitochondrion of Trypanosoma brucei. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 173, 43–47.
- Paris Z., Changmai P., Rubio M.A.T., Zíková A., Stuart K.D., Alfonzo J.D. & Lukeš J. (2010) The Fe/S cluster assembly protein Isd11 is essential for tRNA thiolation in Trypanosoma brucei. J. Biol. Chem. 285, 22394–22402.
- Janouškovec J., Horák A., Oborník M., Lukeš J. & Keeling P.J. (2010) A common red algal origin of the apicomplexan, dinoflagellate and heterokont plastids. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107, 10949–10954.
- Keeling P.J., Leander B.S. & Lukeš J.(2010) Does complexity necessarily arise from selective advantage? Reply. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107, E26.
- Verner Z., Paris Z. & Lukeš J.(2010) Mitochondrial membrane potential–based genome–wide RNAi screen of Trypanosoma brucei. Parasitol. Res. 106, 1241–1244.
- Kořený L., Lukeš J. & Oborník M. (2010) Evolution of the heme synthetic pathway in kinetoplastid flagellates: An essential pathway that is not essential after all? Int. J. Parasitol. 40, 149–156.
- Maslov D.A., Yurchenko V.Y., Jirků M. & Lukeš J. (2010) Two new species of trypanosomatid parasites isolated from Heteroptera in Costa Rica. J. Euk. Microbiol. 57, 177–188.
- Poliak P., Van Hoewyk D., Oborník M., Zíková A., Stuart K.D., Tachezy J., Pilon M. & Lukeš J. (2010) Functions and cellular localization of cysteine desulfurase and selenocysteine lyase in Trypanosoma brucei. FEBS J. 277, 383–393.
- Votýpka J., Maslov D.A., Yurchenko V., Jirků M., Kment P., Lun Z.-R. & Lukeš J. (2010) Probing into the diversity of trypanosomatid flagellates parasitizing insect hosts in South–West China reveals both endemism and global distribution. Mol. Phyl. Evol. 54, 243–253.
- Simpson L., Aphasizhev R., Lukeš J. & Cruz–Reyes J. (2010) Guide to the nomenclature of kinetoplastid editing: A proposal. Protist 161, 2–6.
- Týč J., Faktorová D., Kriegová E., Jirků M., Vávrová Z., Maslov D.A. & Lukeš J. (2010) Probing forprimary functions of prohibitin in Trypanosoma brucei. Int. J. Parasitol. 40, 73–83.
- Hashimi H., Benkovičová V., Čermáková P., Lai D.-H., Horváth L. & Lukeš J. (2010) The assembly of F1FO ATP synthase disrupted upon the interference of RNA editing in Trypanosoma brucei. Int. J. Parasitol. 40, 45–54.
- Wohlgamuth–Benedum J.M., Rubio M.A.T., Paris Z., Long S., Poliak P., Lukeš J. & Alfonzo J.D. (2009) Thiolation controls cytoplasmic tRNA stability and acts as a negative determinant for tRNA editing in mitochondria. J. Biol. Chem. 284, 23947–23953.
- Paris Z., Rubio, M.A.T., Lukeš J. & Alfonzo J.D. (2009) Mitochondrial tRNA import in Trypanosoma brucei is independent of thiolation and the Rieske protein. RNA 15, 1398–1406.
- Lukeš J., Leander B.S. & Keeling P.J. (2009) Cascades of convergent evolution: The corresponding evolutionary histories of euglenozoans and dinoflagellates. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106, 9963–9970. (Factor 6.0; must read)
- Gile G.H., Faktorová D., Castlejohn C.A., Burger G., Lang B.F., Farmer M.A., Lukeš J. & Keeling P.J. (2009) Distribution and phylogeny of EFL and EF–1a in Euglenozoa suggest ancestral co–occurrence followed by differential loss. PLoS One 4, e5162.
- Hashimi H., Čičová Z., Novotná L., Wen Y.-Z. & Lukeš J. (2009) Kinetoplastid guide RNAbiogenesis is dependent on subunits of the mitochondrial RNA binding complex 1 and mitochondrial RNA polymerase. RNA 15, 588–599.
- Foldynová–Trantírková S., Matulová J., Dötsch V., Löhr F., Cirstea I., Alexandrov K., Breitling R., Lukeš J. & Trantírek L. (2009) A cost–effective amino–acid–type selective isotope labeling of proteins expressed in Leishmania tarentolae. J. Biomolec. Struct. Dynam. 26, 755–763.
- Lai D.-H., Wang Q.-P., Li Z., Lukeš J. & Lun Z.-R. (2009) Evolution of the serum resistence–associated SRA gene in African trypanosomes. Chin. Sci. Bull. 54, 1275–1278.
- Yurchenko V., Lukeš J., Jirků M. & Maslov D.A. (2009) Selective recovery of the cultivation–prone components from mixed trypanosomatid infections: a case of several new species isolated from Neotropical Heteroptera. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 59, 893–909.
- Jirků M., Jirků M., Lukeš J., Oborník M., Petrželková K. & Modrý D. (2009) A model for taxonomic work on homoxenous coccidia: redescription, host specificity, and molecular phylogeny of Eimeria ranae Dobell, 1909, with critical review of Eimeria spp. parasitizing anuran hosts. J. Euk. Microbiol.. 56, 39–51.
- Jirků M., Jirků M., Oborník M., Lukeš J. & Modrý D. (2009) Goussia Abbé, 1896 (Apicomplexa, Eimeriorina) in Amphibia: diversity, biology, molecular phylogeny and comments on the status of the genus. Protist 160, 123–136.
- Oborník M., Janouškovec J., Chrudimský T. & Lukeš J. (2009) Evolution of the apicoplast and itshosts: from heterotrophy to autotrophy and back again. Int. J. Parasitol. 39, 1–12.
- Long S., Jirků M., Ayala F.J., Lukeš J. (2008) Mitochondrial localization but not processing of human frataxin is essential for a rescue of frataxin deficiency in the excavate flagellate Trypanosoma brucei. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105, 13468–13473.
- Long S., Vávrová Z. & Lukeš J. (2008) The import and function of diatom and plant frataxins in themitochondrion of Trypanosoma brucei. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 162, 100–104.
- Long S., Jirků M., Mach J., Ginger M.L., Sutak R., Richardson D., Tachezy J. & Lukeš J. (2008) Ancestral roles of eukaryotic frataxin: mitochondrial frataxin function and heterologous expression of hydrogenosomal Trichomonas homologs in trypanosomes. Mol. Microbiol. 69, 94–109.
- Hashimi H., Zíková A., Panigrahi A.K., Stuart K.D. & Lukeš J. (2008) TbRGG1, a component of a novel multiprotein complex involved in kinetoplastid RNA editing. RNA 14, 970–980.
- Lai D.-H., Hashimi H., Lun Z.-R., Ayala F.J. & Lukeš J. (2008) Adaptation of Trypanosoma brucei to gradual loss of kinetoplast DNA: T. equiperdum and T. evansi are petite mutants of T. brucei. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105, 1999–2004. (Factor 10.0; exceptional)
- Zíková A., Kopečná J., Schumacher M.A., Stuart K.D., Trantírek L. & Lukeš J. (2008) Structure and function of the native and recombinant mitochondrial MRP1/MRP2 complex from Trypanosoma brucei. Int. J. Parasitol. 38, 901–912.
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- Chocholová E, Jirků M. & Lukeš J. (2008) A diagnostic assay based on variable intergenic region distinguishes between Leishmania donovani and Leishmania infantum. Folia Parasitol. 55, 75–78.
- Yurchenko V.A., Lukeš J., Tesařová M., Jirků M. & Maslov D.A. (2008) Morphological discordance of the new trypanosomatid species phylogenetically associated with the genus Crithidia. Protist 159, 99–114.
- Čepička I., Lukeš J. & Vávra J. (2007) Protozoologie. In: Paraziti a jejich biologie (eds. Volf P., Horák P.), Triton, Praha; pp. 50–63.
- Zamudio J.R., Mittra B., Foldynová–Trantírková S., Zeiner G.M., Lukeš J., Bujnicky J.M., Sturm N.R. & Campbell D.A. (2007) The 2’–O–ribose methyltransferase for cap 1 of spliced leader RNA and U1 small nuclear RNA in Trypanosoma brucei. Mol. Cell. Biol. 27, 6084–6092.
- Herder S., Votýpka J., Jirků M., Rádrová J., Janzen C.J. & Lukeš J. (2007) Trypanosoma brucei 29–13 strain is inducible in but not permissive for the tsetse fly vector. Exp. Parasitol. 117, 111–114.
- Lukeš J., Mauricio I.L., Schönian G., Dujardin J.-C., Soteriadou K., Dedet J.-P., Kuhls K.,Quispe Tintaya W., Jirků M., Chocholová E., Haralambous C., Pratlong F., Oborník M., Horák A., Ayala F.J. & Miles M.A. (2007) Evolutionary and geographical history of theLeishmania donovani complex with a revision of current taxonomy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104, 9375–9380. (Factor 6.0; must read)
- Čermáková P., Verner Z., Man P., Lukeš J. & Horváth A. (2007) Characterization of the NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) in the trypanosomatid Phytomonas serpens (Kinetoplastida). FEBS J. 274, 3150–3158.
- Roy J., Faktorová D., Lukeš J. & Burger G. (2007) Unusual mitochondrial genome structure throughout Euglenozoa. Protist 158, 385–396.
- Sturm N.R., Dollet M., Lukeš J. & Campbell D.A. (2007) Meaningful sub–division of plant trypanosomes (Phytomonas spp.) based on minicircle conserved region analysis. Infect., Genet. & Evol. 7, 570–576.
- Svobodová M., Zídková L., Čepička I., Oborník M., Lukeš J. & Votýpka J. (2007) Sergeia podlipaevi gen. nov., sp. nov. (Trypanosomatidae, Kinetoplastida): a new parasite of the biting midges (Ceratopogonidae, Diptera). Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 57, 423–432.
- Roy J., Faktorová D., Benada O., Lukeš J. & Burger G. (2007) Description of Rhynchopus euleeides n. sp. (Diplonemea), a free–living, marine euglenozoan. J. Euk. Microbiol. 54, 137–145.
- Zemanová E., Jirků M., Mauricio I.L., Horák A., Miles M.A. & Lukeš J. (2007) The Leishmania donovani complex: Genotypes of five metabolic enzymes (ICD, ME, MPI, G6PDH, FH), new targets for multilocus sequence typing. Int. J. Parasitol. 37, 149–160.
- Vávra J., Horák A., Modrý D., Lukeš J. & Koudela B. (2006) Trachipleistophora extenrec, n. sp., a new microsporidian (Fungi: Microsporidia) infecting mammals. J. Euk. Microbiol. 53, 464–476
- Yurchenko V.A., Lukeš J., Jirků M., Zeledón R. & Maslov D.A. (2006) Leptomonas costaricensis sp.n. (Kinetoplastea: Trypanosomatidae), a member of the novel phylogenetic group of insect trypanosomatids closely related to the genus Leishmania. Parasitology 133, 537–546
- Smíd O., Horáková E., Vilímová V., Hrdý I., Cammack R., Horváth A., Lukeš J. & Tachezy J. (2006) Knock–downs of mitochondrial iron–sulfur cluster assembly proteins IscS and IscU down–regulate the active mitochondrion of procyclic Trypanosoma brucei. J. Biol. Chem. 281, 28679–28686
- Schumacher M.A., Karamooz E., Zíková A., Trantírek L. & Lukeš J. (2006) Crystal structures of Trypanosoma brucei MRP1/MRP2 guide–RNA–binding complex reveals RNA matchmaking mechanism. Cell 126, 701–711
- Zíková A., Horáková E., Jirků M., Dunajčíková P. & Lukeš J. (2006) The effect of down–regulation of mitochondrial RNA–binding proteins MRP1 and MRP2 on respiratory complexes in procyclic Trypanosoma brucei. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 149, 65–73
- Wijová M., Moravec F., Horák A. & Lukeš J. (2006) Evolutionary relationships of Spirurina (Nematoda: Chromadorea: Rhabditida) with special emphasis on dracunculoid nematodes inferred from SSU rRNA gene sequences. Int. J. Parasitol. 36, 1067–1075
- Lukeš J., Paris Z., Regmi S., Breitling R., Mureev S., Kushnir S., Pyatkov K., Jirků M. & Alexandrov K.A. (2006) Translational initiation in Leishmania tarentolae and Phytomonas serpens (Kinetoplastida) is strongly influenced by pre–ATG triplet and its 5‘ sequence context. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 148, 125–132
- Mauricio I.L., Yeo M., Baghaei M., Doto D., Silk R., Pratlong F., Zemanová E., Dedet J.-P., Lukeš J. & Miles M.A. (2006) Towards multi locus sequence typing in the Leishmania donovani complex: resolving genotypes and haplotypes for five polymorphic metabolic enzymes (ASAT, GP1, NH1, NH2, PGD). Int. J. Parasitol. 36, 757–769
- Simpson A.G.B., Stevens J.R. & Lukeš J. (2006) The evolution and diversity of kinetoplastid flagellates. Trends Parasitol. 22, 168–174
- Jirků M., Zemanová E., Al–Jawabreh A., Schönian G. & Lukeš J. (2006) Development of a direct species–specific PCR assay for differential diagnosis of Leishmania tropica. Diagn.Microbiol. Infect. Dis. 55, 75–79
- Kopečná J., Jirků M., Oborník M., Tokarev Z.S., Lukeš J. & Modrý D. (2006) Phylogenetic analysis of coccidian parasites from invertebrates: Search for missing links. Protist 157, 173–183.
- Li F.-J., Lai D.-H., Lukeš J., Chen X.-G. & Lun Z.-R. (2006) Doubts about Trypanosoma equiperdum strains classed as Trypanosoma brucei or Trypanosoma evansi. Trends Parasitol. 22, 55–56.
- Yurchenko V., Lukeš J., Xu X. & Maslov D.A. (2006) An integrated morphological and molecular approach to a new species description in the Trypanosomatidae: the case of Leptomonas podlipaevi n.sp., a parasite of Boisea rubrolineata (Hemiptera: Rhopalidae). J. Euk. Microbiol. 53, 103–111.
- Lukeš J., Hashimi H. & Zíková A. (2005) Unexplained complexity of the mitochondrial genome and transcriptome in kinetoplastid flagellates. Curr. Genet. 48, 277–299.
- Horváth A., Horáková E., Dunajčíková P., Verner Z., Pravdová E., Šlapetová I., Cuninková L. & Lukeš J. (2005) Down–regulation of the nuclear–encoded subunits of the complexes III and IV disrupts their respective complexes but not complex I in procyclic Trypanosoma brucei. Mol. Microbiol. 58, 116–130.
- Marande W., Lukeš J. & Burger G. (2005) Unique mitochondrial genome structure in diplonemids, the sister group of kinetoplastids. Eukaryot. Cell 4, 1137–1146. (Factor 6.0; must read)
- Lukeš J., Horák A. & Scholz T. (2005) Helminth genome projects: all or nothing. Trends Parasitol. 21, 265–266.
- Foldynová–Trantírková S., Paris Z., Sturm N.R., Campbell D.A. & Lukeš J. (2005) The Trypanosoma brucei La protein is a candidate poly(U) shield protein that impacts spliced leader RNA maturation and tRNA intron removal. Int. J. Parasitol. 35, 359–366.
- Wijová M., Moravec F., Horák A., Modrý D. & Lukeš J. (2005) Phylogenetic position of Dracunculus medinensis and some related nematodes inferred from 18S rRNA. Parasitol. Res. 96, 133–135.
- Vondrušková E., van den Burg J., Zíková A., Ernst N.L., Stuart K., Benne R. & Lukeš J. (2005)
- RNA interference analyses suggest a transcript–specific regulatory role for MRP1 and MRP2 in RNA editing and other RNA processing in Trypanosoma brucei. J. Biol. Chem. 280, 2429–2438.
- Votýpka J., Lukeš J. & Oborník M. (2004) Phylogenetic relationship of Trypanosoma corvi and other Old World avian trypanosomes. Acta Protozool. 43, 225–231.
- Zemanová E., Jirků M., Mauricio I.L., Miles M.A. & Lukeš J. (2004) Genetic polymorphism within the Leishmania donovani complex: correlation with geographical origin. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 70, 613–617.
- Podlipaev S.A., Sturm N.R., Fiala I., Fernandes O., Westenberger S.J., Dollet M., Campbell D.A. & Lukeš J. (2004) Diversity of insect trypanosomatids assessed from the spliced leader RNA and 5S rRNA genes and intergenic regions. J. Euk. Microbiol. 51, 283–290.
- Avliyakulov N.K., Lukeš J. & Ray D.S. (2004). Mitochondrial histone–like DNA–binding proteins are essential for normal cell growth and mitochondrial function in Crithidia fasciculata. Eukaryot. Cell 3, 518–526.
- Podlipaev S.A., Votýpka J., Jirků M., Svobodová M. & Lukeš J. (2004). Herpetomonas ztiplika n.sp. (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae)–parasite of the blood–sucking biting midge Culicoides kibunensis Tokunaga, 1937 (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). J. Parasitol. 90, 342–347.
- Zeiner G., Foldynová S., Sturm N.R., Lukeš J. & Campbell D.A. (2004). SmD1 is required for spliced leader RNA biogenesis. Eukaryot. Cell 3, 241–244.
- Dávila A.M.R. & Lukeš J. (2003) Towards a framework for the evolutionary genomics of Kinetoplastids: what kind of data and how much? Kinet. Biol. & Dis. 2, 16–19.
- Zíková A., Vancová M., Jirků M. & Lukeš J. (2003). Cruzella marina (Bodonina, Kinetoplastida): non–catenated structure of poly–kinetoplast DNA. Exp. Parasitol. 104: 159–161.
- Gažiová I. & Lukeš J. (2003). Mitochondrial and nuclear localization of topoisomerase II in the flagellate Bodo saltans (Kinetoplastida), a species with non–catenated kinetoplast DNA. J. Biol. Chem. 278: 10900–10907.
- Dyková I., Fiala I., Lom J. & Lukeš J. (2003). Perkinsiella amoebae–like endosymbionts of Neoparamoeba spp., relatives of the kinetoplastid Ichthyobodo. Europ. J. Protistol. 39: 37–52.
- Šlapeta J.R., Modrý D., Votýpka J., Jirků M., Lukeš J. & Koudela B. (2003). Evolutionary relationships among cyst–forming coccidia Sarcocystis spp. (Alveolata: Apicomplexa: Coccidea) in endemic African tree vipers and perspective for evolution of heteroxenous life cycle. Mol. Phyl. Evol. 27: 464–475.
- Jirků M., Modrý D., Šlapeta J.R., Koudela B. & Lukeš J. (2002). The phylogeny of Goussia and Choleoeimeria (Apicomplexa; Eimeriorina) and the evolution of excystation structures in coccidia. Protist 153: 380–389.
- Maslov D.A., Zíková A., Kyselová I. & Lukeš J. (2002). A novel nuclear–encoded putative subunit of the cytochrome c oxidase complex in trypanosomatids. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 125: 113–125.
- Lukeš J., Guilbride D.L., Votýpka J., Zíková A., Benne R. & Englund P.T. (2002). The kinetoplast DNA network: Evolution of an improbable structure. Eukaryot. Cell 1: 495–502.
- Modrý D., Šlapeta J.R., Kyselová I., Hořejš R., Lukeš J., Koudela B. (2002) Dog shedding oocysts of Neospora caninum: diagnostic and phylogenetic approach to the taxonomy of related organisms. Vet. Parasitol. 109: 157–167.
- Simpson A.G.B., Lukeš J., Roger A.J. (2002). The evolutionary history of kinetoplastids and their kinetoplast. Mol. Biol. Evol. 19: 2071–2083.
- Votýpka J., Oborník M., Volf P., Svobodová M. & Lukeš J. (2002) Trypanosoma avium of raptors (Falconiformes): Phylogeny and identification of vectors. Parasitology 125: 253–263.
- Šlapeta J.R., Kyselová I., Richardson A.O., Modrý D., Lukeš J. (2002). Phylogeny and sequence variability of the Sarcocystis singaporensis Zaman and Colley (1975) 1976 ssrDNA. Parasitol. Res. 88: 810–815.
- Šlapeta J. R., Koudela B., Votýpka J., Modrý D., Hořejš R. & Lukeš J. (2002). Coprodiagnosis of Hammondia heydorni in dogs by PCR based on ITS 1 rRNA: Differentiation from morphologically indistinguishable oocysts of Neospora caninum. Vet. J. 163: 147–154.
- Horváth A., Neboháčová M., Lukeš J. & Maslov D.A. (2002). Unusual polypeptide synthesis in the kinetoplast–mitochondria from Leishmania tarentolae. Identification of individual de novo translation products. J. Biol. Chem. 277: 7222–7230.
- Oborník M., Van de Peer Y., Hypša V., Frickey T., Šlapeta J.R., Meyer A. & Lukeš J. (2002) Phylogenetic analyses suggest a possible lateral gene transfer from the mitochondrion to the apicoplast. Gene 285: 109–118.
- Oborník M., Jirků M., Šlapeta J.R., Modrý D., Koudela B. & Lukeš J. (2002). Notes on coccidian phylogeny based on the apicoplast small subunit ribosomal RNA. Parasitol. Res. 88: 360–363.
- Santana D.M., Lukeš, J., Sturm N.R. & Campbell D.A. (2001). Two sequence classes of kinetoplastid 5S ribosomal RNA gene revealed among bodonid spliced leader RNA gene arrays. FEMS Lett. 204: 33–237.
- Votýpka J., Ray D.S. & Lukeš J. (2001). Crithidia fasciculata: a test for genetic exchange. Exp. Parasitol. 99: 104–107.
- Lukeš J., Hines J.C., Evans C.J., Avliyakulov N.K., Prabhu V.P., Chen J. & Ray D.S. (2001). Disruption of the Crithidia fasciculata KAP1 gene results in extensive structural rearrangement of the kinetoplast disc. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 117:179–186.
- Dyková I., Kyselová I., Pecková H., Oborník M. & Lukeš J. (2001). Identity of Naegleria strains isolated from organs of freshwater fishes. Dis. aquat. Org. 46:115–121.
- Modrý D., Šlapeta J. R., Jirků M., Oborník M., Lukeš J. & Koudela B. (2001) Phylogentic position of a renal coccidium of the European green frog, Isospora lieberkuehni Labbe, 1894 (Apicomplexa: Sarcocystidae: Toxoplasmatinae) and the taxonomic implications. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51:767–772.
- Šlapeta J. R., Modrý D., Votýpka J., Jirků M., Oborník M., Lukeš J. & Koudela B. (2001) Eimeria telekii n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Coccidia) from Lemniscomys striatus (Rodentia: Muridae): morphology, pathology and phylogeny. Parasitology 122: 133–145.
- Maslov D.A., Podlipaev S.A. & Lukeš J. (2001). Phylogeny of the Kinetoplastida: Taxonomic problems and insights into the evolution of parasitism. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz 96: 397–402.
- Štolba P., Jirků M. & Lukeš J. (2001) Polykinetoplast DNA structure in Dimastigella trypaniformis and Dimastigella mimosa (Kinetoplastida). Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 113: 323–326.
- Šlapeta J.R., Modrý D., Votýpka J., Jirků M., Koudela B. & Lukeš J. (2001). Multiple origin of the dihomoxenous life cycle in sarcosporidia. Int. J. Parasitol. 31: 413–417.
- Lukeš J. & Votýpka J. (2000). Trypanosoma avium: Novel features of the kinetoplast structure. Exp. Parasitol. 96: 178–181.
- Kodedová I., Doležel D., Broučková M., Jirků M., Hypša V., Lukeš J. & Scholz T. (2000). On the phylogenetic position of the Caryophyllidea, Pseudophyllidea and Proteocephalidea (Eucestoda) inferred from 18S rRNA. Int. J. Parasitol. 30: 1109–1113.
- Doležel D., Jirků M., Maslov D.A. & Lukeš J. (2000) Phylogeny of the bodonid flagellates (Kinetoplastida) based on small subunit rRNA gene sequences. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 50: 1943–1951.
- Yurchenko V., Kolesnikov A.A. & Lukeš J. (2000) Phylogenetic analysis of Trypanosomatina (Protozoa: Kinetoplastida) based on minicircle conserved regions. Folia Parasitol. 47:1–5.
- Avliyakulov N., Lukeš J., Kajava A.V., Liedberg B., Lundstrom I. & Svensson S.P.S. (2000) Suramin blocks nucleotide triphosphate binding to ribosomal protein L3 from Trypanoplasma borreli. Europ. J. Biochem. 267: 1723–1731.
- Lukeš J. & Maslov D.A. (2000) Unexpectedly high variability of histone H4 gene in Leishmania. Parasitol. Res. 86: 259–261.
- Blom D., de Haan A., van den Burg J., van den Berg M., Sloof P., Jirků M., Lukeš J. & Benne R. (2000) Mitochondrial minicircles in the free–living bodonid Bodo saltans contain two gRNA gene cassettes and are not found in large networks. RNA 6: 1–15.
- Doležel D., Koudela B., Jirků M., Hypša V., Oborník M., Votýpka J.,Modrý D., Šlapeta J.R. & Lukeš J. (1999) Phylogenetic analysis of Sarcocystis spp. of mammals and reptiles support the coevolution of Sarcocystis spp. with their final hosts. Int. J. Parasitol.. 29: 795–798.
- Yurchenko V., Hobza R., Benada O. & Lukeš J. (1999) Trypanosoma avium: Large minicircles in the kinetoplast DNA. Exp. Parasitol. 92: 215–218.
- Maslov D.A. & Lukeš J. (1998) Searching for a tree which can be trusted. Parasitol. Today 14: 334.
- Hollar L., Lukeš J. & Maslov D.A. (1998) Monophyly of endosymbiont–containing trypanosomatids: Phylogeny versus Taxonomy. J. Euk. Microbiol. 45: 293–297.
- Votýpka J., Hypša V., Jirků M., Flegr J., Vávra J. & Lukeš J. (1998) Molecular phylogenetic relatedness of Frenkelia spp. (Protozoa, Apicomplexa) to Sarcocystis falcatula Stiles 1893: Is the genus Sarcocystis paraphyletic? J. Euk. Microbiol. 45: 137–141.
- Lukeš J., Jirků M., Avliyakulov N. & Benada O. (1998) Pankinetoplast DNA structure in a primitive bodonid flagellate, Cryptobia helicis. EMBO J. 17: 838–846.
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- Král’ová I., van de Peer Y., Jirků M., van Ranst M., Scholz T. & Lukeš J. (1997) Phylogenetic analysis of a fish tapeworm, Proteocephalus exiguus, based on the small subunit rRNA gene. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 84: 263–266.
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- Jirků M., Kolesnikov A.A., Benada O. & Lukeš J. (1995) Marine fish and ray trypanosomes have large kinetoplast minicircle DNA. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 73: 279–283.
- Lukeš J. (1995) Goussia chalupskyi n.sp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the chub Leuciscus cephalus (Cyprinidae). Syst. Parasitol. 30:27–30.
- Kolesnikov A.A., Jirků M., Pecková H., Polák A., Maslov D.A., Lukeš J. (1995) Analysis of kinetoplast DNA of freshwater fish trypanosomes. Folia Parasitol. 40: 424–428.
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- Lukeš J. (1994) Morphology of life cycle of Goussia bohemica n.sp. (Apicomplexa, Eimeriidae), a parasite of the goblet and epithelial cells of the gudgeon (Gobio gobio L.). Europ. J. Protistol. 30: 68–74.
- Lukeš J., Volf P. & Lom J. (1993) Detection of chitin in spores of Myxobolus muelleri and M. subepithelialis (Myxosporea, Myxozoa). Parasitol. Res. 79: 439–440.
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- Lukeš J. & Starý V. (1992) Ultrastructure of life cycle stages of Goussia janae (Apicomplexa, Eimeriidae) and X–ray microanalysis of accompanying precipitates. Can. J. Zool. 70: 2382–2397.
- Zajíček P. & Lukeš J. (1992) Differentiation of freshwater and marine fish trypanosomes by lectin agglutinability. Folia Parasitol. 39: 195–200.
- Lukeš J. (1992) Life cycle of Goussia pannonica (Molnár, 1989) (Apicomplexa, Eimeriorina), an extracytoplasmic coccidium from the white bream, Blicca bjoerkna. J. Protozool. 39: 484–494.
- Lukeš J. & Kepr T. (1992) Eimeria lydiae n.sp. (Apicomplexa, Eimeriidae), a parasite of the brown trout, Salmo trutta m. fario (Salmonidae). Arch. Protistenkd. 141: 219–222.
- Lukeš J. & Vávra J. (1991) Microsporidium aedium n.sp., from the mosquito Aedes cantans. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 58: 274–276.
- Lukeš J., Steinhagen D. & Körting W. (1991) Goussia carpelli (Apicomplexa, Eimeriorina) from cyprinid fish: Field observations and infection experiments. Angew. Parasitol. 32:149–153.
- Steinhagen D., Lukeš J. & Körting W. (1990) Ultrastructural observations on gamogonic stages of Goussia subepithelialis (Apicomplexa, Coccidia) from common carp Cyprinus carpio. Dis. aquat. Org. 9: 31–36.
- Lukeš J. & Dyková I. (1990) Goussia janae n.sp. (Apicomplexa,Eimeriorina) in dace Leuciscus leuciscus and chub L. cephalus. Dis. aquat. Org. 8: 85–90.
- Lukeš J. & Vávra J. (1990) Life cycle of Amblyospora weiseri n.sp. (Microsporidia) in Aedes cantans (Diptera, Culicidae). Europ. J. Protistol. 25: 200–208.
- Volf P., Lukeš J. & Srp V. (1990) Study on the population of the warble fly, Oestromyia leporina (Pallas 1778) (Diptera, Hypodermatidae) in Bohemia. Folia Parasitol. 37: 187–190.
Updated: May 2024
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