Zpět na seznam článků
Johan Zdeněk
Prof., RNDr., CSc., Dr.h.c.
Born November 18, 1935 in Lomnice nad Popelkou
- Honorary member of Learned Society since 1995
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1953, graduate, academic secondary school, Semily;
- 1953-1958, Faculty of Geology, Charles University (FG CU);
- 1964, RNDr., FG CU; 1964, CSc., FG CU
Employment and academic positions:
- 1958-1963, Mineralogist; Head, Mineralogy Department, Institute for Ore Research, Prague;
- 1963-1965, geologist and mineralogist, Geological Service, Tunis, Tunisia;
- 1965-1968, scientist, Institute of Geology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (CSAS), Prague (1967-1968, scientific secretary);
- 1969-1972, scientist Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM) in Orléans, France;
- 1972-1977, Head, Department of Mineralogy, BRGM;
- 1977-1989, Director, Centre di Recherches sur la Synthèse et la chimie des minéraux, CNRS, Orléans;
- 1977-1989, Director, Groupement ď Intérêet scientifique BRGM-CNRS;
- 1989-1997, Scientific Director, BRGM, Orléans;
- 1993-1997, Inspecteur Général, BRGM; 1997, Inspecteur Général honoraire, BRGM
Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies:
- 1991, Honorary Member, Czech Geological Society
- 1991-1997, Honorary Member, Scientific Council, Faculty of Science (FS), CU
- 2000, External member, Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Mineral Resources, CU
Membership and positions in international organizations and societies:
- 1966 member, 1993, president, Société française de minéralogie et de cristallographie
- 1969, Fellow, Mineralogical Society of America
- 1969, Member, Mineralogical Association of Canada
- 1970, Member, Meteoritical Society
- 1977, Member, 1994-1994 President, Society of Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits
- 1981, Regional Editor Mineralogy and Petrology
- 1982-1986, Member, comité National CNRS
- 1990, Correspondent, Académie des Sciences, Institute de France
- 1992, Foreign Member, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
- 1992, Éditeur associé, Comptes Rendus de ľ Académie des Sciences, Paris
- 1993, Correspondent, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
- 1995-2000 Member, Commision pour la Science et ľ Art de la République française auprès de ľ UNESCO
- 1996, Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea
- 1996-1998, Vice-president, International Mineralogical Association
- 1996-2000, Treasurer, International Union of Geological Sciences
Notable awards:
- 1986, Ordre National du Mérite, President of the Republic of France
- 1987, A. Dumont Medal, Société géologique de Belgique, Bruxelles
- 1988, Award, Charles-Louis de Saulses de Freyssinet, Académie des Sciences, Paris
- 1989, Medal, FS, CU
- 1991, Emanuel Bořický Medal, CU
- 1993, Ordre National des Palmes académiques, President of the Republic of France
- 1993, René-Just Haüy Medal, Société française de Minéralogie et Cristalllographie, Paris
- 1993, Silver Medal Abraham-Gottlob Werner, Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft, München
- 1996, Silver Medal, 30th International Geological Congress, Beijing, China
- 1998, Doctor Honoris Causa, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Selected publications:
- Z. Johan: Alaskan-type complexes and their platinum group element mineralization. In: The Geology, Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Mineral Beneficiation of Platinum-Group Elements, Canadian Institution of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, spc. vol. 54, 2002, pp. 669-719
- Z. Johan, V. Johan: Les micas do la coupole granitique de Cinovec (Zinnwald), République Tchèque: un nouvel aperçu sur la métallogenese de ľ étain et de tungstčne. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 332, 307 (2001)
- V. Johan, Z. Johan: Accesory minerals of the Cinovec (Zinnwald), granite cupola, Czech Republic. Part 1: Nb-, Ta- and Ti-bearing oxides. Mineralogy and Petrology 51, 323 (1994)
- Z. Johan, V. Johan: Oxyfluores de terres rares de la coupole granitique de Cinovec (Zinnwald), République Tchèque. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 318, 1333 (1994)
- E. Slansky, Z. Johan. M. Ohnenstetter, L. M. Barron, D. Suppel: Platinum mineralization in the Alaskan-type intrusive complexes near Fifield, N.S.W., Australia. Part 2. Platinum group minerals in placer deposits at Field. Mineralogy and Petrology 43, 161 (1991)
- Z. Johan. M. Ohnenstetter, W. Fischer, J. Amossé: Platinum-group minerals from the Durance river alluvium, France. Mineralogy and Petrology 42, 287 (1990)
- Z. Johan, M. Ohnenstetter, E. Slansky, L. M. Barron, D. Suppel: Platinum mineralization in the Alaskan-type intrusive compexes near Fifield, new south wales, Australia. Part1. Platinum-group minerals in clinopyroxenites of the Kelvin Grove Prospect, Owendale intrusion. Mineralogy and Petrology 40, 289 (1989)
- Z. Johan: Indium and germanium in the structure of sphalerite: an example of coupled substitution with copper. Mineralogy and Petrology 39, 211 (1998)
- Z. Johan: Chromite deposits in the Massif du sud ophiolite, New Caledonia: genetic considerations. In: Chromites. Theoprastus Publishers, Athens, 1986, pp. 311-339
- Z. Johan, E. Oudin, P. Picot: Analogues germanifères et gallifères des silicates et oxydes dans les gisements de zinc des Pyrènèes centrales, France: argutite et carboirite, deux nouvelles espèces minérales. Tschermaks Min. Petr. Mitt. 31, 97 (1983)
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17. ledna 2023, moderoval Martin Loebl:
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