
The Council of the Learned Society expresses its support for the Serbian academic community

The Council of the Learned Society expresses its support for Serbian students and university representatives who are facing intimidation and attacks on academic freedom.

The learned society stands behind Ukraine

The Council of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic expresses its support for Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression and appeals to the Czech political representation to take the necessary steps, together with its European partners, to strengthen Ukraine's defense capabilities and to ensure the security of the entire European continent.

Statement of the Council of the Learned Society on the resignation of Helena Langšádlová

The Council of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic has received with regret the news of the resignation of the Minister for Science, Research and Innovation, Helena Langšádlová. We are watching with concern the related destabilization in this strategically important ministry at the beginning of the second half of the election period and at the time of preparing the budget for next year.

The Learned Society joins the call condemning anti-Semitism

Prof. David Jan Novotný of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University and Dr Věra Tydlitátová of the Faculty of Arts of The University of West Bohemia have formulated an appeal to their colleagues in which they warn against the growing anti-Semitism and ask the competent institutions to confront the prejudiced hatred...

Supporting Israel's universities

The Council of the Learned Society joins the Declaration of the Czech Rectors Conference in support of the universities of Israel and expresses its support for the Israeli people in their fight against the terrorist attacks...

The Learned society endorses the statement of the Czech Rectors Conference on the Russian attack on the university in Mykolaiv

At least ten Russian missiles hit two universities in Mykolaiv, Ukraine, on Friday, 15 July. The Czech Rectors Conference (CRC) strongly condemned the attack in its statement, which the Learned Society fully endorses.

Statement by the Council of the Learned Society on the ratification of the Istanbul Convention

The President and members of the Council of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic join the voices that support the steps leading to the ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence...

Give honorary EU membership to Ukraine now!

We appeal urgently to the EU governments and the European Council to grant Ukraine an honorary EU membership and start accession talks towards full EU membership of Ukraine now! 

Joint Statement in Support of Ukraine

Urgent appeal to the governments of the European Union and the United States

Ukrainians are fighting heroically for their freedom and democracy. But they are also fighting for our freedom and democracy and, if only for that reason, we must help them efficiently and without any delay...

Reaction of the Learned Society on the open letter from Russian scientists and science journalists against war with Ukraine

Dear colleagues, we have great respect for Russian science and all that it has contributed, and what you yourself contribute, to the world treasury of knowledge. That is why we welcome and highly appreciate your brave stance on the aggression unleashed by your country's leadership against Ukraine and its people...

In the Name of Science: Urging for Peace!

An open letter from the scientific community of the Czech Republic to the Russian Academy of Science.
Dear Russian colleagues, we were greatly appalled to receive the news about the open war that Russia has begun against Ukraine...

Reaction to the case of Tomáš Hudlický

„We believe that free exchange of ideas is a key condition for the pursuit of truth and that the honest opinions should be scrutinized, challenged or rebutted but not censored or suppressed,“ say 45 members of the Learned Society in a statement regarding the retracted opinion paper by Prof. Tomáš Hudlický.

The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic has appealed to the Hungarian President to support academic freedom

On Friday 19 July the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the Learned Society of the Czech Republic sent a letter to Hungarian President János Ánder, in which they state their concerns regarding the situation in respect to management and funding of scientific activities in Hungary.