Doc. RNDr. Václav Hořejší, DrSc. Institute of Molecular Genetics The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic for discoveries in the structure and function of surface molecules of white corpuscles Prize donated by CZ Strakonice, a.s., Strakonice
Ing. Karel Ulbrich, CSc. Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic for significant results in the research of polymer carriers of cancerostatics Prize donated by Kaučuk, a.s., Kralupy nad Vltavou
Junior Scientist Award
RNDr. Pavel Jungwirth, CSc. J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic for a significant contribution to the development of femtosecond quantum molecular dynamics of multipart systems Prize donated by CZ Strakonice, a.s., Strakonice
RNDr. David Vokrouhlický, CSc. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University for significant contributions to classical and relativistic celestial mechanics and relativistic astrophysics Prize donated by Elektro-Praga, a.s., Hlinsko
RNDr. Jan Sedláček Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry Faculty of Science, Charles University for work in organic polymers of a type of substituted poly(acetylenes) Prize donated by Kaučuk, a.s., Kralupy nad Vltavou