prof. RNDr. Luděk Zajíček, DrSc. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague for significant discoveries in convex analysis and differentiable function theory in Banach spaces
Junior Scientist Award
RNDr. Pavel Kocán, Ph.D. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague for contributions in the study of atomic processes on solid surfaces
RNDr. Jitka Žlůvová, Ph.D. Institute of Biophysics of the CAS, v. v. i. for discoveries in the evolution of sex chromosomes and sex determination for plants
Grammar School Student Awards
Vít Ladányi Agricultural Secondary School in Český Těšín
Kateřina Machová Grammar School and Secondary Education School in Liberec
Veronika Mojdlová Grammar School in Uničov
Tereza Nedvědová Jířovcova Grammar School, České Budějovice
Ondřej Nezval Secondary Technical School in Šumperk
Magdalena Nováková Episcopal Grammar School in Prague 2
Olga Ryparová Hranice Grammar School
Alexander Slávik Brno-Řečkovice Grammar School
Jiří Vančura Secondary Technical School of Communication Techniques in Prague 1