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Brunovský Pavol
Prof., RNDr., DrSc.,
Born December 4, 1934 in Vienna, † 2018
- Professor, coordinator of study programmes
- Honorary member of Learned Society since 2004
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1958, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University (ComU), Bratislava, field of mathematical analysis;
- 1958, RNDr.; 1964, CSc.; 1978, DrSc.; 1990, Associate Professor
- 1991, Full Professor
Employment and academic positions:
- 1959-1970, Institute of Engineering Cybernetics, Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) 1970-1974, Institute of Mathematics SAS;
- 1974, Institute of Applied Mathematics (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics (FMFI), ComU); 1974-present, Visiting Professor;
- 1974, University of Firenze (Italy);
- 1980, 1987, Michigan State University (USA);
- 1992, University of Vienna (Austria); 1992, University of Tokyo;
- 1995, University of Nice (France);
- 1999, University of Paris-South;
- Invited lectures at international conferences: Lecture in section, 1978, International Congress of Mathematicians. Helsinki (Finland); 1987, Plenary lecture, Equadiff 87, Xanthi (Greece); 1972, Lecture in section, Equadiff 3, Brno 1985, Equadiff 6, Brno 1985
Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies:
- 1989, Chairman, Slovak Committee for Scientific Degrees
- 1990-1992, Vice-Chairman, Council of Government of Slovak Republic for science and technology
- 1991-1992, Chairman, National Committee for Mathematics of Czech and Slovak Federal Republic
- 1993-present, Chairman, National Committee for Mathematics of Slovak Republic
Membership and positions in international organizations and societies:
- 1993-2001, Member, Scientific Council of the S. Banach International Mathematics Centre
- 1982, Member, Panel for Selection of Invited Lectures at World Congress of Mathematicians
- Member, Editorial Boards of two international journals and a series of proceedings
Selected publications:
- P. Brunovský: A classification of linear controllable systems. Kybernetika 6, 173 (1970)
- P. Brunovský: One one-parameter families of diffeomorphisms I, II. Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae (CMUC) 10, 559 (1970), 11, 765 (1971)
- P. Brunovský: On the structure of optimal feedback systems. In: Proc. ICM 1978 (O. Lehto, ed.), 842 (1980)
- P. Brunovský, B. Fiedler: Connecting orbits in scalar reaction-diffusion equations I, II. Dynamics Reported 1, 57 (1988), J. of Diff. Equations 81, 106 (1989)
- P. Brunovský: The attractor of the scalar reaction-diffusion equation is a smooth graph. J. of Dynamics and Diff. Equations 2, 193 (1989)
- P. Brunovský, P. Poláčik: The Morse-Smale structure of a generic reactiondiffusion equation. J. of Diff. Equations 135, 129 (1997)