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John Ctirad
Prof., MUDr., DrSc
Born August 15, 1920 in Číčenice, † 2018
- Principles of efficiency of adjuvant immunization, immunology
- Member of Learned Society since1994 (Founding member)
- Member, Administrative Board, Foundation Fund, 1997-1999
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1939, graduated, academic secondary school in Vodňany;
- 1939, 1945-49, Faculty of Medicine, Charles University (FM CU);
- 1949, MUDr., FM CU;
- 1957, CSc., FM CU;
- 1960, Associate Professor of microbiology and immunology at FM CU;
- 1961-1962, study stay, Pasteur Institute in Paris;
- 1987, DrSc., Faculty of Natural Science CU;
- 1990, Professor, medical microbiology and immunology at the First Faculty of Medicine, CU
Employment and academic positions:
- 1940-1942, Volunteer, Municipal Authority in Písek;
- 1942-1945, teacher, apprentice school in Písek;
- 1950-1952, assistant, Microbiological Institute, FM CU;
- 1952-1955, post-graduate student, MI FM CU;
- 1955-1960, lecturer, MI FM CU;
- 1961-1970, Associate Professor, MI FM CU;
- 1970-1980, temporary Head and 1981-1987, Head, Department of Microbiology and Immunology of FM CU;
- 1988-1998, scientific worker, Laboratory for Special Medical Microbiology and Department of General Immunology, First FM CU.
Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies:
- 1966-1999, Chairman, editorial board, Acta Universitatis Carolinae Medica;
- 1960-1980, member editorial board, Folia Microbiologica;
- 1972-1984, member, Commission for Defence of Candidatus Scientiarum Theses in Microbiology;
- 1990-1998, member, Scientific Council of the First FM CU;
- 1993-1998, member, Presidium, Grant Agency of the Czech Republic;
- 1972-1993, Chairman, Commission for Doctorates in Microbiology;
- 1993-1998, member, Scientific Council, AS CR;
- 1993-1996, member, Scientific Council, Institute of Experimental Medicine, AS CR;
- 1994-1998, member, Scientific Council, Institute of Microbiology, AS CR;
- 1993-present, member, editorial board, Central Europe Journal of Public Health;
- 2003-present, member, Scientific Council, State Institute of Health, Prague;
- 2003-present, member, Commission for Scientific Integrity, AS CR;
- 2004-present, member, Czech Medical Academy.
Membership and positions in international organisations and societies:
- 1965-1975, member, internationalm group of experts in Epidemiology of Brucellosis, World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva)
- 1967, member, panel of experts in imunology for The Teaching of Immunology WHO Medical Curriculum
Notable awards:
- 1971, Annual Award, Presidium of the J.E. Purkyně Czechoslovak Medical Association
- 1985, Purkyně Silver Medal, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
- 1989, Award, Rector of Charles University
- 1985, Memorial Medal, Masaryk University, Brno
- 1990, Purkyně Gold Plaque, CSAS
- 1998, Jubilee Medal, Charles University
- 2000, Honorary J. E. Purkyně Medal, AS CR
- 2000, Honorary Patočka Medal, Czechoslovak Microbiological Society
Selected publications:
- C. John, J. Schindler, R. Vaněček: Susceptibility of young rats to strains of Brucella with varying virulence. J. Hyg. Epidemiol. Microbiol. Immunol. 1, 342 (1957)
- C. John, T. Geršl: Parenteral administration of oil as a factor stimulating antibody production. In: Mechanismus of Antibody Formation. Academia, Prague,1960, pp 363-372
- C. John: Synthesis of immunoglobulins after antigen application by different routes. In: Development Aspects of Antibody Formation and Structure. Academia Press, Prague, 1970, pp. 810-826
- C. John, H. Šestáková, M. Mára: Changes in the migratory activity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes after administration of Freund’s adjuvant. Folia Microbiol. 30, 224 (1985)
- F. Patočka, C. John, I. Sprátková, H. Šestáková: Inhibition of antibody formation by Tetracycline on the cellular level. In: Advances in Antimicrobial and Antineoplastic Chemotherapy. Urban & Schwarzenberg, Munich-Berlin-Vienna, 1972, pp. 193-196
- C. John, K. Benešová, M. Morávková: Inhibition of antibody formation by minimum doses of Actinomycin and Tetracycline in adjuvant immunisation. In: Advances in Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. Urban & Schwarzenberg, Munich-Berlin-Vienna, 1972, 197-200
- K. Nouza, C. John: Imunologie a medicína (Immunology and Medicine) Avicenum, Prague,1972, 469 pp; 1976, 759 pp
- K. Nouza, C. John: Imunologie zdraví a nemoci (Immunology of Health and Disease). Avicenum, Prague 1987, 356 pp
- C. John: Imunologie, medicína a svět (Immunology, Medicine and the World). Palacký University, Olomouc,1996, 38 pp