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Schreiber Vratislav
Prof., MUDr., DrSc.
Born June 29, 1924 in Prague
- Endocrinology, pathological and clinical physiology
- Member of Learned Society since 1994 (Founding member)
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1943, graduation, academic secondary school, Vršovice-Prague;
- 1945-1950, Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague;
- 1950, MUDr.; 1957, CSc.; 1963, DrSc.; 1963, Associate Professor;
- 1969, Professor, clinical physiology;
- 1956, first class certificate in internal medicine;
- 1967, certificate in endocrinology.
Employment and academic positions:
- 1943-1945, forced labour at Českomoravské strojírny, Prague;
- 1945, laboratory technician (briefly), Third Medical Clinic;
- 1946-1950, Physiological Institute, Faculty of Medicine, CU (demonstrator, assistant scientific worker; auxiliary assistant);
- 1950, District Hospital in Děčín (two months);
- 1950-1955, military service (in accordance with §39, Military Service Law);
- 1955-1957, secondary physician, Third Medical Clinic, Faculty Hospital, CU, Prague 2;
- 1957-1996, Laboratory of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Third Medical Clinic, Faculty of General Medicine, CU (successively: expert worker, scientific worker, independent scientific worker, head scientific worker, deputy director, head, clinic laboratories);
- 1996, expert worker, part-time work as pensioner.
Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies:
- 1969, Vice-Rector, CU, abdicated;
- 1990, member, Scientific Councils, First Faculty of Medicine and Second Faculty of Medicine, CU;
- 1973-1992, alternating chairman, Czechoslovak Endocrinological Society; 1992-2001, chairman, Czech Endocrinological Society;
- 2001, honorary chairman, Czech Endocrinological Society; chairman, Council for Popularisation of Science, AS CR;
- member, editorial boards: Physiological Research, Experimental and Clinical Cardiology, Vesmír and Neuroendocrinology.
Notable awards:
- 1957-1989, award, Czechoslovak Society for Occupational Medicine; award (twice), CS Endocrinological Society; award, CS Physiological Society; honorary membership, CS Endocrinological Society; honorary membership, J. E. Purkyně CS Medical Society; Purkyně’s Medal; award, Scientific Council, Ministry of Health;
- 1985, Avicenum Award;
- 1965 1988, State Prizes;
- 1993, prize, Minister of Health;
- 2002, „Premium Bohemiae“ Award, „Českému ráji“ Foundation of B. J. Horáček;
- 2003, State Award „For Merit, Second Class“ of the President of the Czech Republic.
Selected publications:
- Being an Outsider. In: Pioneers in Neuroendocrinology II. (J. Meites, Ed., Plenum Press, New York and London,1978
- Fysiologie systému diencefalo-pituitárního (Physiology of the Diencephalo-Pituitary System), Thomayerova sb., SZN, Prague 1949
- Základy pokusné endokrinologie (Fundamentals of Experimental Endocrinology) (with O. Schreiberová). Prague, 1954; 2nd ed., SZN, Prague 1957
- Systém hypothalamo-hypofysární (The Hypothalamo-Hypophysial System). SZN, Prague 1959; English translation, Nakl. ČSAV, Prague 1963
- Patofyziologie žláz s vnitřní sekrecí (Pathophysiology of Glands with Internal Secretion) Prague, 1970; 2nd edition 1973, 3rd edition l979; Russian translation, Avicenum, Prague, 1985
- Stres. Patofyziologie, endokrinologie, klinika (Stress. Pathophysiology, Endocrinology, Clinic). (editor and co-author) Avicenum, Prague 1985
- Medicina na přelomu tisíciletí (Medicine at the Turn of the Millenum). Academia, Prague 2000
- Six translations of monographs or chapters in monographs
- Eleven textbooks (chapters) or course books
- Nine chapters in collective monographs (four abroad)
- Six popular books, Medical entries in the Universum encyclopaedia (volumes 10, 4, and 1), Prague, Odeon, 2000-2003