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Sklenář Vladimír
Prof., RNDr., DrSc.
Born April 16, 1951 in Brno, † April 13, 2024
- Physical chemistry
- Member of Learned Society since 2002
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1969, graduate, secondary general education school, Brno, Lechova 63;
- 1969-1974, Faculty of Natural Science (FS), Jan Evangelista Purkyně University (UJEP), Brno (chemistry);
- 1975, RNDr., FS UJEP (physical chemistry);
- 1985, CSc., Institute of Technology Brno (applied physics);
- 1992, Associate Professor in physical chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague;
- 1997, Full Professor of physical chemistry, Masaryk University (MU), Brno
Employment and academic positions:
- 1976-1995, professional and scientific worker in various positions, Institute of Instrumental Technology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Brno;
- 1986-1987, visiting fellow, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda (USA);
- 1992-1995, visiting scientist, Marion Merrel Dow Research Institute, Strasbourg, France;
- 1995-present, FS MU, Department of Theoretical and Physical Chemistry;
- 1996-2000, Deputy Head, Laboratory of the Structure and Dynamics of Biomolecules;
- 2000-present, Deputy Director, National Centre for Research on Biomolecules
Membership in domestic scientific bodies (selection):
- 1998-present, Member, Scientific Councils: SC of MU;
- 1999-presemt. SC, Faculty of Natural Science, MU;
- 2000-2003, Charles University in Prague;
- 1999-2002, Member, Commission for Defence of Theses in 14-04-9 Physical Chemistry and in 14-06-9 Chemical Physics;
- 2003-present, Member, Commission for Defence of Doctoral Theses in Analytical Chemistry;
- 2001-present, Member, Commission for Evaluation of Research Plans and Results of Institutional Research of the State Office for Nuclear Safety.
Membership and positions in international organizations and societies:
- Member, International Society of Magnetic Resonance, Groupment Ampére
- Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Magnetic Resonance
Important awards:
- 2001, Award, Learned Society (in the category of scientific worker)
Selected publications:
- Sklenář V., Starčuk Z.: 1-2-1 Pulse Train: A New Effective Method of Selective Excitation for Proton NMR in Water. J. Magn. Reson. 50, 495 (1982)
- Sklenář V., Miyashiro H., Zon G., Miles T., Bax A.: Assignment of the 31 P Resonances in Oligonucleotides by Two-dimensional NMR Spectroscopy. FEBS Letters 208, 94 (1986)
- Sklenář V., Bax A.: Spin-Echo Water Suppression for the Generation of Pure-Phase Two-Dimensional NMR Spectra. J. Magn. Reson. 74, 469 (1987)
- Sklenář V., Feigon J.: Formation of a Stable Triplex from a Single DNA Strand. Nature 345, 836 (1990)
- Piotto M., Saudek V., Sklenář V.: Gradient-tailored Excitation for Single-quantum NMR Spectroscopy of Aqueous Solutions. J. Biomol. NMR 2, 661 (1992)
- Sklenář V., Peterson R.D., Rejante M.R., Wang E., Feigon J.: Two-Dimensional Triple-Resonance HCNCH Experiment for Direct Correlation of Ribose H1' and Base H8, H6 Protons in 13C, 15N-Labeled RNA Oligonucleotides. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115, 12181-12182 (1993)
- Sklenář V.: Suppression of Radiation Damping in Multidimensional NMR Experiments Using Magnetic Field Gradients. J. Magn. Reson. Ser. A. 114, 132-135 (1995)
- Fiala R., Czernek J., Sklenář V.: Transverse Relaxation Optimized Triple-Resonance NMR Experiments for Nucleic Acids. J. Biomol. NMR 16, 291-302 (2000)
- Žídek L., Wu H., Feigon J., Sklenář V.: Measurement of Small Scalar and Dipolar Couplings in Purine and Pyrimidine Bases. J. Biomol. NMR 21, 153-160 (2001)
- Munzarová M., Sklenář V. A DFT Analysis of NMR Scalar Interactions Across the Glycosidic Bond in DNA J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 125, 3649-3658 (2003)