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Šmahel František
Prof., PhDr., DrSc.
Born August 17, 1934 in Trhová Kamenice, † January 5, 2025
- Mediaeval and Renaissance history
- Member of Learned Society since 1995
- Member, LS Council, 1996-1998
- LS Vice-Chairman, 1998-2000, LS Chairman, 2002
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1953, graduated, academic secondary school, Chrudim;
- 1954-1959, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University;
- 1963, PhDr, FP, CU; 1965, CSc, FP, CU;
- 1990, DrSc., Institute of History, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences;
- 1991 Associate Professor, ancient Czech history, FP, CU;
- 1995, Professor, Czech history, FP, CU.
Employment and academic positions:
- 1953-1954, miner, Jan Šverma Mine, Ostrava;
- 1959-1963, Director, Municipal Museum, Litvínov;
- 1964-1974, scientific worker, Institute of History, CSAS;
- 1975-1979, tram driver; 1980-1989, historian, Hussite Revolutionary Movement Museum, Tábor;
- 1990-1998, Director, Institute of History, CSAS and AS CR;
- 1993-1998, Head, Seminar on Czech Mediaeval History, FP, CU;
- since 1998 Director, Centre for Mediaeval Studies
Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies:
- 1990-2002, Editor-in-chief, Český časopis historický;
- 1991-1992, member, Coordination Council, Government of CR, for Research and Development and Vice-Chairman, Grant Agency AS CR;
- 1993-1994, Vice-Chairman, Council for Sciences, AS CR; since 2001, Chairman;
- 1993-2000, member, Government Commission for Scientific Degrees;
- since 1995, member, Scientific Council, CU;
- since 1998, member, Accreditation Commission of the Government of the CR
Membership and positions in international organizations and societies:
- 1994, Collegian, Historisches Kolleg, Munich
- 1995, Member, Collegium Carolinum, Munich
- 1996, Honorary member, American Historical Society, Washington
- 1997, Correspondent, Royal Historical Society, London
- 1997, Correspondent, British Academy, London
- 2003, Foreign member, Monumenta Germaniae Historica, MunichNotable awards:
- 1966, Annual Award, Melantrich Publishing House, Prague
- 1983, Bronze Medal, College de France, Paris
- 1990, M.Planck Research Award, M.Planck Gesellschaft, Humboldt Stiftung
- 1993, Otto-von-Freising Gastprofessur, Katholische Universität, Eichstätt
- 1994, Forschungspreis, Stiftung des Historischen Kollegs, Munich
- 1995, Annual Award, AS CR, Prague
- 1996, Hans-Sigrid-Preis, Universität Bern
- 1998, František Palacký Medal, AS CR
- 2002, Second Class Medal, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports
- 2002, First Class State Award for Merit, President of the Czech Republic
- 2004, František Palacký Award, Palacký University, Olomouc
Selected publications:
- Bibliografie prací Františka Šmahela z let 1956-1994 (Bibliography of the work of František Šmahel 1956-1994). In: Husitství-Reformace-Renesance (Hussitism-Reformation-Renaissance); Sborník k 60. narozeninám Františka Šmahela (Collected works on the occasion of the 60th birthday of František Šmahel), Vol. III, Prague,1994, pp. 1059-1129
- Bibliography 1995-2004 in Evropa a Čechy na konci středověku (Europe and Bohemia in the Late Middle Ages). Prague, 2004, pp. 11-33
- Humanismus v době poděbradské (Humanism in the King George of Poděbrady Age), Prague, 1963
- Pražské universitní studentstvo (Prague University Students) 1399-1419, Prague, 1967
- Verzeichnis der Quellen zum Prager Universalienstreit 1348-1500, Wroclaw-Warszawa-Kraków-Gdansk, 1980
- La révolution hussite, une anomalie historique, Paris, 1985
- Zur politischen Präsentation und Allegorie im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert, Munich 1994
- Husitská revoluce 1–4 (Hussite Revolution 1-4), 2. Ed., Prague, 1995-1996
- Idea národa v husitských Čechách (The Idea of the Nation in Hussite Bohemia), second supplemented edition, Prague, 2002
- Husitské Čechy. Struktury, procesy, ideje (Hussite Bohemia. Structure, processes, ideas), Prague, 2001
- Die Hussitische Revolution I-III, Hannover 2002 (MGH Schriften 43, 1-3)
- Mezi středověkem a renesancí (Between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance), Prague, 2002