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Sommer Petr
Prof., PhDr., CSc., DSc.
Born 30 November 1949 in Rakovník, † 12 August 2023
- Archaeology, history
- Member of Learned Society since 2015
Studies and professional preparation
- 1968-1973 Faculty of Arts and Philosophy of Charles University (FFUK) in Prague, prehistory-history
- 1977 PhDr., FFUK in Prague
- 1983 Defence of his Candidate of Science dissertation work (CSc.), FFUK in Prague, Theme: The material culture of the Bohemian order houses founded until 1306.
- 2001 Habilitation (process to become an Assoc. Prof.), Scientific Council of FFUK in Prague. Theme of the work: The spiritual culture of early medieval Bohemia
- 2007 Appointment as a professor for the field of art history, Charles University in Prague
- 2009 Granting of the degree “Doctor of Sciences”, Scientific Council of the CAS. Theme: Saint Procopius: From the beginnings of the Bohemian state and church.
- 1972-1975 East Bohemian Museum in Pardubice
- 1975 Museum of the Capital City of Prague
- 1976- Institute of Archaeology of the CAS in Prague, v.v.i.
- 1998- Institute of Philosophy of the CAS Prague, v.v.i./Centre of Medieval Studies of the CAS and CU in Prague
Membership and functions in domestic scientific bodies
- SC of the Pedagogical Faculty in Prague
- SC of CU in Prague
- SC of the Institute of Archaeology of the CAS Prague, v.v.i., president
- Supervisory Council of the Institute of Archaeology of the CAS Brno, v.v.i., president
- Permanent Working Group of the Accreditation Commission of the MEYS of the CR – History.
- Gremium for Granting Scientific Degrees of the CAS
- Scientific Council for Monument Care MC of the CR
- Learned Society of the CR
Membership and functions in foreign scientific bodies
- Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, corresponding member
- Geistewissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas e. V. in Leipzig, member of the editorial council
- Commission of the History of Architecture ICOMOS (Wroclaw)
- Forschungsstelle für Vergleichende Ordensgeschichte (FOVOG) - Katholische Universität Eichstätt (Member of SC)
- Europäisches Romanik-Zentrum Halle, member of the international council
- Member of the advisory board of the project Monastic Wales (University of Lampeter)
Significant awards
- 2001 Honorary citizenship of the town of Sázava
- 2003 Award of the CAS for best scientific result of 2002
- 2008 Annual award of the publishing house Vyšehrad for original work
- 2010 Award of the Rector of CU for the best publication of 2009 in the area of the social sciences
- 2010 Award of the CAS for scientific result
- 2010 Annual award of the Czech Literary Funds Foundation
- 2013 Award of the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports for exceptional results of research, experimental development and innovation for 2013
- 2014 Honorary field medal of František Palacký for merit in the historical sciences
- 2015 Membership in the Learned Society
Selection of the publications:
- Začátky křesťanství v Čechách. Kapitoly z dějin raně středověké duchovní kultury [The Beginnings of Christianity in Bohemia: Chapters from the history of early medieval spiritual culture], Praha 2001, 174 p., il., phot., edice Historica.
- Svatý Prokop. Z počátků českého státu a církve [Saint Procopius: From the beginnings of the Bohemian state and church], Praha 2007, Velké postavy českých dějin 6.
- The Churches of the Sedlčany Region, Sedlčany-Praha 2011 (ed. Martin Stecker)
- Sázavský klášter [Sázava Monastery], Praha 2013 (with Jan Royt and Martin Stecker)
Collective monographs
- České země v raném středověku [The Czech Lands in the Early Middle Ages], Praha 2006.
- Svatý Prokop, Čechy a střední Evropa [Saint Procopius, Bohemia and Central Europe], Praha 2006.
- Arts and Crafts in medieval Rural Environment. L‘artisant rural dans le monde medieval. Handwerk im mittelalterlichen ländlichen Raum, Turnhout 2007, Ruralia. 6. (et Jan Klápště).
- Odorik z Pordenone: z Benátek do Pekingu a zpět. Setkávání na cestách Starého světa ve 13.–14. století.= Odoric of Pordenone: From Venice to Peking and Back. Meetings on the Roads of the Old World in the 13th–14th Centuries, Sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní konference Plzeň, 13.–14. listopadu 2006. = Proceedings of the International Conference Pilsen, 13th to 14th November 2006, Praha 2008, Colloquia mediaevalia Pragensia 10 (ed V. Liščák).
- Přemyslovci. Budování českého státu [The Přemyslids: Building the Bohemian State], Praha 2009. Resume in English (edd. Dušan Třeštík, Josef Žemlička, cooperation Pavlína Mašková, Robert Novotný).
- Vladislav II. Druhý král Přemyslova rodu. K 850. výročí jeho korunovace [Vladislaus II, the Second King of the Přemyslid Dynasty: On the 850th anniversary of his coronation], Praha 2009 (edd. Michal Mašek, Josef Žemlička et al.).
- Jeden den ve středověku [One Day in the Middle Ages], edd. Martin Nodl, Petr Sommer, Praha 2014.
- Otevři zahradu rajskou. Benediktini v srdci Evropy 800-1300 [Open the Gates of Paradise: The Benedictines in the Heart of Europe 800–1300], ed. Dušan Foltýn, Jan Klípa, Pavlína Mašková, Petr Sommer, Vít Vlnas, Praha 2014.