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Vacek Jaroslav

Prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Vacek, CSc. (b. 1943)

Education and academic career

  • 1960–1965 Studies: Faculty of Arts of Charles University, Prague (Tamil, Sanskrit, Hindi and English): (diploma in Tamil and Sanskrit with honours)
  • 1967 PhDr. = MPhil. special examinations & dissertation
  • 1979 CSc. = PhD. degree: in 1972 the examination was prohibited for political reasons (examination and defence of the thesis took place in 1979 after J.V. had established the subject of Mongolian in the department)
  • 1991 Docent (Assoc. Prof.) of Sanskrit and Tamil philology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
  • 1993 Professor of Sanskrit and Tamil Philology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University

Professional Career at Charles University (and administration)

  • 1967–1969 Assistant in the Department of Oriental (Asian and African) Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
  • 1969–1991 Senior Lecturer in the same department
  • 1975–1983 regular visits to Mongolia and study of Mongolian, founded the teaching and research of Mongolian as a new subject at Charles University
  • after 1989 renewing actively the teaching of Indian languages at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University
  • 1989–1990 Chair of the same department (elected by colleagues and students in the velvet-revolutionary days of December 1989)
  • 1990–1991 Chair of the Department of Near Eastern, African and Indian Studies
  • 1991–1993 Deputy Chair of the same department
  • 1992 Visiting Docent (Assoc. Prof.), Institute of Indian Philology and History of Indian Art, Free University, Berlin
  • 1993–2003 Director of the Institute of Indian Studies
  • 1994–1997 Vice-Rector of Charles University, Prague, responsible for the international relations
  • 2003–2006 Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Charles University
  • 2006–2014 Director of the Institute of South and Central Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Charles University (


  • 1997 – Gold Medal of Charles University in Prague by the Rector Prof. Karel Maly
  • 2006 – Memorial Medal of Charles University in Prague by the Rector Prof. Ivan Wilhelm
  • 2010 – State Award of the Mongolian Republic for the work done about the Mongolian language – Nairamdal Medal (Friendship Medal) granted by the President of the Mongolian Republic H.E. Cahiagiin Elbegdorj for the work in Mongolian linguistics, April 6, 2010 (cf.
  • 2012 – Aruntamil Virutu (Aruntamil Award) – from the Association Culturelle des Tamouls at Vauréal, Paris, France, December 22, 2012  (cf.
  • 2013 – “Certificate of Appreciation” – from Annamalai University, Annamalai, Tamilnadu, India, March 15, 2013  (cf.
  • 2013 – State Award Kural Peedam (lit., Altar of Verses) – granted by the President of the  of India H.E. Pranab Mukherji for the work in classical Tamil literatures, October 6, 2013 (cf.

Originally Jaroslav Vacek studied Indian languages (Tamil, Sanskrit, Hindi) and English (1960–1966). He first taught Sanskrit and Tamil and Indian linguistics.

In the middle of the 1970s he learned Mongolian in Mongolia and introduced the language at Charles University in 1976. He had been teaching Mongolian for many years, after the revolutionary changes in Eastern Europe in 1989, he resumed teaching Tamil and Sanskrit starting from 1990. In the 1970s and 1980s Indology almost vanished at Charles University and he organised the re-opening of the teaching of Tamil, Sanskrit and Bengali in 1990, which have been taught in the last two decades together with Hindi (for a brief survey cf. In the last two decades Prague Indology also developed international co-operation and organized a number of conferences (for recent events cf. After 1990, J. Vacek also attended a number of conferences in Europe, India, Mongolia, South Korea and elsewhere.

J.Vacek is interested mainly in linguistic problems of the Indian linguistic area. He wrote about Tamil phonology and morphology, Sanskrit phonology and also about the Dravidian and Altaic relationship, a field, to which he applies a thoroughly new approach.

In the last fifteen years, he has also studied problems of nature in literature particularly in relation to Old Tamil Sangam literature (see the attached bibliography) and heads a project dealing with the subject also internationally (Pandanus, cf.

After 1990 he has also served in the administration of Charles University (Vice-Rector, 1994–1997; Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, 2003–2006), and till September 2014 he was the Director of the Institute of South and Central Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Charles University in Prague.

Internet addresses:;
Web page of the Institute:  
Mailing address: Prof. Jaroslav Vacek, Institute of South and Central Asia, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Charles University in Prague, nam. J. Palacha 2, 116 38 Prague 1, Czech Republic


Besides several monographs on aspects of Indian and Mongolian linguistics and literature J.Vacek has contributed many articles on the subject of Dravidian and Altaic linguistic relationship and on symbolism of nature in classical Indian literature (Tamil and Sanskrit). He wrote a number of textbooks (several of them in co-operation with Indian and Mongolian colleagues, see below) and translated prose and classical Indian poetry into Czech. Editor of the Pandanus journal (Nature in Literature, Art, Myth and Ritual;, co-editor of Mongolo-Tibetica Pragensia journal (formerly Mongolica Pragensia;, both published by the Institute of South and Central Asian Studies.

(The whole list of publications can be viewed in the complete bibliography of the teachers of the Institute of South and Central Asia, Charles University:

A. Monographs

1.1. Vacek, J., The Tamil of a 19th Century Ballad (Phonemic Inventory and Morphology). In: Introduction to the Historical Grammar of the Tamil Language. Academia, Praha 1970, pp. 103–222 (co-author K. Zvelebil, pp. 1–101).

1.2. Vacek, J., The Sibilants in Old Indo-Aryan (A Contribution to the History of a Linguistic Area). Studia Orientalia Pragensia VIII. Charles University, Prague 1976, XI+113 pp.

1.3. Čilaγun-u bičig, A Mongolian Prophetic Text. Edited, translated and commented upon by J. Lubsangdorji and J. Vacek. Studia Orientalia Pragensia XX. Prague: Charles University, 1997, 87 pp.

1.4. Vacek, J., Dravidian and Altaic ‘Water – Viscosity – Cold’. An Etymological and Typological Model. Studia Orientalia Pragensia XXII. Prague: The Karolinum Press, 2002, 359 pp.

1.5. Vacek, J., Flowers and Formulas. Nature as Symbolic Code in Old Tamil Love Poetry. Studia Orientalia Pragensia XXV. Prague: Charles Univeristy, 2007, 249 pp.

1.6. A Mongolian Mythological Text. By S. Dulam and J. Vacek. 2nd enlarged edition. Ulaanbaatar: National University of Mongolia. Centre for the Study of Nomadic Civilization. International Centre for Mongol Culture, 2008, 222 pp. (First edition: Studia Orientalia Pragensia XII. Prague: Charles University, 1983, 152 pp.)

B. Select Textbooks

2.1. Vacek, J., Subramanian, S. V., A Tamil Reader, Introducing Sangam Literature. Madras: International Institute of Tamil Studies, 1989, Vol.1, LIV+134 pp.

2.2. Vacek, J., A Tamil Reader, Introducing Sangam Literature. 2. Vocabulary. Madras: International Institute of Tamil Studies, 1989, Vol.2, 130 pp.

2.3. Lubsangdorji, J., Vacek, J., Colloquial Mongolian. An Introductory Intensive Course. Vol. 1. Prague: Triton, 2004, XI + 424 pp.

2.4. Lubsangdorji, J., Vacek, J., Colloquial Mongolian. An Introductory Intensive Course. Vol. 2. Prague: Triton, 2004, VII + 62 pp.

C. Books for General Public

3.1 Filipský, J., Vacek, J., 1970, Ašóka (+ translation of Ashokan insciriptions by J. Vacek). Edice Portréty. Svoboda, Praha 1970, 237 pp.

3.2. Zbavitel, D., Vacek, J., 1996, Průvodce dějinami staroindické literatury (Guide through the History of Old Indian Literature). Arca JiMfa, Třebíč 1996, 537 pp. (Chapters on classical Tamil literature by J. Vacek: pp.174–207, 349–363, 394–421, 454–461).

D. Literary Translations

4.1. Bhagavadgíta. Odeon, Praha 1976, 206 pp. (translation from Sanskrit by J. Vacek a J. Filipský; selection and translation of Shankara’s and Ramanuja’s commentaries by J. Vacek).

4.2. Bhagavadgíta neboli zpěv Vznešeného. Votobia, Praha 2000 (2nd enlarged edition), 243 pp. (translation from Sanskrit by J. Vacek a J. Filipský; selection and translation of Shankara’s and Ramanuja’s commentaries by J. Vacek).

4.3. Bhagavadgíta. J. Vacek and J. Filipský. 3rd revised edition. In: Základní texty východních náboženství I. Hinduismus (Basic Texts of Eastern Religions I. Hinduism). Editor Dušan Zbavitel. Argo, Praha 2007, pp. 91–167 (from total 192 pp.).

4.4. Séth, Vikram, 1997, Vhodný nápadník 1–2 (A Suitable Boy). Knižní klub, Praha 1997 (translation Luboš and Libuše Trávníčkovi). Verses translated by J. Vacek. 1. volume (201 verses): pp. 7, 79, 85, 86, 115-121, 167, 169, 196, 198, 199–201, 212, 563, 571, 572, 573–4, 703, 736, 806; 2. volume (216 verses): pp. 7, 41, 150, 151, 222, 230, 243, 255, 271–2, 296, 337, 338, 341–2, 426, 464, 478, 540, 691–2, 709, 727, 732, 773, 806, 808, 832.

4.5. Vásanti, 2000, Paláce nebeské (Ākāca Vīṭukaḷ). From Tamil Translated by Jaroslav Vacek. Triton, Praha 2000, 199 pp.

E. Translations of Indological books

5.1. Cross, S., 2001, Hinduismus (Hinduism). From English Translated by Jaroslav Vacek. Ikar, Euromedia Group, k.s., Praha 2001, 183 pp.

5.2. Destruktivní emoce. Rozhovory vědců s dalajlámou (Destructive Emotions. A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama). Sestavil Daniel Goleman. From English Translated by Jaroslav Vacek and Lukáš Vacek. Ikar, Praha 2004, 423 pp.

5.3. Goleman, D., 2001, Meditující mysl. Typy meditační zkušenosti (The Meditative Mind. Varieties of Meditative Experience). From English Translated by Jaroslav Vacek. Triton, Praha 2001, 212 pp.

5.4. Johnson, G., 1998, Svět Indie (Cultural Atlas of India). From English Translated by J. Vacek, D. Zbavitel a L. Vacek. Knižní klub/Balios, Praha 1998, pp. 1–83, 185-240 (J. Vacek).

5.5. Rhyner, Hans H., 2002, Zdraví, mládí a optimismus s Ajurvédou (Health, Youth and Optimism with Ayurveda). From German Translated by Jaroslav Vacek. Aktuell. Bratislava 2002, 188 pp.

5.6. Schrott, E., 2000, Ájurvéda pro každý den (Ayurveda for Everyday). From German Translated by Jaroslav Vacek. Knižní klub, Praha 2000, 176 pp.

F. Select papers (last twelve years)

Vacek, J., 2002a, Emphasizing and Interrogative Enclitic Particles in Dravidian and Altaic. In: MONGOLICA PRAGENSIA ’02, Ethnolinguistics and Sociolinguistics in Synchrony and Diachrony. Edited by Jaroslav Vacek and Alena Oberfalzerova. Triton, Prague 2002, pp. 151–185.

Vacek, J., 2002b, Dravidian and Altaic “Deer – Antelope – Bull”. Indologica Taurinensia XVIIII, pp. 251266.

Vacek, J., 2002c, Literary Clichés in Sangam: On the Syntagmatics and Symbolism of neytal. Archiv Orientalni 70, 2002, 169186 (paper read at the Kavya seminar in Milan, 1999).

Vacek, J., 2002d, Types of formulaic expressions in Cangam. A preliminary survey of their structural patterns. In: Pandanus ’01, Research in Indian Classical Literature. Edited by J. Boccali, C. Pieruccini and J. Vacek. Charles University, Faculty of Arts; Signeta, Prague 2002, pp , 123–157.

Vacek, J., 2002e, Old Tamil literary formulae connected with mullai (attributive phrases). In: Pandanus ’02, Nature in Indian Literatures and Art. Edited by J. Vacek and H. Preinhaelterova. Charles University, Faculty of Arts; Signeta, Prague, pp. 127–163.

Vacek, J., 2003a, Verba dicendi and related etyma in Dravidian and Altaic (Etyma with initial sibilants of affricates). In: MONGOLICA PRAGENSIA ’03, Ethnolinguistics and Sociolinguistics in Synchrony and Diachrony. Edited by Jaroslav Vacek and Alena Oberfalzerova. Triton, Prague 2003, pp. 175205.

Vacek, J., 2003b, Nature as Symbolic Code in Old Tamil Love Poetry. In: Pandanus ’03, Natural Symbols in Literature. Edited by J. Vacek. Charles University, Faculty of Arts; Signeta, Prague 2003, 215–230.

Vacek, J., 2004a, Dravidian and Altaic “Sheep – Deer – Cattle”. In: South-Indian Horizons (Felicitation Volume for François Gros on the occasion of his 70th birthday). Edited by Jean-Luc Chevillard (Editor) and Eva Wilden (Associate Editor) with the collaboration of A. Murugaiyan. Institut Français de Pondichéry, École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Paris 2003, pp. 333–345.

Vacek, J., 2004b, Dravidian and Altaic – In Search of a New Paradigm. Archiv Orientalni, Vol. 72, pp. 384–453. Reprinted in: International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics (Trivandrum, India), Vol. XXXV, No.1, January 2006, pp. 29–96.

Vacek, J., 2004c, Verba dicendi and related etyma in Dravidian and Altaic 2.1. Etyma with initial velars. In: MONGOLICA PRAGENSIA ‘04, Ethnolinguistics and Sociolinguistics in Synchrony and Diachrony. Edited by J. Vacek and A. Oberfalzerova. Triton, Prague, pp. 195–230.

Vacek, J., 2004d, Old Tamil literary formulae connected with mullai (2. mullai as attribute, complex phrases, anthropomorphic contexts). In: Pandanus ’04, Nature in Literature. Edited by J. Vacek. Charles University, Faculty of Arts; Signeta, Prague 2004, pp. 143–170.

Vacek, J., 2005a, Dravidian and Altaic ‘to break, to beat, to crush, to rub’ (Ta. kavi –  Mo. xabir- / xaγar- – MT. KAPU- / KAVЪL- / KAŊTARĀ- OT. kam- / kak-). Archiv Orientalni, Vol. 73, pp. 325–334.

Vacek, J., 2005b, Verba dicendi and related etyma in Dravidian and Altaic 2.2. Etyma with initial velars and final liquids. In: MONGOLICA PRAGENSIA ‘05, Ethnolinguistics and Sociolinguistics in Synchrony and Diachrony. Edited by J. Vacek and A. Oberfalzerova. Triton, Prague 2005, pp. 171–197.

Vacek, J., 2005c, Dravidian and Altaic parts of the body 1. Breast. In: Acta Mongolica, Vol. 5 (246). Dedicated to the 100th Birthday of Professor Yo'nsiebu' Biyambyin Rinc'en (1905–1977). Ulaanbatar 2005, pp. 65–70.

Vacek, J., 2005d, “Parrot” in Old Tamil Sangam Literature – formulas and images. In: Pandanus ’05, Nature in Literature, Myth and Ritual. Edited by J. Vacek. Charles University, Faculty of Arts; Signeta, Prague, pp. 69–112.

Vacek, J., 2006a, Dravidian and Altaic – In search of a New Paradigm. International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics (Trivandrum, India), Vol. XXXV, No.1, January 2006, pp. 29–96. (Reprint of Vacek 2004b)

Vacek, J., 2006b, Dravidian and Altaic ‘to bow, bend, stoop, incline, curve’. 1. (C)VC- roots with initial labials and medial velars or labials. Archiv Orientalni, Vol. 74, pp. 183–202.

Vacek, J., 2006c, Dravidian and Altaic parts of the body 2. Hair, feather. In: Acta Mongolica, Vol. 6 (267). Dedicated to the 90th Birthday of professor Denis Sinor. Edited by Ts. Shagdarsuren. Centre for Mongol Studies, National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar 2006, pp. 79–82.

Vacek, J., 2006d, Verba dicendi and related etyma in Dravidian and Altaic 3.1. Etyma with initial labials (p-, b-, f-, v-, m-). In: MONGOLICA PRAGENSIA ‘06, Ethnolinguistics and Sociolinguistics in Synchrony and Diachrony. Edited by J. Vacek and A. Oberfalzerova. Triton, Prague 2006, pp. 163–190.

Vacek, J., 2006e, Dog in Sangam literature – as a part of the description of nature. In: Pandanus ‘06, Nature in Literatures and Ritual. Edited by J. Vacek. Charles University, Faculty of Arts; TRITON, Prague, pp. 177–190.

Vacek, J., 2007a, Dravidan and Altaic parts of the body – 3. Heart, chest, inside, mind, thought. In: Mongolian Studies, Vol. 22, 2 (Seoul, The Korean Association for Mongolian Studies), pp. 27–45.

Vacek, J., 2007b, Dravidian and Altaic to bend / to bow – elbow / knee / ankle. Initial dental stop or nasal, medial velar or labial. Archiv Orientalni 75, 3, pp. 395–410.

Vacek, J., 2007c, Verba dicendi and related etyma in Dravidian and Altaic 3.2. Etyma with initial labials (p-, b-, f-, v-, m-) and root-final liquids and retroflex stops. In: MONGOLICA PRAGENSIA ’07 sive Folia linguarum Orientis selecta (FLOS), Ethnolinguistics, Sociolinguistics and Culture. Vol. 1, 2007. Edited by J. Vacek and A. Oberfalzerova. Charles University and Triton, Prague, pp. 85–111.

Vacek, J., 2007d, The pig in Sangam literature – images and textual properties. In: Pandanus ’07. Nature in Literature, Art, Myth and Ritual. Vol. 1, 2007, Edited by J. Vacek. Charles University, Faculty of Arts; Triton, Prague, pp. 93–114.

Vacek, J., 2008a, Verba dicendi and related etyma in Dravidian and Altaic 4.1. Etyma with initial dentals (t-, d-, n-). In: MONGOLO-TIBETICA PRAGENSIA ’08, Linguistics, Ethnolinguistics, Religion and Culture. Vol. 1/1. Edited by J. Vacek and A. Oberfalzerova. Charles University and Triton, Prague 2008, pp. 99–133.

Vacek, J., 2008b, Dravidian and Altaic parts of the body 4. Liver, spleen. In: Acta Mongolica, Vol. 8 (306). Dedicated to the 70th Birthday of Professor D. Tumurtogoo. Ulaanbaatar 2008, pp. 7–14.

Vacek, J., 2008c, The rat in Sangam literature – as a part of the description of nature. In: Pandanus ’08. Nature in Literature, Art, Myth and Ritual. Vol. 2/2. Edited by J. Vacek. Charles University, Faculty of Arts; Triton, Prague 2008, pp. 51–72.

Vacek, J., 2009a, Dravidian and Altaic – problems and solutions. In: Oriental Studies. Proceedings of the International Conference of Oriental Studies. 55 years of the Committee of Oriental Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1952-2007). Edited by Agata Bareja-Starzyńska and Marek Mejor. Rocznik Orientalisticzny 62, 2009, 1, pp. 228–239.

Vacek, J., 2009b, Dravidian and Altaic ‘to bend’ – Ta. kavi- / kavi-, Mo. kebüi- / köbüre-, MT. KAMPĬ- / KEBILE-. In: MONGOL STUDIES (Research Papers), Volume XXX (318). Editors-in-chief D. Zayabaatar, M. Uuganbayar. School of Mongolian Language and Culture, National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, 2009, pp. 157–168.

Vacek, J., 2009c, Dravidijskij i altajskij – jazyki drevnih intensivnyh kontaktov. (Dravidian and Altaic – ancient high contact languages). In: Problemy mongolovednyh i altaističeskih issledovanij. Materialy meždunarodnoj konferencii, posvjaščennoj 70-letiju professora V.I. Rassadina. Elista 2009, pp. 50–58.

Vacek, J., 2009d, Dravidian and Altaic ‘to wave / to tremble – arm / shoulder-(blade) / wing’. In: Acta Mongolica, Vol. 9 (320). Dedicated to the 80th Birthday of Professor Rachewiltz. Ulaanbaatar 2009, pp. 7–14.

Vacek, J., 2009e, Verba dicendi and related etyma in Dravidian and Altaic 4.2. Etyma with initial dentals (t-, d-, n-) and root-final liquids and retroflex stops. In: MONGOLO-TIBETICA PRAGENSIA ’09, Linguistics, Ethnolinguistics, Religion and Culture. Vol. 2/1, 2009. Edited by J. Vacek and A. Oberfalzerová. Charles University and Triton, Praha, pp. 123–143.

Vacek, J., 2009f, Dravidian and Altaic – two layers in Dravidian due to ancient high contact? In: MONGOLO-TIBETICA PRAGENSIA ’09, Linguistics, Ethnolinguistics, Religion and Culture. Vol. 2/2, 2009. Edited by J. Vacek and A. Oberfalzerová. Charles University and Triton, Praha, pp. 77–109.

Vacek, J., 2009g, Cow (ā, ā) in Sangam literature – select properties and formulas. In: Pandanus ’09. Nature in Literature, Art, Myth and Ritual. To the Memory of Kamil V. Zvelebil. Vol. 3/2, 2009. Edited by J. Vacek. Charles University, Faculty of Arts; Triton, Praha, pp. 115–128.

Vacek, J., 2010a, Verba dicendi and related etyma in Dravidian and Altaic 5.1. Etyma with initial vowels (i-, e-, u-, o-, a-) and root-final stops, affricates, nasals and glides. In: MONGOLO-TIBETICA PRAGENSIA ’10. Linguistics, Ethnolinguistics, Religion and Culture. Vol. 3/1. Edited by J. Vacek and A. Oberfalzerová. Charles University and Triton, Praha 2010, pp. 123–158.

Vacek, J., 2010b, The tiger in Sangam literature – select images and textual properties. In: Pandanus ’10. Nature in Literature, Art, Myth and Ritual. To the Memory of Joanna Kusio. Vol. 4/1. Edited by J. Vacek. Charles University, Faculty of Arts; Triton, Praha 2010, pp. 55–89.

Vacek, J., 2010c, Dravidian and Altaic parts of the body 5. ‘Extremities’ – head, finger, foot/leg. Rocznik Orientalisticzny 63,1, 2010, pp. 271–283.

Vacek, J., 2010d, Dravidian and Altaic – ancient high contact languages? International Journal of Dravidian Linguistic (International School of Dravidian Linguistics, University of Trivandrum), Vol. 39, 2010, No. 2, pp. 117–138.

Vacek, J., 2011a, Select images of the forest in Old Tamil Sangam literature. In: The City and the Forest in Indian Literature and Art. Ed. by Danuta Stasik and Anna Trynkowska. Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa, Warszawa 2011, pp. 123–140.

Vacek, J., 2011b, ‘Hare’ – muyal – in Sangam literature, its description and related formulas. In: Pandanus ’11. Nature in Literature, Art, Myth and Ritual. Vol. 5/1. Edited by J. Vacek. Charles University, Faculty of Arts; Triton, Praha 2011, pp. 37–54.

Vacek, J., 2011c, The role of inanimate and animate nature in the Old Tamil Sangam poetic code. In: Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Universita degli Studi di Cagliari, Nuova Serie XXVIII, 2010–2011, pp. 21–34.

Vacek, J., 2011d, Indology – a complex branch of knowledge. In: Understanding India: Indology and Beyond. Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Philologica 1 – 2011, Orientalia Pragensia XXVIII, pp. 171–176; ISSN 0587-1255.

Vacek, J., 2011e, Introduction. In: Understanding India: Indology and Beyond. Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Philologica 1 – 2011, Orientalia Pragensia XXVIII, pp. 9–13 (Co-author Harbans Mukhia).

Vacek, J., 2011f, Zur Geschichte der Prager Indologie. Anfänge, Blütezeit, Untergang und Wiedergeburt. In: Zehn Jahre Universitätspartnerschaft. Univerzita Karlova v Praze – Universität zu Köln. Kolloquium zur Universitäts- und Fachgeschichte. Hrsg. von Walter Pape. Elektronische Schriftenreihe der Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln, Bd. 3. Köln 2011, pp. 157–164.


Vacek, J. 2011g, Verba dicendi and related etyma in Dravidian and Altaic 5.2. Etyma with initial vowels (i-, e-, u-, o-, a-) and root-final liquids. In: MONGOLO-TIBETICA PRAGENSIA ’11. Linguistics, Ethnolinguistics, Religion and Culture. Vol. 4/1. Edited by J. Vacek and A. Oberfalzerová. Charles University and Triton, Praha 2011, pp. 135–160.

Vacek, J., 2012a, ‘Ghost’ – pēy – in Old Tamil Sangam literature, select characteristics. In: Pandanus ’12. Nature in Literature, Art, Myth and Ritual. Vol. 6/1. Edited by J. Vacek. Charles University, Faculty of Arts; Triton, Praha 2012, pp. 29–46.

Vacek, J., 2012b, Old Tamil Sangam akam lyrics – coded ‘mini-narratives’? Archív Orientální 2012, 3, pp. 357–370.

Vacek, J., 2012c, Dravidian and Altaic ‘fear, timidity, worry’ 1. In: MONGOLO-TIBETICA PRAGENSIA ’11. Linguistics, Ethnolinguistics, Religion and Culture. Vol. 5/1. Edited by J. Vacek and A. Oberfalzerová. Charles University and Triton, Praha 2012, pp. 91–108.

Vacek, J., 2013a, Dravidian and Altaic – implications of the established parallels. In: Mongolian Studies, Vol. 34 (Seoul, The Korean Association for Mongolian Studies), pp. 209–234.

Vacek, J., 2013b, Dravidian and Altaic – a new beginning. In: The X International Congress of Mongolists. August 9–13, 2011, Ulaanbaatar. In: Proceedings of Congress. Олон улсын монголч эрдэмтдийн Х их хурлын илтгэлүүд, IV боть, Улаанбаатар, 2013, pp. 205–209.

Vacek, J., 2013c, ‘Endangered languages’ through the prism of the history of the Indian linguistic area. In: Language Endangerment in South Asia. Ed. by M. Ganesan et alia. Centre of Advanced Study in Linguistics, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar. Vol. I, pp. 179–201.

Vacek, J. 2013d, Repetition and variation as one important stylistic device of Old Tamil Sangam literature. Stylistic Devices in Indian Literature and Art. Gargnano del Garda, September 16–18, 2010. Edited by Giuliano Boccali and Elena Mucciarelli. Cisalpino, Instituto Editoriale Universitario, Milano, 2013, pp. 73–84.

Vacek, J., 2013e, The image of ‘snake’ in Sangam poetry, selected characteristics. In: Pandanus ’13. Nature in Literature, Art, Myth and Ritual. Vol. 7/2. Edited by J. Vacek. Charles University, Faculty of Arts; Triton, Praha 2013, pp. 33–48

Vacek, J., 2013f, Old Tamil kings and chieftains as described in Sangam literature. In: History and Society as Described in Indian Literature and Art. Part II. ŚRĀVYA. Poetry & Prose. Edited by Lidia Sudyka and Anna Nitecka. (Kraków, 15–17 September 2011). In: Cracow Indological Studies, XV, pp. 325–354.

Vacek, J., 2014a, ‘Swift horses’, a ‘means of transport’ as reflected in old Tamil Sangam literature. In: Pandanus ’14. Nature in Literature, Art, Myth and Ritual. Vol. 8/2. Edited by J. Vacek. Charles University, Faculty of Arts; Triton, Praha 2014, pp. 65–102.

Vacek, J., 2014b, Boom in Old Tamil Sangam studies? Present state and future demands. In: Pandanus ’14. Nature in Literature, Art, Myth and Ritual. Vol. 8/2. Edited by J. Vacek. Charles University, Faculty of Arts; Triton, Praha 2014, pp. 121–136.

Vacek, J., 2014c, Dravidian and Altaic ‘fear, timidity, worry’ II. In: MONGOLO-TIBETICA PRAGENSIA ’14. Linguistics, Ethnolinguistics, Religion and Culture. Vol. 7/1. Edited by J. Vacek and A. Oberfalzerová. Charles University and Triton, Praha 2014, pp. 121–140.

Vacek, J., 2014d, Three Dravidian and Altaic etymologies – ‘to shrink, contract; to leave, abandon; to grind, pound’. In: A Window onto the Other. Contributions on the Study of the Mongolian, Turkic and Manchu-Tungusic Peoples, Languages and Cultures Dedicated to Jerzy Tulisow on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday. Edited by Agata Bareja-Starzyńska, Jan Rogala and Filip Majkowski. Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa, Wydział Orientalistyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2014, pp. 268–277.