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Čadek Ondřej

Prof., RNDr., CSc.
Born February 22, 1960 in Prague

  • Geophysics
  • Member of Learned Society since 2017

Educational and professional preparation

  • 1991 – PhD in geophysics at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague  (FMP CUP), PhD thesis: Three-dimensional modeling of mantle convection
  • 1991 – 1992 postdoctoral fellowship at Ecole normale supériere in Paris
  • 1997 associate professor of geophysics at FMP CUP, habilitation thesis: Application of seismic tomographic models in geodynamics
  • 2015 professor of geophysics

Employment and academic positions

  • Employed at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, since 1985:
  • assistent professor 1995, associate professor 1997, full professor 2015
  • head of the Department od Geophysics since 2014

Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies

  • Member of Scientific Council of Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University ,since 2017
  • Member of Scientific Council of Geophysical Institude, Czech Academy of Sciences, 2001-2011

Notable awards

  • Gauss-Professor, Universität Göttingen, 2004

Selected publications

  • Čadek, O., Tobie, G., Van Hoolst, T., Massé, M., Choblet, G., Lefevre, A., Mitri, G., Baland, R-M., Běhounková, M., Bourgeois, O., Trinh, A.: Enceladus's internal ocean and ice shell constrained from Cassini gravity, shape, and libration data, Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 5653-5660, 2016.
  • Běhounková, M., Tobie, G., Čadek, O., Choblet, G., Porco, C., Nimmo, F.: Timing of water plume eruptions on Enceladus explained by interior viscosity structure, Nature Geoscience, 8, 601-604, 2015.
  • Běhounková, M., Tobie, G., Choblet, G., Čadek, O.: Tidally-induced melting events as the origin of south-pole activity on Enceladus, Icarus, 219, 655-664, 2012.
  • Tosi N., Yuen D.A., Čadek O.: Dynamical consequences in the lower mantle with the post-perovskite phase change and strongly depth-dependent thermodynamic and transport properties, Earth Planetary Science Letters, 298, 229-243, 2010.
  • Tobie, G., Čadek, O., Sotin, C.: Solid tidal friction above a liquid water reservoir as the origin of the south pole hotspot on Enceladus, Icarus, 196, 642-652, 2008.
  • Čadek, O. Fleitout, L.: Effect of lateral viscosity variations in the top 300 km on the geoid and dynamic topography, Geophysical Journal International, 152, 566-580, 2003.
  • Čadek, O., Fleitout, L.: A global geoid model with imposed plate velocity and partial layering, Journal of Geophysical Research, 104 (B12), 29,055-29,075, 1999.
  • Kido, M., Čadek, O.: Inferences of viscosity from the oceanic geoid: Indication of a low viscosity zone below the 660-km discontinuity, Earth Planetary Science Letters, 151, 125-138, 1997.
  • Čadek, O., Yuen, D.A., Steinbach, V., Chopelas, A., Matyska, C.: Lower mantle thermal structure deduced from seismic tomography, mineral physics and numerical modelling, Earth Planetary Science Letters, 121, 385-402, 1994.
  • Čadek, O.,  Ricard, Y.: Toroidal/poloidal energy partitioning and global lithospheric rotation during Cenozoic time, Earth Planetary Science Letters, 109, 621-632, 1992.

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