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Hirsch Ivan
Doc., RNDr., CSc.
Born May 19, 1946 in Prague
- Virology, Innate immunity
- Member of Learned Society since 2019
Educational and professional preparation
- 1970 Master Degree (Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czechoslovakia)
- 1978 PhD (Candidate of Sciences, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences)
- 2013 Research Director Emeritus, INSERM, CRCM, France
- 2014 Adjunct professor, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, AS CR
- 2017 Associated professor (Faculty of Sciences, Charles University)
Employment and academic positions
- 2013-2019 Head, Department of Genetics and Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Biocev, Charles University in Prague
- 2014-present Adjunct professor, Institute of organic chemistry and biochemistry, Prague
- 2013-present Research Director Emeritus; Inserm U1068, Marseille Cancer Research Center, France
- 1992-2013 (21 years) Research Director, Inserm (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale), organization analogical to NIH in US.
- Inserm U1068, Marseille Cancer Research Center (CRCM) (2005-2013)
- Inserm U372, Laboratory of Pathogenesis of Lentiviral Infections (1998-2005)
- Inserm U322, Laboratory of Retroviruses and Associated Diseases (1992-98)
- 2006 (2 months) Visiting Scientist, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biophysics, NICHD, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD, USA
- 1989-1992 Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, Unit of Retroviruses and Associated Diseases, Inserm U322, Marseille, France
- 1976-1989 Senior Scientist, Institute of Sera and Vaccines, Prague, Czechoslovakia
- 1975-1976 (1 year) Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Virology and Epidemiology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA
- 1975 (1 month): EMBO Course of Molecular Virology. University of Glasgow, Institute of Virology, [Director: John Subak-Sharpe].
- 1972-1975 Research Associate, Department of Experimental Virology, Institute of Sera and Vaccines, Prague, Czechoslovakia (Chairman Prof. V. Vonka).
Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies
- Scientific Council of the Biology Section of Faculty of Science of Charles University
- Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) evaluation panel in Medical and Biological Sciences: Morphological disciplines, microbiology, immunology, epidemiology and Hygiene
- Board of the doctoral study program (SAB) Microbiology. Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology, University of Chemistry and Technology (UCT), Prague.
- Board of the doctoral study program (SAB) Molecular and cell biology, genetics and virology. Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague
- Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Sera and Vaccines, Prague, Czechoslovakia (1976-1989)
Membership and positions in selected international organizations and societies
- ANRS Réseau National Hépatite, Nationale Agency for AIDS and Viral Hepatitis Research
- Société de Biologie Cellulaire de France (SBCF)
- Club Francophone des Cellules Dendritiques (CFCD)
Notable awards
- DR2 Research Director, Inserm
- Senior postdoctoral fellowship ANRS 1989-1992
- Prix Isabelle Decazes de Noue for 1978 (On advice of the Selection Committee of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, WHO, Lyon, FRANCE)
Selected publications
- Hepatitis B virus evasion from cGAS sensing in human hepatocytes. Verrier ER, Yim SA, Heydmann L, El Saghire H, Bach C,Turon-Lagot V, Mailly L, Durand SC, Lucifora J, Durantel D, Pessaux P, Manel N,Hirsch I, Zeisel MB, Pochet N, Schuster C, Baumert TF (2018) Hepatology
- HRas signal transduction promotes hepatitis C virus cell entry by triggering assembly of the host tetraspanin receptor complex. Zona L, Lupberger J, Sidahmed-Adrar N, Thumann C, Harris HJ, Barnes A, Florentin J, Tawar RG, Xiao F, Turek M, Durand SC, Duong FH, Heim MH, Cosset FL, Hirsch I, Samuel D, Brino L, Zeisel MB, Le Naour F, McKeating JA, Baumert TF. (2013). Cell Host Microbe. 13 (3):302-13.
- HCV glycoprotein E2 is a novel BDCA-2 ligand and acts as an inhibitor of IFN production by plasmacytoid dendritic cells. Florentin J, Aouar B, Dental C, Thumann C, Firaguay G, Gondois-Rey F, Soumelis V, Baumert TF, Nunès JA, Olive D, Hirsch I, Stranska R. (2012). Blood; 120(23):4544-51.
- Impaired Toll-like receptor 7 and 9 signaling: from chronic viral infections to cancer. Hirsch, I., Caux, C., Hasan, U., Bendriss-Vermare, N., and Olive, D. (2010). Trends Immunol 31 (10), 391-7
- CpG methylation controls reactivation of HIV from latency. Blazkova, J., Trejbalova, K., Gondois-Rey, F., Halfon, P., Philibert, P., Guiguen, A., Verdin, E., Olive, D., Van Lint, C., Hejnar, J., and Hirsch, I. (2009). PLoS Pathog 5 (8), e1000554. Three times commented in Faculty of 1000 Medicine
- HIV-1 induced activation of CD4+ T cells creates new targets for HIV-1 infection in human lymphoid tissue ex vivo. Biancotto, A., Iglehart, S. J., Vanpouille, C., Condack, C. E., Lisco, A., Ruecker, E., Hirsch, I., Margolis, L. B., and Grivel, J. C. (2008). Blood 111 (2), 699-704.
- Dual role of prostratin in inhibition of infection and reactivation of human immunodeficiency virus from latency in primary blood lymphocytes and lymphoid tissue. Biancotto, A., Grivel, J. C., Gondois-Rey, F., Bettendroffer, L., Vigne, R., Brown, S., Margolis, L. B., and Hirsch, I. (2004). J Virol 78 (19), 10507-15.
- Discrepancies in AIDS virus data. Chermann, J. C., Donker, G., Yahi, N., Salaun, D., Guettari, N., Gayet, O., and Hirsh, I. (1991). Nature 351 (6324), 277-8
- Prospective study on the relationship between cervical neoplasia and herpes simplex type-2 virus. II. Herpes simplex type-2 antibody presence in sera taken at enrollment. Vonka, V., Kanka, J., Hirsch, I., Zavadova, H., Krcmar, M., Suchankova, A., Rezacova, D., Broucek, J., Press, M., Domorazkova, E., and et al. (1984). Int J Cancer 33 (1), 61-6.