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Kuthan Jiří

Prof., PhDr., DrSc. Dr. h. c.
* June 13, 1945 in Písek

  • Art history and history of the Middle Ages and the 19th century
  • Member of the Learned Society since 2022

Educational and professional preparation

  • 1963 – graduated, academic secondary school Písek
  • 1963–1968, Faculty of Philosopy, Charles University (history of art, history)
  • 2002 – Professor, History of art, Charles University Prague

Employment and academic positions

  • 1968–1969 – Alšova jihočeská galerie (Aleš South Bohemian Gallery)
  • After many years he was employed in a scientific institution only from 1984 – the Institute of Art History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (until 2003).
  • 1990–2021 – Katholic Theological Fakulty, Charles University; He founded the Institute of the History of Christian Art, which he led in 2003–2018.
  • 1994–1995 – Visiting Professor at the Technical University of Berlin at the Institute of Art History (Director Prof. Dr. Robert Suckale).
  • 2000–2018 – Institute of the Art History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University (2006-2007 vice dean of Faculty of Arts, Charles University).

Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies

  • 2003-2021 – member,  Board for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  • 2003-2006,  2014-2018 - member, Scientific Council, Charles University Prague.
  • 2005-2012 - member, Scientific Council, Center for Medieval Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Charles University
  • 2007-2009 - member, Scientific Council, Faculty of Arts, Charles University Prague
  • 2015-2018 - member, Scientific Council, Grant Agency of the Czech Republic

Notable awards

  • 2005 – Herder Prize awarded to personalities who have made an exemplary contribution to the preservation and the increase of Europe's cultural heritage for the peaceful understanding of nations - University of Vienna.
  • 2010 – Gold St. Adalbert Medal - Archbishopric of Prague.
  • 2011 – Dr.h.c. (Technische Universität Dresden).
  • 2015 – Gold Medal of Charles University.
  • 2015 – Knights of St. Gregory the Great 
  • 2016 – Josef Hlávka Medal intended for Nestors and founding personalities of Czech science and art as an expression of respect for their lifelong work for the benefit of Czech science, art and education.
  • 2019 – Award of the Governor of the South Bohemian Region.
  • 2020 – Historical medal of Charles University
  • 2022 – František Palacký Medal, AS 
  • 2022 – Josef Hlávka Award for the book Parler's myth. The Parler family and his work

Selected publications

  • Die mittelalterliche Baukunst der Zisterzienser in Böhmen und in Mähren. München / Berlin (Deutscher Kunstverlag) 1982 (ISBN 3-422-00738-5), 320 str.; abridged Czech edition: Počátky a rozmach gotické architektury v Čechách. K problematice cisterciácké stavební tvorby. Praha (Academia) 1983, 376 pages. 
  • Zakladatelské dílo krále Přemysla Otakara II. v Rakousku a ve Štýrsku (The founding work of King Přemysl Otakar II. in Austria and Styria). Praha (Academia) 1991 (ISBN 80-200-0370-3), 256 pages.
  • Přemysl Otakar II. Král železný a zlatý. Král zakladatel a mecenáš. Vimperk 1993 (ISBN 80-85618-10-9), 371 pages; German edition: Přemysl Ottokar II. König, Bauherr und Mäzen. Höfische Kunst im 13. Jahrhundert. Wien / Köln / Weimar (Verlag Böhlau) 1996 (ISBN 3-205-98119-7), 460 pages. 
  • Česká architektura v době posledních Přemyslovců. Města - hrady - kláštery – kostely (Bohemian Architecture at the time of the last Přemyslids. Cities – castles – monasteries – churches). Vimperk 1994 (ISBN 80-85618-14-1), 584 pages.
  • Královské dílo za Jiřího z Poděbrad a dynastie Jagellonců. Díl I. Král a šlechta.  Praha (published by Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts in cooperation with the Catholic Theological Faculty in the Togga publishing house) 2010 (ISBN 978-80-7308-313-7; ISBN 978-80-87258-12-5), 616 pages.
  • Katedrála sv. Víta, Václava a Vojtěcha. Svatyně českých patronů a králů. Praha (Nakladatelství Lidové noviny) 2011 (ISBN 978-980-7422-090-6), in collaboration with Jan Royt, 685 pages; English edition: The Cathedral of St. Vitus at Prague Castle. Praha (Karolinum Press) 2017 (ISBN 978-80-246-3129-5), 552 pages. 
  • Královské dílo za Jiřího z Poděbrad a dynastie Jagellonců. Díl II. Města, církev, korunní země. Praha (published in Nakladatelství Lidové noviny with collaboration with the Catholic Theological Faculty of Charles University) 2013 (ISBN 978-80-7422-247-4), 816 pages.
  • Benediktinské kláštery střední Evropy a jejich architektura (= Opera Facultatis theologiae catholicae Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis. Historia et historia artium vol. XVIII). Praha (published in Nakladatelství Lidové noviny with collaboration with the Catholic Theological Faculty of Charles University) 2014 (ISBN 978-80-7422-334-1), 361 pages.
  • Aristokratická sídla v českých zemích 1780-1914 (Aristocratic seats in the Bohemian lands 1780-1914). Praha (Nakladatelství Lidové noviny) 2014 (ISBN 978-80-7422-332-7), 712 pages.
  • Karel IV. Císař a český král – vizionář a zakladatel (in collaboration withs Jan Royt). Praha (Nakladatelství Lidové noviny in collaboration with the Catholic Theological Faculty od Charles University) 2016 (ISBN 978-80-7422-460-7), 1062 pages. English edition: Charles IV Emperor and King of Bohemia - Visionary and Founder. Prague (Nakladatelství Lidové noviny / Charles University) 2018 (ISBN 978-80-7422-461-4).
  • Dílo knížat a králů z rodu Přemyslovců. Praha (Nakladatelství Lidové noviny) 2018 (ISBN 978-80-724223-438-6), 832 pages.
  • Parléřovský mýtus. Rod Parléřů – dílo a jeho ohlas (Parler's myth. The Parler family and his work). Praha (Nakladatelství Lidové noviny,  Karolinum) 2021 (ISBN 978-80-7422-822-3; ISBN 978-80-246-5021-0), 725 pages.