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Matas Jiří
Born August 6, 1964 in Prague
- Artificial intelligence, computer vision, machine learning, pattern recognition
- Member of the Learned Society since 2022
Educational and professional preparation
- 2010: Prof. – Full professor
- 2005: Doc. – Associate professor
- 1995: Ph.D. – PhD at the University of Surrey, UK
- 1987: MSc. - CTU Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, with honours
Employment and academic positions
- Current: Professor - Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU in Prague Head of the Visual Recognition Group, Department of Cybernetics; Vice-dean Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU in Prague
- 2016–2019: Finland distinguished professor (FiDiPro), Oulu and Tampere Universities
- 2006–2010: Associate professor CTU in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Cybernetics
- 2007: Visiting professor, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland
- 2005–2006: Visiting researcher, CVSSP group, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
- 1997–2005: Research fellow, CTU in Prague, Faculty of Electric Engineering, Department of Cybernetics
- 1990–2001: Research fellow, CVSSP group, University of Surrey, UK
- 1987–1990: Assistant CTU in Prague – Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Control
Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies
- Czech Technical University, Scientific Council member (2010– )
- Czech Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Scientific Council member (2008– )
- Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics, and Physics, Scientific Council member (2012– )
- Czech Science Foundation, panel member (2008–2014)
Membership and positions in selected international organizations and societies
- Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Computer (2019– )
- European Research Council (ERC), panel vice-chair PE6 Computer Science and Informatics (2011–2017)
- Associate Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (2009–2013)
- Evaluator, EU H2020, FP7, FP6 (collaborative research, Marie-Curie, Future and Emerging Technologies)
Notable awards
- 2019: Honorable mention for outstanding contribution award, 41st German Conf. on Pattern Recognition, R. Rozumnyi, J. Kotera, F. Sroubek J. Matas: Non-Causal Tracking by Deblatting
- 2017: Best paper award, 3rd International Workshop on Robust Reading @ Asian Conf. on Comp. Vision, M. Busta, Y. Patel, J. Matas: E2E – an Unconstrained End-to-End Method form Multi-Language Scene Text.
- 2015: Best paper award at the Int. Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition ICDAR 2015: L. Neumann, J. Matas: Efficient Scene Text Localization and Recognition with Local Character Refinement
- 2013: Best paper award at Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2013: J. Pritts, O. Chum, J. Matas, Approximate Models for Fast and Accurate Epipolar Geometry Estimation
- 2013: Best paper award at Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis 2013: T. Vojíř, J. Nosková, J. Matas, Robust Scale-Adaptive Mean-Shift for Tracking
- 2007: Best paper award at the Asian Conference on Computer Vision: J. Sochman, J. Matas: Learning A Fast Emulator of Binary Decision Process"
- 2005: Best paper award at the British Machine Vision Conference 2005: S. Obdržálek, Jiří Matas: Sub-linear Indexing for Large Scale Object Recognition
- 2002: Best paper award at the British Machine Vision Conference 2002: J. Matas et al. Robust Wide Baseline Stereo from Maximally Stable Extremal Regions
Selected publications
- A. Lukezic , T. Vojír, L. Cehovin Zajc, J. Matas, M. Kristan: Discriminative Correlation Filter Tracker with Channel and Spatial Reliability. International Journal of Computer Vision 126(7): 671-688 (2018)
- L. Neumann, J. Matas: Real-Time Lexicon-Free Scene Text Localization and Recognition. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 38(9): 1872-1885 (2016)
- Z. Kalal, K. Mikolajczyk and J. Matas. Tracking-Learning-Detection, IEEE T. PAMI. 34(7): 1409-1422, 2012
- O. Chum, J. Matas: Matching with PROSAC - Progressive Sample Consensus. CVPR (1) 2005: 220-226
- J. Matas, O. Chum, M. Urban, T. Pajdla Robust wide-baseline stereo from maximally stable extremal regions, Image and vision computing 22 (10), 761-767, 2004