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Němeček Jan
doc. PhDr., DrSc.
Born 30 May, 1963 Pardubice
- Political history of the 20th century
- Member of Learned Society since 2018
Educational and professional preparation
- 1978–1982 – Gymnasium in Pardubice
- 1982–1987 – Faculty of Arts, Charles University Prague, field of education: Czech language and History
- 1991 – state rigorous examination (PhDr.) at Faculty of Arts, Charles University Prague
- 1999 – defence of dissertation work (title – CSc.) at Institute of History CAS
- 2001 – defence of doctor dissertation work (title – DrSc.) at Institute of History CAS
- 2009 – defence of inaugural dissertation (title - doc.) at Faculty of Arts, Charles University Prague
Employment and academic positions
- 1987–1989 – East Bohemian Museum of Pardubice
- 1989–1990 – study stay at the Historical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Prague
- 1990–1995 – specialist at the Historical Institute of the Army of the Czech Republic in Prague
- from 1995 – specialist (since 1999 scientific) of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- from 2005 – Deputy Director of the Historical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies
- Supervisor of PhD Programme Modern European History at Faculty of Humanities of Charles University
- Member of Commission for defences of doctoral thesis in historical sciences, Institute of History of Slovak Academy of Sciences
- Chairman of Board of the Institute of History CAS
- Chairman of Czech-Russian Commission of historians and archivists
- Member of Czecho-Slovak Commission of historians
- Member of the British-Czech Forum of Historians
- Member of the Coordination committee for ranging workers to the highest qualifying degree CAS
- Member of the Czech National Committee of Historians
- Member of Commission for defences of doctoral thesis CAS
- Member of 6 editorial boards
Membership and positions in selected international organizations and societies
- member of Central European Commission, Polish Academy of Learning in Cracow
- member of Commission on the Contemporary History of Slavs of the International Committee of Slavists
- member of Comenius Academic Club New York
Notable awards
- 2003 – W. Felczak and H. Wereszycki Award, Uniwersytet Jagielloński and Polske Towarzystwo Historyczne – Oddział Kraków
- 2004 – Award of the CAS for exceptional scientific result, Czech Academy of Sciences
- 2012 – Charles University Rector’s Award for the best scientific work for 2012
- 2020 – awarded the highest departmental award, Golden Linden Decoration of Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic
- 2021 – awarded the Medal of Merit for Diplomacy, awarded by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
Selected publications
- NĚMEČEK, Jan, KUKLÍK, Jan, Frontiers, Minorities, Transfers, Expulsions. British diplomacy towards Czechoslovakia and Poland during WWII, Prague: Faculty of Law, Institute of History 2015
- NĚMEČEK Jan, ŠŤOVÍČEK Ivan, NOVÁČKOVÁ Helena, KUKLÍK Jan, BÍLEK Jan, Zápisy ze schůzí československé vlády v Londýně 1940-1945, sv. I - V, Praha: Historický ústav AV ČR, Právnická fakulta UK a Masarykův ústav a Archiv AV ČR 2008-2015
- NĚMEČEK, Jan, NĚMEČKOVÁ DANIELA, Prototyp zrady. Životní příběh Augustina Přeučila, Praha: Epocha 2015
- NĚMEČEK Jan, KUKLÍK Jan, Od národního státu ke státu národností? Národnostní statut a snahy o řešení menšinové otázky v Československu v roce 1938, Praha: Karolinum 2013
- KUKLÍK Jan, NĚMEČEK Jan, ŠEBEK Jaroslav, Dlouhé stíny Mnichova. Mnichovská dohoda očima signatářů a její dopady na Československo, Praha: Auditorium 2011
- NĚMEČEK Jan, KUKLÍK Jan, Osvobozené Československo očima britské diplomacie. Zprávy britské ambasády z Prahy v roce 1945, Praha: Karolinum 2010
- NĚMEČEK Jan, Soumrak a úsvit československé diplomacie. 15. březen 1939 a československé zastupitelské úřady, Praha: Academia 2008
- NĚMEČEK Jan, KUKLÍK Jan, Proti Benešovi! Česká a slovenská protibenešovská opozice v Londýně 1939–1945, Praha: Karolinum 2004
- NĚMEČEK Jan, Od spojenectví k roztržce. Vztahy československé a polské exilové reprezentace 1939–1945, Praha: Academia 2003
- NĚMEČEK Jan, Mašínové. Zpráva o dvou generacích, Praha: TORST 1998