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Vyskot Boris
Prof., RNDr., DrSc.
Born January 22, 1951 in Brno
- Developmental biology, plant molecular and cell genetics
- Member of Learned Society since 2003
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1969, Graduate, academic secondary school, Brno;
- 1969-1974, Faculty of Natural Science (FS), J. E. Purkyně University (JEPU) (now Masaryk University (MU), Brno;
- 1974, RNDr., FS, JEPU;
- 1978, CSc., in biophysics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (CSAS);
- 1995, Associate Professor of genetics, FS, MU;
- 1999 DrSc., in biophysics, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic (AS CR);
- 2001, Professor of molecular biology and genetics, FS MU.
Employment and academic positions:
- 1974-1975, study stay, Institute of Experimental Botany, CSAS;
- 1975-1978, postgraduate student; research fellow (1978-1992);
- 1993-present, Head, Laboratory of Plant Developmental Genetics, Institute of Biophysics, CSAS;
- 1992, sabbatical stay, Department of Biology, Université de Bordeaux II (9 months);
- 1994-1995, study stay, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich. (USA) (7 months);
- 1998, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (France), visiting professor.
Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies:
- 1992-present, member, Professional Councils for PhD Studies of Biology and Genetics (FS MU), Plant Physiology and Anatomy (Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague), and botany (FS, Palacký University (PU), Olomouc)
- 1993-1995, Chairman, Genetics Subcommisison, Grant Agency of Czech Republic (GA CR) 1995-1997, Chairman, Commission of Agricultural Sciences, GA CR
- 1998-2004, member, Accreditation Commission of Government of CR and chairman of its working group for biology and ecology
- 2003-present, member, Scientific Council of PU;
- 2003-present, member, DSc. Commissions for Plant Biology, Genomics, and Molecular Biology
Notable awards:
- 1973, Special Award, CSAS (best student scientific work)
- 1978, Award, journal Biologia Plantarum, Academia (for the best publication of the year)
- 2002, Award for “exceptional“ work Lengerová-Vyskot (Protoplasma 2001) in
The Scientist 16 (3), 34, Feb. 4, 2002 - 2004, Award. First Class Medal, Ministry of Education (for the activities in the Accreditation Commission)
- 2004, invited review on gender in plants, Trends in Genetics (vol. 20, No.9)
Selected publications:
- J. Široký, J. Žlůvová, K. Říha, D. E. Shippen, B. Vyskot: Rearrangements of ribosomal DNA clusters in late generation telomerase-deficient Arabidopsis. Chromosoma 112, 116 (2003)
- E. Kejnovský, J. Vrána, S. Matsunaga, P. Souček, J. Široký, J. Doležel, B. Vyskot: Localization of male-specifically expressed MROS genes of Silene latifolia by PCR on flow-sorted sex chromosomes and autosomes. Genetics 158, 1269 (2001)
- B. Vyskot: The role of DNA methylation in plant reproductive development. In: Sex Determination in Plants (Ainsworth, C. C., Ed.), Bios Scientific Publishers Ltd. (ISBN 185996 042 1), pp. 101-120, Oxford 1999
- B. Vyskot: Přehled vyvojové biologie a genetiky (Survey of Developmental Biology and Genetics). Textbook for doctoral study of the biomedical sciences, Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR, ISBN 80-902588-1-6, 241 pp., Prague (1999)
- B. Vyskot: Genetická podmíněnost fyziologických procesů (Genetic determination of physiological processes). In: Fyziologie rostlin (Plant Physiology) (Procházka S., et al., Eds.). University textbook, Academia Prague 1998. ISBN 80-200-0586-2. pp. 432-458
- J. Bůžek, K. Říha, Široký, J. Greilhuber, B. Vyskot: Histone H4 underacetylation in plant facultative heterochromatin. Biol. Chem. 379, 1235 (1998)
- B. Janoušek, J. Široký, B. Vyskot: Epigenetic control of sex expression in a dioecious plant, Melandrium album. Mol. Gen. Genet. 250, 483 (1996)
- B. Vyskot, A. Araya, J. Veuskens, I. Negrutiu, A. Mouras: DNA methylation of sex chromosomes in a dioecious plant, Melandrium album. Mol. Gen. Genet. 239, 219 (1993)
- B. Vyskot, Z. Karpfel, M. Bezděk: Hormonal control of 5-bromodeoxy-uridine tolerance in crown-gall tumors and habituated tissues. Planta 137, 247 (1977)
- B. Vyskot, F. J. Novák: Experimental androgenesis in vitro in Nicotiana. Theor. Appl. Genet. 44, 138 (1974)