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Ivanyi Juraj
Prof., MUDr., Ph.D.
Born June 20, 1934 in Michalovce, Slovakia
- Immunology
- Member of the Learned Society since 2017
Educational and professional preparation
- 1945-1953: Gymnasium in Košice and Nové Zámky, Czechoslovakia
- 1953-59: MIUDr., Faculty of General Medicine, Charles University, Prague
- 1961-64: Ph.D. in Experimenmtal Biology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague
Employment and academic positions
Main positions
- 1961-8: Institute of Experimental Biology. & Genetics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. Head of Department of Immunochemistry, from 1966
- 1970-84 The Wellcome Research Laboratories, Beckenham, Kent. Head of Department of Experimental Immunobiology from 1975
- 1984-97: Director, MRC Tuberculosis & Related Infections Unit & honorary Professor at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School (RPMS), Hammersmith Hospital
- 1998 - Professor (honorary) of Immunology of Infectious Diseases, Mucosal and Salivary Biology Division, Kings College London, Guy’s Hospital, Hodgkin Building, London, SE1 1UL
Shorter positions
- 1959-61: Medical registrar at the General Hospital, Komárno
- 1965-66: Department of Bacteriology (with Eli Sercarz), UCLA, Los Angeles
- 1968: Swiss Institute for Cancer Research (with Klaus Scherer), Lausanne
- 1968-69: Natl. Inst. Med. Research (with Av Mitchison) MRC, Mill Hill
- 1989-90: Department of Immunology, Stockholm University
Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies
- 1990-93: Medical Advisory Board member of ‘Lepra’ (Charity)
- 1991-94: International Secretary of the British Society for Immunology
Membership and positions in selected international organizations and societies
- 1986-89: WHO-TDR Steering Committees: Chairman of Immunology of Leprosy (IMMLEP) and member of IMMTUB and THELEP committees
Notable awards
- Honorary member of the Slovak (1995) and Cuban (1996) Immunology Societies
- Swedish STINT scholarship award (1998/99)
- ‘Garnet Immunoglobulin’ award from the Czech Immunology Society (2006)
- ‘Comenius Academic Club’ (Founding member, since 2012)
Selected publications
258 publikací a 63 přehledných článků a kapitol
Publikace z posledních 7 let
- Balu, S, Reljic, R, Lewis, MJ, Pleass, RJ, McIntosh, R, van Kooten, C, van Egmond, M, Challacombe, S, Woof, JM, and Ivanyi, J, A novel human IgA monoclonal antibody protects against tuberculosis. J. Immunol. 186; 3113-3119, 2011.
- Cardona, J-P and Ivanyi J. Secret trumps, impelling the pathogenicity of tubercle bacilli. Enfer Infecc Microbiol Clin 29 (suppl.3): 13-18, 2011.
- Ivanyi, J. Serodiagnosis of TB: due to shift track. Tuberculosis. 92: 31-37, 2012.
- Reljic R. and Ivanyi J. Immunotherapy of tuberculosis with IgA and Cytokines. In: Understanding Tuberculosis – Analyzing the Origin of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Pathogenicity. Editor P-J. Cardona; InTech, 457 – 472, 2012.
- Ivanyi J and Zumla A. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for adjunctive tuberculosis treatment. Editorial, J. Inf. Dis. 208:185-8, 2013.
- Ivanyi J. Could active case finding break the transmission of tuberculosis? (Letter) The Lancet, 383:1035, 2014.
- Ivanyi J. Function and potentials of M. tuberculosis epitopes; Frontiers Immunol; Research Topic eBook edited by J. Ivanyi and T. Ottenhoff, 5: Article 107, 2014.