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Rejmánek Marcel

Prof., RNDr., PhD.
Born June 5, 1946 in Hradci Králové

  • Ecology, botany
  • Member of Learned Society since 2005

Educational and professional preparation:

  • 1964, graduated, twelve-year school, Hradec Králové;
  • 1964-1969, Faculty of Science, Charles University (botany);
  • 1970, RNDr, Faculty of Science, CU (botany);
  • 1977, Csc., Faculty of Science, CU (plant ecology)

Employment and academic positions:

  • 1969-1975, postgraduate student, Faculty of Science, Charles University;
  • 1971-1977 Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, CU;
  • 1977-1978, researcher, Institute of Radioecology and Applied Nuclear Techniques, Košice;
  • 1978-1983, Head of the Department of Biomathematics, CSAS, České Budějovice;
  • 1984 Assistant Professor, Department of Experimental Statistics, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge (LSU);
  • 1984-1985 Research Associate Professor, Department of Marine Sciences and Center for Wetland Resources, LSU;
  • 1986-1988 Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, University of California, Davis (UCD);
  • 1989-1992 Associate Professor, UCD;
  • od r. 1993 Professor, Section of Evolution and Ecology, UCD.

Membership and positions in selected international organizations and societies:

  • 1978-present, Member, The Ecological Society of America
  • 1981-1984, Member, System Analysis Working Group, UNESCO
  • 1983-1987, Member of the Steering Committee, The Ecology of Biological Invasions, SCOPE International Program
  • 1993-1994, Member, Working Group on Ecosysyem Function and Biodiversity in Tropical Forests, NSF
  • 1997-2001, Member of the Steering Committee, Global Invasive Species Program, IUCN/SCOPE/CABI
  • 1978-present, Member, Botanical Society of America
  • 2001-present, Member, The IUCN Invasive Species Specialists Working Group
  • 2002-present, Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee, Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia Sinica, Taipei
  • 2002-present, Member, The Ecological Society of America Vegetation Classification Panel
  • 1992-present, Member of the Editorial Board, Folia Geobotanica
  • 1998-present, Member of the Editorial Board, Diversity and Distributions
  • 2000-present, Editor, Ecology Letters

Notable awards:

  • 2001, Prize, Promotionion of Education, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice
  • 2005, Invited Keanote Speaker, XVII International Botanical Congress, Vienna
  • 2006 Prize, Promotionion of Education and Research, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Praha 

Selected publications:

  • Brewer, S. and M. Rejmanek. 1999. Small rodents are significant dispersers of tree seeds in a Neotropical forest. Journal of Vegetation Science 10: 206-215.
  • Grotkopp, E., Rejmanek, M. and T.L. Rost 2002. Toward a causal explanation of plant invasiveness: seedling growth and life-history strategies of 29 pine (Pinus) species. American Naturalist 159: 396-419.
  • Grotkopp, E., Rejmánek, M., Sanderson, M.J. and T.L. Rost, 2004. Evolution of genome size in pines (Pinus) and its life-history correlates: a supertree analyses. Evolution 58: 1705-1729.
  • Rejmánek, M. 1989. Invasibility of plant communities. J.A. Drake, F. DiCastri, R.H. Groves, F.J. Kruger, H.A. Mooney, M. Rejmánek and M.H. Williamson (Eds.) Ecology of Biological Invasions: A Global Perspective. Wiley, New York. Pp. 369-388.
  • Rejmánek, M., Kindlman, P. and J. Lepš, 1983. Increase of stability with connectance in model competition communities. Journal of Theoretical Biology 101: 649-656.
  • Rejmánek, M., Rejmánková, E. and W. Holzner, 2004. Species diversity of plant communities on calcareous screes: the role of intermediate disturbance. Preslia 76: 207-222.
  • Rejmánek, M. and D.M. Richardson, 1996. What attributes make some plant species more invasive? Ecology 77: 2655-1661.
  • Rejmánek, M., Richardson, D. M., Higgins, S. I., Pitcairn, M. J., Grotkopp, E. 2005. Ecology of invasive plants: State of the art. In: Mooney, H. A.; McNeely, J. A., Nevile, L.; Schei, P. J.; Waage, J. K. (eds) Invasive Alien Species: Searching for Solutions. Island Press, Washington, D.C., pp. 104-161.
  • Rejmánek, M., Sasser, C.E. and J.G. Gosseling, 1987. Modeling of vegetation dynamics in the Mississippi deltaic plain. Vegetatio 69: 133-140.
  • Rejmánek, M. and P. Starý, 1979. Connectance in real biotic communities and critical values for stability of model ecosystems. Nature 280: 111-113.