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Komárek Jiří
Prof., RNDr., DrSc.
Born May 28, 1931 in Brno
- Member of Learned Society since 2004
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1941-1949, secondary school, Třebíč-Brno-Znojmo;
- 1949-1951, Faculty of Natural Science, Masaryk University, Brno;
- 1951-1953, Faculty of Natural Science, Charles University; graduated biologist (botany, specialisation in phycology);
- 1953-1956, FNS MU, scientific post-graduate student, CU, CSc. cryptogamology, hydrobiology, specialization phycology);
- 1968, RNDr.;
- 1992, DrSc., CU;
- 1993, Assistant Professor, MU;
- 1996, Professorial procedure, Faculty of Biology, South Bohemian University in České Budějovice (SBU)
Employment and academic positions:
- 1956-1961, CSAS, Hydrobiology Laboratory,
- 1959-1960; 1961-1971, scientific worker, deputy head of laboratory, Institute of Microbiology (Třeboň), CSAS;
- 1963-1966, 1966-1969, scientific worker, head of laboratory, head of scientific programme;
- after 1969, removed from all positions;
- 1971-1996, CSAS, Institute of Botany, Department of Hydrobotany (Třeboň) scientific worker with prohibition of holding a higher position and pedagogical activity to 1988;
- 1988-1989, visiting professor at several universities in Japan and Canada;
- 1989-1991, head, Algology Department, IB, AS CR;
- 1991-present, head scientific worker (part time), Institute of Botany, Algology Department, AS CR;
- 1991-present, Faculty of Biology, SBU;
- 1991-1997, head, Department of Botany;
- 1997-present, Professor of Phycology
Membership in domestic scientific bodies:
- 2001-present, Scientific Council, Institute of Botany AS CR;
- 1991-present, Scientific Council, FB SBU;
- 2003-present, Member, Committee for Granting of the Title of Doctor of Science, AS CR
Membership and positions in international organizations and societies:
- 1967-pesent, International Limnological Association;
- 1976-present, International Association for Cyanophyte Research (member, IAC scientific committee);
- 1982-present, International Phycological Society;
- 1982-present, International Botanical Society (also member of nomenclature commission);
- 1982-present, International Union for Bacteriological Science (also member, nomenclature commission for phototrophic bacteria);
- 2000-2004, member of Steering Committees for two EU projects: MIDI-CHIP, CYANOFIX.
Notable awards:
- 1989, J. E. Purkyně Gold Medal, AS CR
- 1990, G. J. Mendel Gold Medal, AS CR
- 2001, Holub Medal, Slovak Botanical Society
- 2001, G.W. Prescott Award, American Phycological Society
Selected publications:
- Komárek J. and Ludvík J.: Die Zellwandstruktur als taxonomisches Merkmal in der Gattung. Scenedesmus 1-2. Arch. Hydrobiol./Algolog. Studies, Stuttgart 5: 301-333, 6: 11-47. (1971-1972)
- Komárek J., Fott B.: Chlorophyceae (Grünalgen), Ordnung Chlorococcales. In: Huber-Pestalozzi G. (Ed.): Das Phytoplankton des Süsswassers, Die Binnengewässer 16, 7/1: 1-1044, Schweizerbart Verlag, Stuttgart 1983
- Anagnostidis K, Komárek J.: Modern approach to the classification system of cyanophytes 1,3,5. Arch. Hydrobiol./Algolog. Studies, Stuttgart, 38/39: 291-302,
50/53: 327-472, 59: 1-73. (1985-1990) - Komárek J., Anagnostidis K.: Modern approach to the classification system of cyanophytes 2,4. Arch. Hydrobiol./Algolog. Studies, Stuttgart, 43: 157-226, 56: 247-345. (1986, 1989)
- Komárek J. Anagnostidis K.: Cyanoprokaryota, 1.Teil: Chroococcales. In: Süsswasserflora von Mitteleuropa 19/1 (Ettl H., Gärtner G., Heynigh H. and Mollenhauer D. Eds.). Gustav Fischer, Jena-Stuttgart-Lübeck-Ulm, 1998, 548 pp.
- Komárek J., Azevedo S. M. F. O., Domingos P., Komáreková J., Tichý M.: Background of the Caruaru tragedy: a case taxonomic study of toxic cyanbacteria. Arch. Hydrobiol.-Algolog. Studies (papers Cyanobact. Res. 2) 103: 9-29
- Komárek J.: Problems in cyanobacterial taxonomy; implication for most common toxin producing species. In: Rapporti Istisan (Istituto Superiore di Sanitá) (Melchiorre S., Viaggiu E., Bruno M., Eds.). Roma 2000, pp. 6-43.
- Komárek J., Komárek O.: Diversity of cyanobacteria in seepages of King George Island, maritime Antarctica. In: Antarctic Biology in a Global Context (Huiskes A. H. L. et al., Eds.). Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, Proc. VIIIth SCAR Internat. Symp. 2001, Amsterdam 2003, 244-250
- Komárek J.: Two chapters (Review of North American Cyanobacteria), In: Freshwater algae of North America (Wehr J. D. and Sheath R.G., Eds.). Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 59-196 (2003)
- Komárek J., Kaštovský J. Coincidences of structural and molecular characters in evolutionary lines of cyanobacteria. Arch. Hydrobiol. Algolog. Studies (Papers Cyanobact. Research 4) 109: 305-325, 2003.
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