Zpět na seznam článků
Květ Jan
RNDr. CSc.
Born August 26, 1933 in Prague
- Ecology
- Member of Learned Society since 2002
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1951, secondary school, Prague 2;
- 1951-1956, Faculty of Biology, Charles University (plant anatomy and physiology);
- 1962-1963, post-graduate study, University of Oxford, Agriculture Department;
- 1964, CSc. (botany), Institute of Botany, CSAS (IB CSAS);
- 1968, RNDr., FS CU;
- 1981, state examination in English, Language School, České Budějovice.
Employment and academic positions:
- 1956-1994, Geobotany Laboratory (since 1962 Institute of Botany (IB), CSAS, Průhonice;
- 1965-1972, IB, CSAS, Department of Ecology, Brno;
- 1972-2002, IB, CSAS (since 1993, AS CR), Hydrobotany Department, Třeboň;
- 1993-present, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, Faculty of Biological Sciences (FBS) research worker and lecturer; simultaneous or parallel positions;
- 1965-1972, Institute of Microbiology, CSAS, scientific coordination, International Biology Programme (IBP);
- 1972-1975, Institute of Landscape Ecology, CSAS, Průhonice (dtto);
- 1990-1992, Czech National Council, Prague;
- 2003-present, Institute of Landscape Ecology, AS CR, Department of Wetland Ecology, Třeboň, research worker.
Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies:
- 1990-1997, Member of the Accreditation Commission of the Government of Czech Republic;
- 1993-1996, Member, Council for Sciences, AS CR;
- 1993-1996, member, Commission for Natural Sciences and chairman, Subcommission for General and Ecological Biology, Grant Agency of Czech Republic;
- 1994-1997, Vice-Dean, FBS, University of South Bohemia (USB);
- 1994-2000, member, Scientific Council, FBS, USB;
- 2002-2003, member, Scientific Council, Ministry of the Environment of Czech Republic
Membership and positions in international organisations and societies:
- 1963, Member, British Ecological Society
- 1965-1974, Scientific Coordinator, IBP subsection for photosynthesis and working group for wetlands
- 1977-1984, Member, Secretary, Czech National Committee, Scientific Committee for Problems of Environment (SCOPE), and, International Council for Science (ICSU)
- 1978, Member, working group on wetlands, International Association for Ecology
- 1985 Member, Czech National Committee, UNESCO MAB Programme (Man and Biosphere)
- 1998-present, Chairman of this Committee
- 1996, Corresponding Member, Austrian Academy of Sciences
- 2000, Vice-Chairman, Curatorium, Limnological Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences at Mondsee
- 2001-present, Life Member, Society of Wetland Scientists
Notable awards:
- 1973, Award, CSAS (with M. Rychnovská, J. Pelikán et al.)
- 1997, Medal Second Class, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports
- 2001, International Scientists Award, Society of Wetland Scientists (with D. Dykyjová)
- 2001, Memorial medal, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice,.
- 2004 Honorary Membership, Slovak Ecological Society
- 2004 Award, Minister of Environment
Selected publications:
- Květ J., Jeník J., Soukupová L. (Eds): Freshwater Wetlands and their Sustainable Future: A case study of Třeboň Basin Biosphere Reserve, Czech Republic. Man and the Biosphere Series 28, UNESCO and The Parthenon Publishing Group, Paris, 495 pp. (2002)
- Westlake D.F., Květ J., Szczpanski A. (Eds.): The Production Ecology of Wetlands. The IBP Synthesis. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge U.K., 568 pp. (1998)
- Květ J.: Funkce fytocenóz a jejich složek v provozu ekosystémů. (Role of phyto-
- coenoses and their components in ecosystem functioning.) In: Fytocenologie (Moravec J. et al., Eds.), p.223-245. Academia, Praha (1994)
- Whigham D.F., Good R.E., Květ J.: Wetland Ecology and Management: Case Studies. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 1990,180 pp.
- Pokorný J., Květ J., Ondok J. P., Toul Z., Ostry I.: Production-ecological analysis of a plant community dominated by Elodea canadensis Michx. Aquatic Botany, Amsterdam 19, 263-292 (1984)
- Dykyjová D., Květ J. (Eds.): Pond Littoral Ecosystems. Structure and Functioning. Ecological Studies, No. 28, 460 pp. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1978.
- Květ J. (Ed.): Littoral of the Nesyt Fishpond. Ecological Studies. Studie ČSAV 1973/15. Academia, Praha, 172 pp., 1973
- Květ J., Ondok J. P.: The significance of biomass duration. Photosynthetica, Praha 5, 417-420 (1971)
- Květ J. Ondok J. P., Nečas J. Jarvis P. G.: Methods of growth analysis. Chapter 10. In: Plant Photosynthetic production. Manual of Methods (Šesták Z., Čatský J. Jarvis P.G., Eds.), p. 343-391. Dr. W. Junk Publ., The Hague 1971
- Květ J.: Growth analysis approach to production ecological investigations in reedswamp plant communities. Hidrobiologia, Bucharest 12, 14-40 (1971)
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