Pánek Jaroslav
Prof., PhDr. DrSc., Dr.h.c.
Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Born: January 23, 1947, Prague
- Early modern history; history of historiography
- Member of Learned Society since 2009
Studies and Pedagogical Activities
- 1965-70, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague (history, archive sciences, Slavonic studies)
- 1971 PhDr., Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague
- 1980 CSc., Institute of Czechoslovak and World History, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague
- 1991 DrSc., Institute History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague
- 1992 associate professor (early modern history), Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague
- 1996 professor of Czech and Slovak history, Masaryk University, Brno; Charles University, Prague.
Employment and academic positions
- 1970-1976 archivist (public record offices, Benešov and Prague)
- 1976-1990 research fellow, Institute of Czechoslovak and World History, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague
- 1989 visiting professor, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
- 1990-1993 chair of the Department of Early Modern History, Institute of History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague
- 1991-1993 deputy director, Institute of History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague
- 1993-1996 associate professor, Institute of Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague
- 1995 – full professor, Institute of Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague
- 1997-2000 vice-rector for international relations, Charles University, Prague
- 1998-2005 director, Institute of History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague
- 2005 – vice-president of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague
Editorial Activities
Editor-in-chief: Folia Historica Bohemica (1990-2004); Opera Instituti Historici Pragae (1990-1993, 1998-2005).
Co-editor-in-chief: Historica. Historical Sciences in the Czech Republic (1994-2005); Český časopis historický / The Czech Historical Review (2000 – ).
Member of editorial/advisory boards of several periodicals in the Czech Republic and abroad (Austria – Österreichische Osthefte, Belarus – Belaruski histaryčny ahljad, Great Britain – Central Europe, Slovakia – Historický časopis, Slovenia – Universitas & Societas).
National editor of the Scholars of Early Modern Studies (USA, 1989-2000).
Membership in selected associations
- 1996-2002 president of the Association of Historians of the Czech Republic
- 2002-2011 chair of the Czech National Committee of Historians
- 2009 honorary member of the Polish Historical Society
- member of several scientific councils and societies (e.g. Collegium Carolinum, Munich, Germany; Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften, Berlin; Czechoslovak History Conference, USA).
Scholar publications
(A complete bibliography has been published in the books Historik Jaroslav Pánek. Bibliografie literárního díla [Historian Jaroslav Pánek. A Bibliography] by Eva Procházková, Benešov 1998, and Per saecula ad tempora nostra. Sborník prací k šedesátým narozeninám prof. Jaroslava Pánka, ed. by Jiří Mikulec and Miloslav Polívka, 2 vols., Praha 2007.)
- Jaroslav Pánek, Stavovská opozice a její zápas s Habsburky 1547-1577 [The Estates' Opposition and Its Struggle against the Habsburgs 1547-1577], Praha 1982
- Jaroslav Pánek (ed.) Životy posledních Rožmberků [Biographies of the Last Lords of Rosenberg by Václav Březan], 2 vols., Praha 1985
- Jaroslav Pánek, Výprava české šlechty do Itálie v letech 1551-1552 [The Expedition of the Czech Nobility to Italy 1551-1552], Praha 1987; 2nd edition České Budějovice 2003
- Jaroslav Pánek, Poslední Rožmberkové. Velmoži české renesance [Last Lords of Rosenberg. Magnates of the Bohemian Renaissance], Praha 1989
- Jaroslav Pánek, Jan Amos Komenský – Comenius, Praha 1990 (also in English, French, German, Slovenian, and Spanish)
- Jaroslav Pánek, Poslední Rožmberk. Životní příběh Petra Voka [The Last Rosenberg. Peter Wok's Life Story], Praha 1996; 2nd edition Praha 2010
- Jaroslav Pánek, Když císař odchází. Lidská tragédie a posmrtná sláva Rudolfa II. [The Death of the Emperor. Human Tragedy and Posthumous Glory of Rudolf II], Praha 1997
- Jaroslav Pánek, Jiří Tywoniak (1919-1995). Život a dílo českého historika, archiváře a organizátora vlastivědné práce [Jiří Tywoniak (1919-1995). Life and Work of a Czech Historian, Archivist and Organizer of Regional History Research], Benešov 1997
- Jaroslav Pánek, Sedm slovinských let. Slovinská kultura v České republice 1990-1996 [Seven Slovenian Years. The Slovenian Culture in the Czech Republic 1990-1996], Praha-Olomouc 1997
- Jaroslav Pánek, Vilém z Rožmberka. Politik smíru [Wilhelm of Rosenberg. A Politician of Conciliation], Praha 1998
- Jaroslav Pánek – Petr Vorel (eds.), Lexikon současných českých historiků / The Lexicon of Contemporary Czech Historians, Praha 1999
- Jaroslav Pánek (ed.), Samostatný stát mezi většími sousedy: podnět pro slovinskou politiku a kulturu [An Independent State and Greater Neighbours: Problems of Slovenian Politics and Culture], Praha 1999.
- Jaroslav Pánek – Miloslav Polívka, Jan Hus ve Vatikánu. Mezinárodní rozprava o českém reformátoru 15. století a o jeho recepci na prahu třetího tisíciletí / Jan Hus in Vatican. The International Discourse on a Czech Reformer of the 15th Century and His Reception on the Eve of the Third Millennium, Praha 2000 (co-author M. Polívka)
- Karel Malý – Jaroslav Pánek (eds.), Vladislavské zřízení zemské a počátky ústavního zřízení v českých zemích (1500-1619) [The Ladislas Land Code and the Beginnings of the Constitutionalism in Bohemian Lands (1500-1619)], Praha 2001
- Jaroslav Pánek (ed.), Czech Historiography in the 1990s, Prague 2001
- Jaroslav Pánek – Stanley B. Winters – Zdenka Winters, „My Life was Determined by History“. An Interview with Jaroslav Pánek, Minneapolis, University od Minnesota – College of Liberal Arts – Center for Austrian Studies 2002
- Vilém Herold – Jaroslav Pánek (eds.), Baroko v Itálii – baroko v Čechách. Setkávání osobností, idejí a uměleckých forem [The Baroque in Italy, Baroque in Bohemia. Encounter of Personalities, Ideas and Forms of Art. Papers of the Italian-Czech Symposion Barocco in Italia, Barocco in Boemia, uomini, idee, forme d´arte a confronto], Praha 2003
- Jaroslav Pánek – Oldřich Tůma, Manuál Encyklopedie českých dějin (Příručka pro zpracovatele – Heslář – Vzorová hesla) [The Encyclopedia of the Czech History. A Manual], Praha 2003
- Jaroslav Pánek, Rozmluvy s historiky (Česká historiografie a soudobé dějiny očima zahraničních kolegů) [Conversations with Historians (Czech historiography and contemporary history in the eyes of foreign colleagues], Praha 2005
- Jaroslav Pánek, Historical Encyclopedias (Current research results – an outline of typology – perspectives), Prague 2005
- Jaroslav Pánek – Svatava Raková – Václava Horčáková, Scholars of Bohemian, Czech and Czechoslovak History Studies, 3 vols., Prague 2005
- Jaroslav Pánek (ed.), Jan Zajíc z Házmburka: Sarmacia aneb Zpověď českého aristokrata [Sarmacia by Jan Zajíc of Házmburk or The Confession of a Czech Aristocrat], Praha 2007
- Jaroslav Pánek et alii: České dějiny v současné zahraniční historiografii [Czech History in the Contemporary Foreign Historiography], Pardubice – Praha – Ústí nad Labem 2008
- Jaroslav Pánek, Oldřich Tůma a kolektiv, Dějiny českých zemí [A History of the Czech Lands], Praha 2008
- Jaroslav Pánek et alii, Idea českého státu v proměnách staletí [The Idea of the Czech State through Centuries], Praha 2008
- Jaroslav Pánek (ed.), Akademická encyklopedie českých dějin [The Academic Encyclopaedia of the Czech History]. Vol. 1 (A – C). Praha 2009
- Jaroslav Pánek, Oldřich Tůma et alii, A History of the Czech Lands, Prague 2009.
Other works:
Ca. 400 scientific publications, many other articles and reviews, published in Slavonic and Western languages in many countries of Europe, America, Asia and Australia.
These studies deal with Czech and European history of the Early Modern period (16th-18th centuries), partially also with History of Middle Ages and of the 19th-20th centuries. Main topics: social structures, political systems, cultural development in the age of Humanism, Renaissance and Baroque, history of nobility, marginal groups and crime, history of international relations, history of modern historiography, contemporary historical consciousness.
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