Zpět na seznam článků
Peřina Jan
Prof., RNDr., DrSc.
Born November 11, 1936 in Městec Králové
- Theory of coherence, quantum, statistical and nonlinear optics
- Member of Learned Society since 1995
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1957, graduate, Higher electrotechnical industrial school, Prague;
- 1960-1964, Faculty of Science, Palacký University (FS PU);
- 1966, CSc. FS PU;
- 1967, RNDr FS PU;
- 1984, DrSc. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University (FMP CU);
- 1990, Professor in quantum electronics and optics, FS PU.
Employment and academic positions:
- 1959-1960, Project planner at Elektromontážní závody, Prague;
- 1964-1990, professional and scientific worker, Optics Laboratory, FS PU, Joint Optics Laboratory, PU, and Institute of Physics (IP) Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences;
- 1990, Head, Joint Optics Laboratory; 1990-1994, Head, Department of Optics FS PU;
- 1990-present, Professor, Department of Optics FS PU also head scientific worker, Joint Optics Laboratory PU and IP AS CR.
Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies:
- 1965-present, Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists (physical science section);
- 1990-present, member, Scientific Council FS PU;
- 2001-present, member, Council for Sciences AS CR;
- 1993-1997, Physics Commission, Grant Agency of Czech Republic;
- 1990-1994, Accreditation Sub-Commission for Physics;
- 1992-1996, Chairman, Czech and Slovak Section, International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE);
- 1985-1994, Czechoslovak Committee for Optics;
- 1998-presen, member, Commission for Awarding Prizes by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS);
- 1996-present, International Editorial Board, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics;
- 1996-present, International Editorial Board, Jemná mechanika a optika (Fine Mechanics and Optics).
Membership and positions in selected international organizations and societies:
- 1984, Fellow, Optical Society of America
- 1990, American Physical Society
- 1990, SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering
- 1987-1990, Vice-president, International Commission for Optics
- 1987-1993A Commission for awarding the Galileo Medal (ICO)
- International editorial boards: 1982-1990, Optics Letters , 1976-1991, Acta Physica Polonica, 1982-1998, Journal of Modern Optics (Optica Acta), 1993-1998, Quantum Optics, 1993-present, Progress in Optics, 1996-present, Acta Physica Slovaca, 2002-present, Optica Applicata
Notable, awards:
- 1983, I. I. Rabi Award, Columbia University, New York
- 1988, First Class Medal, Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists
- 1991, Award, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports
- 1996, Dionýz Ilkovič Gold Plaque, Slovak Academy of Sciences
- 2001, Award, Statutory City of Olomouc
- 2002, State Award (for merit Class I), President of the Czech Republic
Selected publications:
- J. Peřina: Coherence of Light. Van Nostrand Reinhold, London, 1972; 2nd Edition, D. Reidel, Dordrecht-Boston 1985; Russian translation, Mir, Moscow 1974
- J. Peřina: Photocount statistics of radiation propagating through random and nonlinear media, Progress in Optics, Vol. 18 (Ed. E. Wolf). North-Holland Amsterdam 1980, p. 127
- J. Peřina: Quantum Statistics of Linear and Nonlinear Optical Phenomena. D. Reidel, Dordrecht-Boston, 1984; 2nd Edition, Kluwer, Dordrecht-Boston 1991; Russian translation Mir, Moscow 1987
- J. Peřina, Z. Hradil, B. Jurčo: Quantum Optics and Fundamentals of Physics. Kluwer, Dordrecht-Boston 1994
- V. Peřinová, A. Lukš, J. Peřina: Phase in Optics. World Scientific, Singapore 1998
- J. Peřina, Jr., J. Peřina: Quantum statistics of nonlinear optical couplers, Progress in Optics, Vol. 41. (Ed. E. Wolf). Elsevier, Amsterdam 2000, p. 361
- J. Fiurášek, J. Peřina: Quantum statistics of light propagating in nonlinear optical couplers, Coherence and Statistics of Photons and Atoms (Ed. J. Peřina). J. Wiley, New York 2001, p. 65
- J. Peřina: Superposition of coherent and incoherent fields, Physics Letters 24A, 333 (1967)
- L. Mišta, V. Peřinová, J. Peřina, Z. Braunerová: Quantum statistical properties of degenerated parametric amplification process, Acta Physica Polonica A 51, 793 (1977)
- A. Luis, J. Peřina: Zeno effect in parametric down-conversion, Physical Review Letters 76, 4340 (1996)
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