Zpět na seznam článků


Spunar Pavel

Prof., PhDr., CSc.
Born May 21, 1928 in Prague

  • Theory and history of culture
  • Member of Learned Society since 1996

Educational and professional preparation:

  • 1947, graduated, academic secondary school, Prague-Bubeneč;
  • 1947-1952, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University;
  • 1949, second state examination, Library Courses, FP, CU;
  • 1952, PhDr.; 1967, CSc.;
  • 1992, Associate Professor, FP, Masaryk University, Brno;
  • 1995, Professor, theory and history of culture, FP MU.

Employment and academic positions:

  • 1952, Librarian, Museum of Czech Literature, Prague;
  • 1953, Cabinet of Philological Documentation, CSAS;
  • 1954-1961, Institute for Czech Literature, CSAS;
  • 1962-1989, Cabinet for Greek, Roman and Latin Studies, CSAS;
  • 1990-2002, Cabinet for Classical Studies, AS CR;
  • 2003, Foreign Language Institute, Brno, Institute for Classical Studies, AS CR

Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies:

  • 1990-1998, Deputy Director, Institute for Classical Studies, AS CR;
  • 1994-1998, Chairman, Council of the Fund for Publishing of Scientific Literature, AS CR;
  • 1998-2000, Vice-Chairman, Editorial Board, AS CR;
  • 1995-2000, Vice-Chairman, Academic Evaluation Committee;
  • 1994, Editor-in-chief, Religio;
  • 1998, Member, Scientific Council, FP MU.

Membership and positions in international organizations and societies:

  • 1956, Comité international de la paléographie latine, Paris
  • 1961, Centre international de codicologie, Bruxelles

Notable awards:

  • 1986, Annual Award, Odeon Publishing House, Prague
  • 2003, Silver medal, Masaryk University
  • 2003, František Palacký Medal, AS CR

Selected publications:

  • P. Spunar: Ľ évolution et la fonction de la batârde en Bohéme et en Pologne. Studia źródloznawce 6, 1-19, tab. I-X, 1961.
  • F. M. Bartoš-P. Spunar: Soupis pramenů k literární činnosti M. Jana Husa a M. Jeronýma Pražského (A List of Sources for Literary Activity of M. Jan Hus and M. Jeroným Pražský) Prague, HÚ ČSAV 1965, 369 pp.
  • P. Spunar: Ein Beitrag zur Festlegung des Platzes Vyšehrader kodex in der Entwicklung der Schrieberkunst Mitteleuropas. Skriptorium (Bruxelles) 23, 13-23, 1969
  • P. Spunar et al.: Kultura středověku (Mediaeval Culture). Orbis, Prague 1972, 203 pp.; 2nd Ed., Academia 1995, 226 pp.
  • P. Spunar: Kultura českého středověku (Bohemian Mediaeval Culture). Odeon, Prague 1986, 557 pp., 310 figs.
  • D. Svobodová-P. Spunar: Smích a pláč středověku (Laughter and Tears of the Middle Ages). Odeon, Prague 1997, 269 pp.
  • P. Spunar: Repertorium auctorum Bohemorum provectum idearum post universitatem Pragensem conditam illustrans, I, Vratislaviae, Ossolineum 1985, 479 pp.; II, Warsowiae-Pragae 1995, 295 pp.

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