Zpět na seznam článků
Anděl Michal
Prof., MUDr., CSc.
- Clinical medicine and clinical physiology with focus on diabetes mellitus and nutrition
- Member of Learned Society since 2013
Educational and professional preparation
- MUDr. (corresponds with MD) in Medicine , Charles University, Prague, Czechia, 1972.
- CSc. (candidate of sciences, corresponds with PhD) in Nutrition, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine 1978.
- Visiting researcher University of Nottingham , February and March 1989.
- Professor of Internal Medicine, Charles Unversity in Prague 1992
- Visiting professor Georgetown University Washington, April and May 1996.
- 1st and 2nd specialization degrees in internal medicine 1976 and 1979
- Specialization degree in Diabetology 2003
- Specialization degree in Diabetology and Endocrinology 2012
- Functional specialization in Clinical Nutrition and Intensive Metabolic Care 2013
Employment and academic positions
- Head - Center for Research of Diabetes, Metabolism and Nutrition, Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague
- Professor of Medicine and Head of Second Departement of Internal Medicine in University Hospital Královské Vinohrady, Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague 1990 – 2016
- Head - Chair of Internal Medicine, Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague
- Dean, Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague 1997 – 2003 and 2010 – 2016
Membership and positions in selected international organizations and societies
- Member - Commitee of AMSE (Assotiation of Medical School in Europe) 2003 – 2009
- Member European Association for Study of Diabetes.
- Elected Member of European Academy of Nutritional Sciences (1991)
Notable awards
- Jubilee medal of Charles University 1998
- Golden Medal of Charles University 2003
- Honorary citizenship of Prague 7 district 2006
- Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf Medal 2007
- Award of Technological Agency of Czech Republic 2012
Up to date more than 350 articles, among them 150 in journals indexed in WOS. H index 18. Citations without autocitations 950
Selected international publications from 2008
- Duška F, Andel M: Intensive blood glucose control in acute and prolonged critical illness: endo- genous secretion contributes more to plasma insulin than exogenous insulin infusion Metabolism, 57, 2008, 5,669-71.
- Cejkova P, Novota P, Cerna M, Kolostova K, Novakova D, Kucera P, Novak J, Andel M, Weber P, Zdarsky E. HLA DRB1, DQB1 and insulin promoter VNTR polymorphisms: interactions and the association with adult-onset diabetes mellitus in Czech patients. Int J Immunogenet. 2008 Apr;35(2):133-40.
- Kubisová D, Dlouhý P, Rambousková J, Andel M.: Absence of protein-energy malnutrition in Prague homeless. Int J Public Health. 2008;53(1):57-63.
- Duska F, Fric M, Waldauf P, Pazout J, Andel M, Mokrejs P, Tůma P, Pachl J.:Frequent intravenous pulses of growth hormone together with glutamine supplementation in prolonged critical illness after multiple trauma: effects on nitrogen balance, insulin resistance, and substrate oxidation. Crit Care Med. 2008 Jun;36(6):1707-13.
- Andel M, Grzeszczak W, Michalek J, Medvescek M, Norkus A, Rasa I, Niewada M, Kamiński B, Kraml P, Madacsy L; DEPAC Group.A multinational, multi-centre, observational, cross-sectional survey assessing diabetes secondary care in Central and Eastern Europe (DEPAC Survey). Diabet Med. 2008 Oct;25(10):1195-203.
- Dlouhý P, Kucera P, Kraml P, Pompachová A, Potocková J, Smejkalová V, Mokrejs P, Jacek M, Andel M.:Short-term dietary intake of C18:1 trans fatty acids decreases the function of cellular immunity in healthy young men.Ann Nutr Metab. 2008;53(2):129-36.
- Rambousková, J., Dlouhý,P., Křížová, E., Procházka, B., Hrnčířová, D., Anděl, M.: Health behaviours, Nutritional Status and Anthropometric Parameters of Roma and Non Roma Mothers and thei Infants in Czech Republic. J. Nutr. Educ. Behav. 41, 2009, 58 – 64.
- Syrovatka P, Kraml P, Potockova J, Fialova L, Vejrazka M, Crkovska J, Andel M: Relationship between increased body iron stores, oxidative stress and insulin resistance in healthy men. Ann Nutr Metab. 2009;54(4):268-74.
- Syrovatka P, Kraml P, Hulikova K, Fialova L, Vejrazka M, Crkovska J, Potockova J, Andel M.: Iron stores are associated with asymptomatic atherosclerosis in healthy men of primary prevention.Eur J Clin Invest. 2011 Aug;41(8):846-53
- Brunerova, L., Potockova, J., Horacek, J., Koprivova, H., Rehula, M., Andel, M. (2012). Sublingual apomorphine as a neuroendocrine probe. Psychiatry Research 198, 2012 , 297-299.
- Brunerova L, Potockova J, Horacek J, Suchy J, Andel M.: Central Dopaminergic Activity Influences Metabolic Parameters in Healthy Men.Neuroendocrinology. 97, 2013, 132 – 138.
- Kraml PJ, Syrovátka P, Potočková J, Anděl M.: The Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein/ β2-Glycoprotein I Complex Is Associated with Abdominal Obesity in Healthy Middle-Aged Men. Ann Nutr Metab. 2012 Nov 17;62(1):7-13.
- Wildová E, Dlouhý P, Kraml P, Rambousková J, Smejkalová V, Potočková J, Anděl M.: Orally administered whey proteins have comparable effect on C-peptide secretion in healthy subjects as standard C-peptide stimulation tests. Physiol Res. 62, 2013, 179 – 186.
- Urbanová, J., Rypáčková, J., Kučera, P., Anděl, M., Heneberg, P.: Should the Negativity for Islet Cell Antibodies Be Used in a Prescreening for Genetic Testing in Maturity – Onset Diabetes of the Young? The Case of Autoimmunity – Associated Destruction of Pancreratic β – Cells in a Family of HNF1A-MODY Subjects. Int. Arch Allergy Immunol 2013, 161, 279 – 284.
- Elkalaf, M., Andel, M.,Trnka, J.: Low glucose but not galactose enhances oxidative mitochondrial metabolism in C2C12 myoblasts and myotubes. Plos One 8, 2013, e 70772.
- Gojda, J., Patkova, J., Jaček, M., Potockova, J., Trnka, J., Kraml, P., Andel, M.: Higher insulin sensitivity in vegan sis not associated with higher mitochondrial density. Europ. J. Clin. Nutr., 2013, s. 1- 6
- Pruhova, S., Dusatkova, P., Kraml, P.J., Kulich, M., Prochazkova, Z., Broz, J., Zikmund, J., Cink, O., Andel, M., Pedersen, O., Hansen, T. Lebl, J.: Chronic mild hyperglycaemia in GCK – MODY patients does not increase carotid intima – media thickness. Int. J. Endocrinol., 2013,
- Rambouskova, J., Slavikova, M., Krskova, A., Prochazka, B., Andel, M., Dlouhy, P: Nutritional assesment of institutionalized Elderly in Prague, Czech Republic. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 62, 2013, 201 – 206.
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