Zpět na seznam článků
Doležel Jaroslav
Assoc. Prof., Ing., DrSc.
Born July 22, 1954 in Olomouc
- Member of Learned Society since 2004
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1973, graduated, academic secondary school, Olomouc - Hejčín;
- 1978, Agronomic Faculty, University of Agriculture, Brno;
- 1983, CSc., Institute of Experimental Botany (IEB) CSAS;
- 2001, DrSc., IEB AS CR;
- 2001, Associate Professor in botany, Faculty of Science, Palacký University, Olomouc (FNS PU), IEB, AS CR, Olomouc, scientific worker, Olomouc Research Centre
Employment and academic positions:
- 1978-1983, scientific post-graduate student at IEB;
- 1983-present, scientific worker at IEB;
- 1994, head scientific worker, IEB;
- 1997, head, Olomouc Research Centre, IEB;
- 1992-2001 lecturer at FNS PU;
- from 2001 Associate Professor at FNS PU.
Membership in domestic selected scientific bodies:
- 1998-2000, Professional Commission, Grant Agency of Czech Republic;
- 2001-present, Scientific Council for the Field of Genetics and Improvement of the Plant Production Research Institute, Prague-Ruzyně;
- 2003-present, Scientific Council of FNS PU
Membership and positions in selected international organizations and societies:
- 1997, member, International Society for Analytical Cytology
- 1999, member, European Cytogeneticists Association
- 2000, Chairman, Genetic Improvement Working Group of PROMUSA (A Global Programme for Musa Improvement)
- 2001, member, Advisory Board, Centre of Excellence in Agrobiology and Molecular Biology, Institute of Plant Genetics, Poznan, Poland
- Member, editorial boards of three international scientific journals
Notable awards:
- 1999, Senior Award, Learned Society of the Czech Republic
- 2004, Bronze Medal „For Contributions to the Development of Palacký University,“ Palacký University, Olomouc
Selected publications:
- Doležel J., Kubaláková M., Bartoš J., Macas J.: Flow cytogenetics and plant genome mapping. Chrom. Res. 12, 77-91, 2004.
- Kubaláková M., Vrána J., Číhalíková J., Šimková H., Doležel J.: Flow karyotyping and chromosome sorting in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 104, 1362-1372, 2002.
- Kubaláková M., Vrána J., ěíhalíková J., Lysák M.A., Doležel J.: Localisation of DNA sequences on plant chromosomes using PRINS and C-PRINS. Methods Cell Sci. 23, 71-82, 2001.
- Ten Hoopen R., Manteuffel R., Doležel J., Malysheva L., Schubert I.: Evolutionary conservation of kinetochore protein sequences in plants. Chromosoma 109, 482-489, 2000.
- Doležel J., Greilhuber J., Lucretti S., Meister A., Lysák M. A., Nardi L., Obermayer R.: Plant genome size estimation by flow cytometry: Inter-laboratory comparison. Ann. Bot. 82 (Suppl. A), 17-26, 1998.
- Binarová P., Hause B., Doležel J., Dráber P.: Association of ă-tubulin with kinetochore/centromeric region of plant chromosomes. Plant J. 14, 751-757, 1998.
- Macas J., Gualberti G., Nouzová M., Samec P., Lucretti S., Doležel J.: Construction of chromosome-specific DNA libraries covering the whole genome of field bean (Vicia faba L.). Chrom. Res. 4: 531-539, 1996.
- Doležel J., Lucretti S., Schubert I.: Plant chromosome analysis and sorting by flow cytometry. Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. 13, 275-309, 1994.
- Macas J., Doležel J., Lucretti S., Pich U., Meister A., Fuchs J., Schubert I.: Localization of seed protein genes on flow-sorted field bean chromosomes. Chrom. Res. 1: 107-115, 1993.
- Doležel, J., Sgorbati, S., Lucretti, S.: Comparison of three DNA fluorochromes for flow cytometric estimation of nuclear DNA content in plants. Physiol. Plant. 85, 625-631, 1992.
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