Zpět na seznam článků
Grygar Jiří
RNDr., CSc.
Born March 17, 1936 in Pruský Jindřichov
(Heinersdorf; now Dziewietlice)
- Astronomy, astrophysics
- Member of Learned Society since 1994 (Founding Member)
- Member, Council of LS 1998-2002
- President of LS 2004-present
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1954, graduated, eleven-year school, Brno-Husovice;
- 1954-1957, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University;
- 1957-1959, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University;
- 1963, CSc., Institute of Astronomy, CSAS;
- 1967, RNDr., CU
Employment and academic positions:
- 1959-1962, post-graduate student, Institute of Astronomy CSAS, Ondřejov;
- 1963-1980, scientist, Stellar Department, Institute of Astronomy, CSAS;
- 1980-1991, scientist, Department of Low-Temperature Physics, Institute of Physics, CSAS, Řež;
- 1991-present, scientist, Section of Elementary Particles, Institute of Physics, AS CR
Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies:
- 1991-1993, Chairman, Scientific Council, Grant Agency of AS CR
- 1992-1998, Chairman, Czech Astronomical Society
- 1993-2001, Member, Council for Sciences of AS CR
- 1993-present, Vice-Chairman, Council for Promotion of Science of AS CR
- 1998-present, Member, Steering Committee, Council of Czech Scientific Societies
- 2004-present, Honorary Chairman, Czech Astronomical Society
Membership and positions in selected international organizations and societies:
- 1967, Member, International Astronomical Union (IAU)
- 1967, Member, IAU Commission 42 (Close Binaries)
- 1972-1981, Member, IAU Subcommission on Bibliography of Close Binaries
- 1972, Member, IAU Commission 27 (Variable Stars)
- 1991, Founding Member, European Astronomical Society (EAS)
- 2001-present, Vice-President, European Council of Sceptical Organisations (ECSO)
Notable awards:
- 1983, Prize, Promotion of Science, CSAS
- 1984, Prize, television series „Windows of the Universe Wide Open“, Czechoslovak Television
- 1989, Honorary Member, Czechoslovak Astronomical Society
- 1992, Kisch Prize for book Stopping Points in the Universe, Obec spisovatelů, Prague
- 1994, Prize, Promotion of Science, AS CR
- 1996, Asteroid No. 3336 designated „Grygar“ by IAU, Paris
- 1996, Kalinga Prize, Popularization of Science, UNESCO, Paris-New Delhi
- 1997, Prize, personage „outside the walls“, Masaryk University, Universitatis Masarykiana Foundation, Brno
- 2001, Honorary Member, Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists
- 2003, Littera Astronomica Prize, series of general articles, „Harvest of Discoveries“ (1966-2001), Czech Astronomical Society
- 2003, Fischer lecture, Scientific Council of Palacký University, Olomouc
Selected publications:
- D. Chochol, C. J. van Houten, K. K. Kwee, T. Pribulla, J. Grygar: Analysis of multicolour light curves of southern eclipsing binaries GW Car, V685 Cen, V742 Cen and V746 Sco. Contr. Astron. Obs. Skalnaté Pleso 33, 107 (2003)
- R. Komžík, A. Ulla, D. Chochol, J. Grygar: Detection of the secondary minima in TX UMa. Inform. Bull. Var. Stars No. 5155 (2001)
- P. Schovánek, J. Křepelka, M. Hrabovský, M. Palatka, M. Vlček, L. Soukup, L. Jastrabík, J. Řídký, J. Grygar, M. Boháčová: Optical filters designed for the fluorescence detector of the AUGER project with transmittance in the range of 300 nm to 420 nm. Proc. SPIE 4356, 213 (2001)
- D. Chochol, J. Grygar, T. Pribulla, R. Komžík, L. Hric, V. Elkin: The expansion of the envelope of Nova V1974 Cyg and the distance problem. Astron. Astrophys. 318, 908 (1997).
- J. Grygar: The role of space-based observations in astrophysical research. Amer. Inst. Phys Conference Proc. 245, 219 (1992)
- J. Grygar, L. Hric, R. Komžík, Z. Šíma: Direct detection of the secondary spectrum of the interacting eclipsing binary TX UMa. Astrophys. Space. Sci. 185, 189 (1991)
- J. Grygar: The phenomenon of novae in contemporary astrophysics. Scientia 116, 295 (1981)
- J. Grygar, L. Hric, D. Chochol, A. Mammano: The symbiotic variable V 1329 Cygni (= HBV 475) - a decade after its discovery. Bul. Astron. Inst. Czechosl. 30, 308 (1979)
- J. Grygar, M. L. Cooper, I. Jurkevich: Limb darkening problem in eclipsing binaries. Bull. Astron. Inst. Czechosl. 23, 147 (1972)
- J. Grygar, J. Smolinski, J. B. Hutchings: The transition stage spectrum of Nova Serpentis 1970. Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 83, 15 (1971)
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