Zpět na seznam článků


Hajičová Eva

Prof., PhDr., DrSc.
Born August 23, 1935 in Prague

  • Theoretical and computational linguistics
  • Member of Learned Society since 2004

Educational and professional preparation:

  • 1953, graduated, Academic Secondary School in Prague;
  • 1953-1958, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University, English and Czech;
  • 1968, PhDr., FP CU;
  • 1976, CSc.; 1988, DrSc.;
  • 1991, Associate Professor, general linguistics, CU;
  • 1995, Full Professor, general linguistics CU

Employment and academic positions:

  • 1958-1959, elementary school teacher;
  • 1959-1962, teacher, secondary vocational school;
  • 1962-1972, lecturer, FP CU;
  • 1973-present, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, CU (as research assistant, senior research worker, professor);
  • 1990-2000, Director, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, FMP, CU;
  • 2001-2004, Head, Centre of Computational Linguistics FMP CU

Membership in domestic scientific bodies:

  • Prague Linguistics Circle (Chair; 1997-present), Language Association of Czech Republic;
  • Czech Society for Cybernetics and Computer Science (Board Member);
  • Modern Philologists Circle (Committee Member)
  • 1998-2003, Scientific Council, CU;
  • 1997-present, Scientific Council, FMP, CU;
  • 2003-present, Scientific Council FMP, CU

Membership and positions in selected international organizations and societies:

  • Association for Computational Linguistics (1997-1998 President of the Association);
  • International Speech and Communication Association (Executive Committee member);
  • Comité International Permanent des Linguistes (Executive Committee member);
  • Societas Linguistica Europaea, International Committee of Computational Linguistics (Vice-chairperson)
  • 2003-present, Member, International Scientific Council Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale, CNR Pisa
  • 2001-present, Member, Academia Europaea

Notable awards:

  • 1995, Silver Medal, FMP, CU
  • 1997, von Humboldt Research Award, (by A.v.Humboldt-Stiftung, Bonn)
  • 2000, Silver Medal, CU
  • 2003, Meda,l Minister of Education, Class 1, for important scientific and pedagogical work

Selected publications:

  • Negace a presupozice ve významové stavbě věty (Negation and resupposition in the meaning structure of a sentence). Academia, Prague 1975
  • Presupposition and allegation revisited. J. of Pragmatics 8, 155-167, 1984
  • The Meaning of the Sentence in Its Semantic and Pragmatic Aspects (with P. Sgall and J. Panevová). Reidel, Dordrecht 1986
  • A dependency-based parser for topic and focus. Current Issues in Parsing Technology, Ed. M. Tomita. Kluwer, Boston/Dordrecht/London 1991, pp. 127-138
  • ‚Free‘ word order described without unnecessary complexity.” Theoretical Linguistics 17, 99-106. 1991.
  • A challenge for universal grammar: Valency and ‚free‘ order in underlying structure. Invited lecture at the plenary meeting, International Congress of Linguists, Quebec.
    In: XVth International Congress of Linguists. Plenary Session Texts, 1992, 50-61.
  • Issues of Sentence Structure and Discourse Patterns. UK, Prague 1993
  • Topic-Focus Articulation, Tripartite Structures and Semantic Content (with B.H.Partee and P. Sgall). Kluwer, Amsterdam 1998
  • Dependency-based Underlying Structure: Tagging of a Very Large Corpus. In: Les Grammaires de Dépendence. Hermes Scientific Publications, Paris 2000, pp. 57-78
  • Possibilities and Limits of Optimality in Topic-Focus Articulation. In: Current Issues in Formal Slavic Linguistics (G. Zybatow, U. Junghanns, G. Mehlhorn and L. Szucsich,. Eds.). Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2001, pp. 385-394

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11.ledna 2023, moderoval Jan Trlifaj:

Open access – pozitiva a rizika

  • prof. Michal Hocek (Učená společnost ČR a ÚOCHB AV ČR)
  • Ing. Jiří Marek (ÚVT Masarykovy univerzity)
  • doc. Daniel Münich (CERGE-EI)
  • doc. David Kosař (Právnická fakulta Masarykovy univerzity)
  • Ing. Martin Svoboda (NTK a CzechELib)
  • dr. Václav Štětka (Loughborough University, UK)
  • prof. Jan Trka (2. LF Univerzity Karlovy)

17. ledna 2023, moderoval Martin Loebl:

Heroic Librarians Fighting Publishing Sharks

  • Vinciane Gaillard (Zástupce ředitele European University Association)
  • Jiří Jirát (člen vyjednávacího týmu CzechELib)
  • Gerard Meijer (ředitel Ústavu Fritze Habera MPG a místopředseda německého vyjednávacího týmu DEAL)
  • Martin Svoboda (ředitel NTK, vedoucí vyjednávacího týmu pro elektronické zdroje)