Zpět na seznam článků


Krajíček Jan

Prof., RNDr., DrSc.
Born June 18, 1960 in Prague

  • Member of Learned Society since 2004

Degrees and titles

  • 1985, RNDr., Charles University;
  • 1990, CSc., Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences;
  • 1993, DrSc., AS CR;
  • 2002, Associate Professor, Charles University;
  • 2004, Professor of Mathematical Logic, Charles University;

Long-term academic positions

  • 1985-2012, Academy of Sciences;
  • 2005-present, Charles University;
  • 1988-89, 1990-91, visiting professor, University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign);
  • 1993, visiting professor (6 months), University of Toronto;
  • 1997-99, visiting scholar, Oxford University;
  • 2004 (Spring term), member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.
  • 2006 and 2012 (6 months and 3 months, resp.), senior visiting fellow, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge.

Membership in academic societies (selected)

  • Academia Europaea (since 2012)

Selected awards and honors

  • 1998, Award, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports (for Science)
  • 2010, Award of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  • 2012, Commemorative medal of the Mathematics & Physics Faculty (Charles University)
  • 2013, Prize of the Charles University for the 2011 monograph
  • 2020, Medal of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic
  • 2020, Commemorative medal of the Charles University

Selected invited and plenary lectures

  • 5-times plenary speaker at annual meetings of the Association of Symbolic Logic (San Antonio 1993, Haifa 1995, Prague 1998 - tutorial, Paris 2010, Prague 2019),
  • 3-times invited speaker at quadrennial world International Congresses of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (10th at Florence 1995, 13th at Peking 2007 and 16th at Prague 2019),
  • 4th European Congress of Mathematics at Stockholm (2004).

Selected publications

  • J. Krajíček: Bounded arithmetic, propositional logic, and complexity theory, Cambridge University Press, 1995.
  • J. Krajíček: Forcing with random variables and proof complexity, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
  • J. Krajíček: Proof complexity, Cambridge University Press, 2019.
  • J. Krajíček: Proof complexity generators, Cambridge University Press, in press.

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Masterclass Učené společnosti

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Prvním přednášejícím bude Petr Slavíček