Zpět na seznam článků


Procházka Karel

Prof., RNDr., DrSc.
Born September 5, 1947

  • Physical chemistry of polymers
  • Member of Learned Society since 2003

Educational and professional preparation:

  • 1965-1970, student, physical chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University (FS CU), Prague;
  • 1970-1973, internal post-graduate student, Institute of the Fundamentals of Chemical Technology CSAS, Prague;
  • 1973, CSc.;
  • 1990, Associate Professor, CU;
  • 1997, DrSc., Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, AS CR, Prague;
  • 1997, Full Professor, CU

Employment and academic positions:

  • Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry, FS CU;
  • 1973-1990, lecturer,
  • 1997-2003, Head, Department;
  • 1985-1986, professeur invité, Université du Quebec a Montréal;
  • 1991-1996, visiting scientist, University of Texas, Austin (USA).

Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies:

  • 1990-present, member, Scientific Councils: Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry,  Institute  of  Physical  Chemistry,  FS  CU  and  the  Institute  of  Chemical Technology (ICT) Prague
  • 1993-1996, member, Chemical Commission of Grant Agency of AS CR
  • 1998-2003, member, Commission for the Natural Sciences and Subcommission for Chemistry of Grant Agency of Czech Republic
  • 1997-present, professional editor, Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications

Membership and positions in international organizations and societies:

  • 1992, Member, American Chemical Society

Notable awards:

  • 1998, Award, Learned Society (in the category of scientific worker)

Selected publications:

  • Štěpánek M., Procházka K.: Fluorometric studies of the polyelectrolyte shell of block copo-lymer micelles in aqueous media. Langmuir 15, 8800-8806, 1999.
  • Štěpánek M., Procházka K., Brown W.: Time-dependent behavior of block polyelectrolyte micelles in aqueous media studied by potentiometric titrations. Langmuir 16, 2502-2507, 2000.
  • Tsitsilianis C., Voulgaris D., Štěpánek M., Podhájecká K., Procházka K., Tuzar Z.,  Brown W.:  Polystyrene/poly(2-vinylpyridine)  heteroarm  star  copolymer micelles in aqueous media and onion micelles stabilized by diblock copolymers. Langmuir 16, 6868-6876, 2000.
  • Podhájecká K., Štěpánek M., Procházka K., Brown W.: Hybrid polymeric micelles with hydrophobic cores and mixed polyelectrolyte/nonelectro-lyte shells. 2. Studies of the shell behavior. Langmuir 17, 4245-4250, 2001.
  • Viduna D., Limpouchová Z., Procházka K.: Monte Carlo simulation of polymer brushes in narrow pores. J. Chem. Phys. 115, 7309-7318, 2001.

Masterclass Učené společnosti

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Prvním přednášejícím je Petr Slavíček