Zpět na seznam článků
Raška Ivan
Prof., RNDr., DrSc.
Born May 20, 1945 in Prague
- Cell biology
- Member of Learned Society since 2001
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1963-1964, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University (FMP CU);
- 1964-1968, Faculty of Natural Science, University of Geneva;
- 1970, Swiss certificate in molecular biology;
- 1971, RNDr., Faculty of Science, CU;
- 1975, CSc., CSAS; 1989, DrSc., CU;
- 1993, Associate Professor of medical biology, Third Faculty of Medicine, CU;
- 1997, Full Professor of medical biology, CU
Employment and academic positions:
- 1968-1970, assistant, Institute of Molecular Biology, University of Geneva;
- 1975-1992, scientific worker, and, since 1993, head scientific worker, Institute of Experimental Medicine, CSAS;
- 1989, Head, Department of Cell Biology, Institute of Experimental Medicine, AS CR;
- 1992-present, instructor, Third Faculty of Medicine, CU, in medical biology;
- 1996-2000, Head, Laboratory of Gene Expression, TFM CU;
- 2001-present, Chairman, Institute of Cell Biology and Pathology, First Faculty of Medicine, CU
Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies:
- 1992, Member, Professional Commission, poly(glycerol sebacate) (PGS) in biomedicine
- 1997-2003, Member, Scientific Council, TFM CU
- 2001, member, Committee of the Czecho-Slovak Biological Society
Membership and positions in international organizations and societies:
- 2000, Member, American Society of Cell Biology
- 2000, Member, European Life Sciences Organization
- 1993, Member, editorial board, Journal of Structural Biology
- 1998, Member, editorial board, Micron
- 2000, Member, editorial board, ELSO Gazette
Selected publications:
- Raška I.: Oldies but goldies: searching for Christmas trees within the nucleolar architecture. Trends Cell. Biol. 13, 517-525 (2003).
- Koberna K., Pliss A., Večeřová J., Mašata M., Malínský J., Fialová M., Bednár J., Raška I.: Ribosomal genes in focus: New transcripts label the dense fibrillar components and form clusters indicative of „Christmas“ trees. J. Cell. Biol. 157, 743-748 (2002).
- Grandi P., Eltsov M., Nielsen I., Raška I.: DNA Double strand breaks induce formation of RP-A/Ku foci on in vitro reconstituted Xenopus sperm nuclei. J. Cell. Sci. 114, 3345-3357 (2001).
- Malínský J., Koberna K., Staněk D., Mašata M., Raška I.: The supply of exogenous deoxyribonucleotides accelerates the speed of the replication fork in early S-phase. J. Cell. Sci. 114, 747-750 (2001).
- Melčák I., Cermanová Š., Jirsová K., Koberna K., Malínský J., Raška I.: Nuclear pre-mRNA compartmentalization: trafficking of released transcripts to splicing factor reservoirs. Mol. Biol. Cell. 11, 497-510 (2000).
- Melčák I., Melčáková Š., Kopský V., Večeřová J., Raška I.: Prespliceosomal assembly on microinjected precursor mRNA takes place in nuclear speckles. Mol. Biol. Cell. 12, 393-406 (2001).
- Schul W., Groenhout B., Koberna K., Takagaki Y., Jenny A., Manders E. M., Raška I., van Driel R., de Jong L.: The RNA 3´ cleavage factors CstF-64kD and CPSF-100kD are concentrated in nuclear domains closely associated with coiled bodies and newly synthesized RNA. EMBO J. 15, 2883-2892 (1996).
- Strand D., Raška I., and Mechler B. M.: The Drosophila l(2)giant larvae tumour suppressor protein is a component of the cytoskeleton. J. Cell. Biol. 127, 1345-1360 (1994).
- Dundr M., and Raška I.: Non-isotopic ultrastructural mapping of transcription sites within the nucleolus. Exp. Cell. Res. 208, 275-281 (1993).
- Raška I., Andrade L. E. C., Ochs R. L., Chan E. K. L., Chang C. M., Roos G., Tan E. M.: Immunological and ultrastructural studies of the nuclear coiled body with autoimmune antibodies. Exp. Cell. Res. 195, 27-37 (1991).
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