Zpět na seznam článků
Tlaskalová – Hogenová Helena
Prof., M.D., DSc.
Born December 29, 1938 in Prague
- Immunology, mucosal and developmental immunology
- Member of Learned Society since 2000
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1957-1962, Faculty of General Medicine, Charles University (CU), Prague;
- 1968, PhD, Institute of Microbiology (IMB), CSAS, Prague;
- 1994, DSc. Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic (AS CR);
- 1995, Associate Professor, First Faculty of Medicine (FFM), CU;
- 2001, Full Professor, FFM, CU
Employment and academic positions:
- 1962-1964, Physician, Hospital, Ústí nad Labem;
- 1964-1968, post-graduate student, IMB, CSAS;
- 1968-present, IMB AS CR, from 1991-2003, Head, Division of Immunology and Gnotobiology)
Membership in selected Czech scientific organizations:
- Member, Committee of Czech Immunological Society (Chair, 1996-2001)
- Member, Committee of Czech Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (J. E. Purkyně Medical Society)
- Member, Central Commission for Protection of Animals in Czech Republic
- Scientific Councils: FFM, CU, Motol Faculty Hospital, IMB and Institute of Physiology, AS CR
- 2003-present, Chair, Commission for Defence of Doctoral Theses in immunology at AS CR
- Member, Council for the Doctoral Study Programme in Immunology
Membership and positions in international organizations and societies:
- 1995-2001, Member, Council of International Union of Immunological Societies
- 1999-2003, Member, External Advisory Group (EAG), European Commission, Life Sciences “Control of Infectious Diseases”
- International Society for Mucosal Immunology
- International Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology
- Member, organizational committees of a number of international congresses and symposia
- Member, Editorial Boards of, International Medical Magazine, Central-European Journal of Immunology, Alergie
Notable awards:
- 1981, 1982, Awards of CSAS
- 1987, J.E. Purkyně Medal, awarded by CSAS
- 1996, Award, Gastroenterological Society
- 1997, Award, Faculty of Medicine (for work in the area of mucosal immunity)
- 1999, Medal, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan
Selected publications:
- Jelínková L., Tučková L., Cinová J., Flegelová Z., Tlaskalová-Hogenová H.: Gliadin stimulates human monocytes to production of IL-8 and TNF-á through a mechanism involving NF-ęB. FEBS Letters 571, 81-85, 2004
- D. Sánchez, L. Tučková, Th. Mothes, W. Kreisel, Z. Beneš, H. Tlaskalová-Hogenová: Epitopes of calreticulin recognised by IgA autoantibodies from patients with hepatic and coeliac disease. J. Of Autoimmunity 21, 383-392, 2003
- H. Tlaskalová-Hogenová, L. Tučková, R. Lodinová-Žádníková, R. Štěpánková, B. Cukrowska, D. P. Funda, I. Stříž, H. Kozáková, I. Trebichavský, D. Sokol., Z. Řeháková, J. Šinkora, P. Fundová, D. Horáková, L. Jelínková, D. Sánchez: Mucosal Immunity: Its role in defense and allergy. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 128, 77-89 (2002)
- D. P. Funda, L. Tučková, M. A. Farré, T. Iwase, I. Moro, H. Tlaskalová-Hogenová: CD14 is expressed and released as soluble CD14 by human intestinal epithelial cells in vitro: Lipopolysaccharide activation of epithelial cells revisited. Infection and Immunity 69, 3772-3781 (2001)
- B. Singh, S. Read, Ch. Asseman, V. Malmstrom, Ch. Mottet, L. A. Stephans, R. Štěpánková, H. Tlaskalová, F. Powrie: Control of intestinal inflammation by regulatory T cells. Immunol. Rev. 182, 190-200 (2001)
- D. P. Funda, A. Kaas, T. Bock, H. Tlaskalová-Hogenová, K. Buschard: Gluten-free diet prevents diabetes in NOD mice. Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews 15, 323-327 (1999)
- S. Krupičková, L. Tučková, Z. Flegelová, M. Michalak, J. R. F. Walters, A. Whelan, J. Harries, J. Vencovský, H. Tlaskalová-Hogenová: Identification of common epitopes on gliadin, enterocytes, and calreticulin recognised by antigliadin antibodies of patients with coeliac diasease. Gut 44, 168-173 (1999)
- H. Tlaskalová-Hogenová, R. Štěpánková, L. Tučková, B. Cukrowska, T. Hudcovic, F. Bendjelloul, P. Malý, M. Jirkovská, V. Mandys, O. Kofroňová, E. F. Verdú, P. Berčík, M. Farre, L. Prokešová, D. P. Funda, H. Kozáková, P. Michetti, J. Cebra: Effector mechanisms in intestinal immunity and inflammation. In: Innovative concepts in inflammatory bowel diseases (Emmrich et al., Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London 1999, pp. 74-83
- J. Mestecky, M. Russell, S. Jackson, S. Michalak, H. Tlaskalová-Hogenová, J. Šterzl (Eds.): Advances in Mucosal Immunology. Plenum Press, New York 1995
- H. Tlaskalová-Hogenová, J. Šterzl, R. Štěpánková, V. Dlabač, V. Větvička, P. Rossmann, L. Mandel, J. Rejnek: Development of immunological capacity under germ-free and conventional conditions. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 409, 96-113 (1983)
- M. Holub, P. Rossmann, H. Tlaskalová, H. Vidmarová: Thymus rudiment of the athymic nude mouse. Nature 256, 491-493 (1975)
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