Zpět na seznam článků
Kopeček Jindřich
Distinguished Professor, D.Sc.
Born January 27, 1940 in Strakonice
- Chemist
- Member of Learned Society since 1998
- Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Department of Bioengineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, USA
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1990, D.Sc., chemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (CSAS);
- 1967-1968, Post-doctoral Fellow, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa;
- 1965, Ph.D., macromolecular chemistry, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (IMC) CSAS;
- 1961, M.S., macromolecular chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague
Employment and academic positions:
- 2002-present, Distinguished Professor of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Distinguished Professor of Bioengineering, University of Utah;
- 1999-2004, Chairman, Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Utah;
- 1989-2002, Professor of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Professor of Bioengineering, University of Utah;
- 1986-present, Co-Director, Center for Controlled Chemical Delivery, University of Utah;
- 1983-2000, Visiting Professor, Université Paris-Nord;
- 1986-1988, University of Utah; 1999, Tokyo Women’s Medical University;
- 1972-1988, Head, Laboratory, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, CSAS;
- 1965-1972, Scientific Officer, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, CSAS
Membership and positions in international organizations and societies:
- Controlled Release Society: President 1995-1996; Vice-President 1993-1994; member, Board of Governors 1988-1991; Chairman, Nagai Award Committee, 2002-present.
- Member, Biomaterials Society
- Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Member, American Association for Cancer Research
- Member, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
- Member, Society for Molecular Recognition
- Member, American Society for Photobiology
Notable awards:
- 2004, Chair, Gordon Research Conference on Drug Carriers in Medicine and Biology
- 2003-present,, Chair, National Institutes of Health, Biomaterials and Biointerfaces Study Section
- 2003, Heyrovský Medal for merit in the chemical sciences, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- 2003, AAPS PharmSci and AAPS PharmSciTech Outstanding Use of Technology, Award for best publication in AAPS PharmSci, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
- 2001, Paul Dawson Biotechnology Award, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
- 2000, Millennial Pharmaceutical Scientist, Millennial World Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- 1999, Fellow of Biomaterials Science and Engineering, International Union of Societies of Biomaterials Science and Engineering
- 1999, J. Heller Award for best publication in Journal of Controlled Release
- 1999, Founders Award, Controlled Release Society
- 1995, Clemson Award (for Basic Research, Society for Biomaterials)
- 1995, Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering
- 1994, Fellow, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
- 1993, Distinguished Research Award, University of Utah
- 1992, Program Chairman, 19th International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials, Orlando, Florida
- 1990, Barre’s Lecture, Université de Montreal
Member, Editorial Boards:
- 1973-1996, Polymers in Medicine (Wroclaw)
- 1986-1998, New Polymeric Materials
- 1992-1998, Polymer Gels and Networks
- 1980-present, Biomaterials
- 1981-present, Critical Reviews in Therapeutic Drug Carrier Systems
- 1984-present, Journal of Controlled Release
- 1986-present, Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers
- 1987-present, Journal of Biomaterials Science
- 1991-present, Drug Delivery
- 1992-present, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics
- 1993-present, Bioconjugate Chemistry
- 1995-present, Pharmaceutical Research
- 1999-present, The AAPS Journal (formerly AAPS PharmSci)
- 2001-present, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews
- 2002-present, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology (formerly STP Pharma Sciences)
- 2002-present, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests:
- Biorecognition of Macromolecules
- Bioconjugate Chemistry
- Drug Delivery Systems
- Genetically Engineered Materials
- Self-Assembly of Macromolecules
Notable publications:
- N. Nishiyama, A. Nori, A. Malugin, Y. Kasuya, P. Kopeckova, J. Kopecek: Free and N-(2-Hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide (HPMA) Copolymer-bound Geldanamycin Derivative Induce Different Stress Responses in A2780 Human Ovarian Carcinoma Cells. Cancer Res. 63, 7876-7882 (2003)
- A. Nori, K.D. Jensen, M. Tijerina, P. Kopeckova, J. Kopecek, Tat Conjugated Synthetic Macromolecules Facilitate Cytoplasmic Drug Delivery to Human Ovarian Carcinoma Cells. Bioconjugate Chem. 14, 44-50 (2003)
- J. Kopecek, Smart and Genetically Engineered Biomaterials and Drug Delivery Systems, Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 20, 1-16 (2003)
- D. Wang, M. Pechar, W. Li, P. Kopeckova, D. Brömme, J. Kopecek: Inhibition of Cathepsin K with Lysosomotropic Macromolecular Inhibitors, Biochemistry 41, 8849-8859 (2002)
- A. Tang, J. Kopecek, Presentations of Epitopes on Peptide Scaffolds and Selection of Lymphoma-Targeting Moieties Based on Epitope Recognition. Biomacromolecules 3, 421-431 (2002)
- J.-G. Shiah, M. Dvorak, P. Kopeckova, Y. Sun, C. M. Peterson, J. Kopecek: Biodistribution and Antitumor Efficacy of Long-Circulating N-(2-Hyd-roxy-propyl)methacrylamide Copolymer-Doxorubicin Conjugates in Nude Mice,
Eur. J. Cancer 37, 131-139 (2001) - T. Minko, P. Kopeckova, J. Kopecek: Efficacy of Chemotherapeutic Action of HPMA Copolymer-Bound Doxorubicin in a Solid Tumor Model of Ovarian Carcinoma.
Int. J. Cancer, 86, 108-117 (2000) - J.-G. Shiah, Y. Sun, C. M. Peterson, R. C. Straight, J. Kopecek: Antitumor Activity of HPMA Copolymer-Meso Chlorin e6 and Adriamycin Conjugates in Combination Treatments. Clin. Cancer Res. 6, 1008-1015 (2000)
- Z.-R. Lu, P. Kopeckova, J. Kopecek: Polymerizable Fab’ Antibody Fragments for Targeting of Anticancer Drugs. Nature Biotechnology 17, 1101-1104 (1999)
- C. Wang, R. J. Stewart, J. Kopecek: Hybrid Hydrogels Assembled from Synthetic Polymers and Coiled-Coil Protein Domains. Nature 397, 417-420 (1999)
Masterclass Učené společnosti
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Prvním přednášejícím bude Petr Slavíček