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Adam Ervin

Prof., MUDr., CSc.
Born November 7, 1922, † March 21, 2024

  • Honorary member of Learned Society since 1996

Educational and professional preparation:

  • 1951, MUDr., Faculty of Medicine, Charles University (CU), Prague;
  • 1954, board certified in paediatrics; and in 1959 infectious diseases;
  • 1966, CSc. in internal medicine (infections), CU;
  • 1969, Professor, Baylor College of Medicine Department of Molecular Virology and Epidemiology, Houston, Texas;
  • 1971, validation examination, Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMS);
  • 1973, Medical Licence examination, Texas State Board of Medical Examiners.

Employment and academic positions:

  • 1954-1961, Associate Professor, Department of Infectious Diseases, Medical School, CU;
  • 1961-1968, Head, Clinical and Epidemiological Department, Research Institute of Immunology, Prague;
  • 1968-1969, Visiting Professor, McGill University, Montreal, Canada;
  • 1969, Professor of epidemiology, Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Molecular Virology and Microbiology

Membership and positions in international organizations and societies:

  • Fellow, American College of Epidemiology
  • Fellow, American College of Preventive Medicine

Notable awards:

  • 1993, Gold Medal, Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University

Selected publications:

  • Adam E., Seidler L.: Gammaglobulin in the prophylaxis of Botkin’s disease. Cs. hyg. epid. mikrobiol. 3, 116-118, 1954
  • Škovránek V., Žáček K., Vonka V., Adam E., Adamova V., Burian V., Vojtova H.: Field trial with Sabin’s live polio vaccine in Czechoslovakia. Proc. First Int. Conference on live poliovirus vaccine 530-571, 1960
  • Adam E., Adamová V., Žáček K.: Surveillance of cases of CNS diseases in Czechoslovakia. Proc. European Assoc.of Poliomyelitis and Assoc. Dis. Vol VIII. 229-239, 1962
  • Adam E., Levy A. H., Rawls W. E., Melnick J. L.: Seroepidemiologic studies of herpesvirus type 2 and carcinoma of cervix. I. Case control matching. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 47, 941-51, 1971
  • Adam E., Kaufman RH., Mirkovic RR., Melnick JL.: Persistence of viral sheddind in a symptomatic women after recovering from herpes genitalis. Obstet. Gynecol. 54, 171-173, 1979
  • Adam E., Melnick J. L., Probtsfield J. L., Petrie B. L., Burek J., Bailey K.R., McCollum C.H., DeBakey M.E.: High levels of cytomegalovirus antibody in patients requiring vascular surgery for atherosclerosis. Lancet 2, 291-293, 1987
  • Melnick J. L., Adam E., DeBakey M. E.: Possible role of cytomegalovirus in atherogenesis. JAMA 263, 2204-2207, 1990
  • Adam E., Kaufman R.H., Berkova Z., Icenogle J., Reeves W.C.: Is human papillomavirus testing an effective triage method for detection of high grade (grade 2 or 3) intraepithelial neoplasia? Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 178, 1235-44, 1998

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