Zpět na seznam článků


Blahoš Jaroslav

Prof., MUDr., DrSc.
Born June 30, 1930 in Horazdovice, † 2018
Endocrinology, osteology
Member of Learned Society since 2005

Educational and professional preparation:

  • 1949-1955, Medical faculty of the Charles´ University (Branch Plzeň), graduation with distinction 
  • 1959, attestation 1st degree in internal medicine
  • 1963, attestation 2nd degree in internal medicine
  • 1965, CSc
  • 1982, DrSc
  • 1986, professor of internal medicine

Employment and academic positions:

  • 1955-1956, physician Františkovy Lázně
  • 1956-1958, military service
  • 1958-1968, Research institute of endocrinology, Prague – Research worker
  • 1961-1963, Head of the Policlinic of the hospital in Harar, Ethiopia
  • 1969-1993, Dept. of internal medicine, Faculty hospital Pod Petřínem, Prague (assistant, associate professor, professor, head of dept. since 1989) 
  • 1968-1969, Endocrinological University Dept.,Hopital Beaujon, Paris. French doctor´s degree
  • 1977-1988, Visiting professor (1-3 months) on the universities in Leeds, Tokyo, Uppsala, Padua, Paris 
  • 1993-1997, Head of Dept. of internal medicine Military Academy J.E. Purkyně, Central Military Hospital, Prague
  • 1997-present, Head of Dept. of Clinical Endocrinology and Osteocentrum, Central Military Hospital, Prague

Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies:

  • President of the Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyně (repeatedly elected) 
  • Member of councils of the scientific societies (Soc. for metabol. bone diseases, Society of internal medicine, Hon. Member and founding member of the Czech Society of French-speaking doctors, member of the society of endocrinology, Society for menopause and andropause et al. 
  • Member of scientific councils (Endocrinol. Institute, medical faculties, Central Military hospital, Ministry of Health
  • President of the Internal Grant Agency of Ministry of Health (since 2006) 
  • Member of editorial boards of several medical journals national and international
  • Founding member of the Czech Medical Academy
  • Head of the Scientific section of Czech literary foundation

Membership and positions in selected international organizations:

  • President of the World Medical Association (WMA) (1999-2001). Honorary member of WMA council
  • Head, Regional office of WMA for Central and East European Medical societies in Prague (since 1992)
  • Member correspondant étranger de l´Académie Nationale de Médecine (since 1992)
  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, (FRSM), UK (since 2001)
  • Foreign member of the Russian Medical Academy (since 2002)
  • Foreign member of Comité Consultatif National d´ethique (France)
  • Member of the Council of the European Forum of Medical Association (EFMA-WHO)
  • Member of the Council of Internat. Organization of Medical Sciences (CIOMS-WHO)
  • Hon. member of the American Medical Assoc., French, Rumanian Endocrinological Societies, Cuban Medical Society in Exile, Slovak Medical Society
  • Founding member of the European Comparative endocrinologists (1965)

Notable awards:

  • 2001, Laureate of the State Awards for merits, Czech Republic
  • 2002, Chevalier de la Légion d´honneur (France), President de la Section tchèque de la Légion d´honneur
  • 2002, Honorary citizenship of the native town (Horažďovice, Miami, Manila)
  • Gold medals of medical faculties of the Charles University, Slovak Medical Society, Medals Amer. Med. Soc., University of Birmingham, Alabama, USA, Australian Med. Soc. et al.
  • J.E. Purkyne´s prize (highest award of Czech Med. Assoc.)
  • 2005, Medal of J. Hlavka (highest award of J.M.Z. Hlavka Foundation)

Selected publications:

Total 359 publications, 10 monographies:
  • Blahoš J.: Uric acid, its metabolism and pathogenic significanee, SZdN, Prague, 1968 (pp. 1-93) (in Czech) 
  • Blahoš J.: Calcitonin and phosphocalcic metabolism, Avicenum, Prague, 1974 (pp. 1-151) (in Czech)
  • Blahoš J., Bleha O.: Endocrinology, Avicenum, Prague 1st ed. 1979 (pp.1-472), 2nd ed, 1988 (pp.1-460) (in Czech)
  • Blahoš J.: Osteoporosis, Makropulos, Prague, 1997 (pp. 1-87) (in Czech)
  • Blahoš J., Ticháček B.: History of the Czech Medical Association J. E. Purkyně, ČLS JEP, Prague, 1st ed. 2000, (pp. 1-273), 2nd ed. 2002 (pp.1-331)
  • Blahoš J., Zamrazil V.: Endocrinolgy – interdisciplinary speciality, Triton, Prague 2006 (pp. 1-505) (in Czech)
Main chapters in monographers and papers:
  • Blahoš J., Kubaštová B.: The survey of 11.170 patients treated in the Ras Makonen Hospital in Harar. Ethiop. Med. J. 1/4, 190-196, 1963
  • Blahoš J., Reisenauer R.: Levels of serum uric acid and serum cholesterol in various population groups in Ethiopia, Amer. J. Med Sci. 250/3:308-314,1965
  • Blahoš J.: Endemic goitre in Ethiopia, In: Endemic Goitre and Allied Conditions. Proc., Endocrinol.. Exp.3, SAV Bratislava 1966
  • Blahoš J., Soumar J.: La fréquence augmentée des hypothyroidie après l´iode 131. In H.P. Klotz et al: Les endocrines et le troisième ôge .L´Expansion, Paris, 1973, str. 95-103
  • Blahoš J.: Calcitonine – Role physiologique In: Klotz H.-P. et al: Les endocrines et l´homéostrasie calcique. L´Expansion Paris 1976, str. 43-60
  • Blahoš J., Care A.D., Sommerville B.: The effect of betame thasone on duodennal absorption and 1,25 – dihydroxyvitamin D 3 production in the chick. Horm. Metab. Res. 15/3: 197-200, 1983
  • Blahoš J., Care A.D., Abbas S.K. et al.: Aluminium induced decrease in osteocalcin levels in the chick. Horm. Metab. Res. 23/1:50-54, 1991

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