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Bouzek Jan

Prof., PhDr., DrSc.
Born February 17, 1935 in Prague, † 2020

  • Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology
  • Member of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic since 2006, vice-secretary of its Section on Humanities

Educational and professional preparation

  • Archaeology, 1953-8;
  • Humboldt scholarship at the Tübingen University, 1967-8;
  • CSc,1966;
  • PhD., 1967;
  • First "habilitation" Homerisches Griechenland 1968-69 (publ.1969), but for political reasons was banished.

(Specialized in the Early Greek, Etruscan and Black Sea archaeology, and a series of studies also in European prehistoric, Roman provincial and Far Eastern archaeology and art history. The main field of research is in the contact archaeology (i.e.. relations between the Mediterranean, Black Sea and European civilisations) and in later intercultural relations and the development of the human mind).

Employment and academic positions

  • 1958 Assistant, Institute for Classical Archaeology, Charles University
  • 1962 Lecturer. First habilitation in 1968 disallowed, Second habilitation in 1980
  • 1983 Assistant Professor
  • 1991 full Professor
  • 1992 DrSc (an equivalent to the old French doctorate)
  • 1989-1991 Vice Dean, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University
  • 1969-91 also Head of the Classical Sub-department, National Museum Prague
  • 2001 Director, Institute for Classical Archaeology, Charles University, currently its Vice Director (part time), teaching at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague, and at Masaryk University, Brno
  • Invitations to guest professorships and study stays (including one to Getty Centre) could not be accepted under the Communist rule. James Eliot Norton Memorial lecturer, Archaeological Institute of America and guest professor, University of Minnesota, both 1989
  • 1991-2 Guest Professor, two terms, Tübingen University and Vienna University, one term
  • 1994, 1997, 1999 and 2000 (one month each time) Directeur d`Études Asssocié of the École Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris
  • 1995-6 Series of guest lectures sponsored by the Soros Foundation, Bratislava Comenius University
  • 2001 Guest Professor, Salzburg University

Involved in numerous excavations in his country, participated in several excavational and survey projects in the Mediterranean; published the results of earlier excavations at Kyme in Turkey and Samothrace in Greece; survey in Cyprus; during 1980-83 as UNESCO expert excavations at Anuradhapura (Sri Lanka); in the nineties excavations at Mušov, a Roman military camp in South Moravia; 1996 UNESCO survey in the city centre of Beirut; from 1994 till now, excavations at Pistiros (Greek inland emporium in Bulgaria). Organizer of a number of international conferences and colloquia whose publications he also edited.

Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies (selection)

  • 1999-2001, Vice Dean, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University
  • 1995-8 Member of the Board, Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  • Redaction board, Eirene
  • Editor Studia Hercynia
  • Scientific Boards, Centre for Theoretical Studies and Archaeological Institute in Brno (both of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
  • Chairman, Committee for Classical Archaeology, Czech Society of Archaeology
  • Head, national teams for Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum and Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae (projects under UNESCO auspices)

Membership and positions in international organizations an societies

  • Corresponding member, German Archaeological Institute
  • Ordinary member, Austrian Archaeological Institute and, French Société d’archéologie classique
  • Member, LIMC International Scientific Committee, and Committees for Amber and for Funeral Archaeology of the Union Internationale des Études Prehistoriques et Protohistoriques
  • Member, International Board for the Black Sea Studies (organizer of its Prague congress in 2005)
  • Editorial board of the periodical West and East, Leyden-Boston.

Notable awards

  • 1995, Silver Medal of the Charles University
  • Honorary citizen of Volterra in Italy and "Dignitario della Ombra della Sera" there
  • Charles University Rector´s Prize in 1994 for Final Report on excavations in Sri Lanka
  • Two Festschrifts published to his sixtieth birthday (Eirene 31 1995, with his bibliography, and Studia Hercynia I, publ. 1997), one book (Harding, Bronze Age Europe) and several articles have also been dedicated to him in honour of his 65th birthday
  • Two additional Festschriften, one national and international (published by Brill, Leiden) were in honour of his 70th birthday
  • 2012, medal of the Bulgarian Ministry of culture
  • 2015, gold medal of the Charles  University and medal of the city of Septemvri, Bulgaria

Selected publications

  • The Knovíz Settlement in NW Bohemia (with D. Koutecký and E. Neustupný, Prague 1966)
  • Homerisches Griechenland, Prague 1969
  • Graeco-Macedonian Bronzes, Prague 1974
  • The Aegean, Anatolia and Europe: Cultural Interrelations in the 2nd millennium B.C., Goethenburg-Prague 1985
  • Studies of Greek Pottery in the Black Sea Region, Prague 1990
  • Greece, Anatolia and Europe in the Early Iron Age, Jonsered (Aström) 1997
  • The Lusatian Culture in NW Bohemia, Most 2000 (with D. Koutecký)
  • Thracians and Their Neighbours, Prague 2005
  • Several volumes of publication reports as editor and main author (Kyme I-II, 1975 and 1980, Samothrace, 1985, Ceylon between East and West, 1993, in collaboration Pistiros I-II, 1997, 2002)
  • Similarly three volumes of Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Czechoslovakia 1-2, respectively, Czech Republic 3, and one of Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum (with J. Gy. Szilágyi, Rome 1992)

More than 350 studies and articles in periodicals published in most European countries and in the U.S.A. Organizer of many exhibitions and two university museums (Hostinné, Litomyšl), conferences, lectures and participations in conferences in many parts of the world, author of several popular books in Czech.

New publications

  • European Prehistory as Seen from Its Centre, Prague 2011 (=Studia Hercynia XV-1)
  • Siedlung der Štítary Kultur in Vikletice, Nordwestböhmen, Prague – Most 2010 (with D. Koutecký)
  • Knovíz Culture Cemeteries in Křepenice and Hřiměždice, Prague 2012 (=Studia Hercynia XVI-1, with V. Vokolek)
  • main author and editor (with L. Domaradzka and Z.H. Archibald) Pistiros, excavations and Studies IV, 2007, V 2010
  • Three new books in Czech: Celts of Czech Lands and Prehistory of Czech Lands already in two editions 2007, 2009, 2011, The Development of Human Mind as Seen through the Arts, 2009, awarded by the Charles University as one of the best monographs of this year
  • A number of papers in conference volumes, periodicals and collective monographs in various European countries, Australia and USA

New awards

  • In 2012 award of the Ministry of Culture of the Bulgarian Republic for contributions to Bulgarian culture and its popularisation
  • in 2011 in the publishing house Peeters (Leuven - Paris - Walpole, MA) a new Festchrift dedicated to him appeared ( "The Black Sea, Greece, Anatolia and Europe in the First Millennium BC", ed. G.A. Tsekhladze, with contributions by 21 authors from a number of European countries, USA and Australia)

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