Zpět na seznam článků
Hájek Petr
Prof., RNDr., DrSc.
Born February 6, 1940 in Prague, † December 26, 2016
- Mathematical logic
- Member of Learned Society since 1996
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1962, graduated, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, thesis on algebra;
- 1965, post-graduate student, Institute of Mathematics of the CSAS (mathematical logic, PhD. thesis on set theory);
- 1990, CSc. and DrSc.;
- 1993, Associate Professor, CU;
- 1994-present, Honorary Professor, Technical University, Vienna;
- 1997, Professor, CU
Employment and academic positions:
- Till 1992, Institute of Mathematics CSAS/AS CR (last period as head scientific worker)
- 1992-2000, Director, Institute of Computer Science, AS CR (now senior scientific worker there)
Membership in domestic scientific bodies:
- Member, Accreditation Commission, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports CR
- Member, Council for Sciences, AS CR
Membership and positions in selected international organizations and societies:
- Member, Association for Symbolic Logic (twice member of Council)
- 1995-1999, First Vice-President, International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science, Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science
- 1999-2003, President, Kurt Gödel Society
- Member, editorial boards, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Studia Logica, Archive for Mathematical Logic, Soft Computing, Fundamenta Informaticae
Selected publications:
- Vopěnka P., Hájek P.: The theory of semisets. North-Holland Publ. Comp. 1972, 332 pp.
- Hájek P., Havránek T., Chytil M.: Metoda GUHA – automatická tvorba hypotéz. (GUHA Method - automatic hypothesis formation), Academia, Prague 1983, 316 pp.
- Hájek P., Havránek T.: Mechanizing hypothesis formation (mathematical foundations for a general theory), Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1978, 398 pp.
- Hájek P., Pudlák P.: Metamathematics of first-order arithmetic, Springer-Verlag 1993, 460 pp.
- Hájek P., Havránek T., Jiroušek R.: Processing uncertain information in expert systems, C.R.C. Press (USA) 1992, 285 pp.
- Hájek P.: Metamathematics of Fuzzy Logic. Kluwer 1998, 297 pp.
Masterclass Učené společnosti
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Petr Slavíček: Co dal vědě exkrement?