Zpět na seznam článků


Hampl Martin

Prof., RNDr., DrSc.
Born August 2, 1940 in Prague, † 2022

  • Social geography
  • Member of Learned Society since 1994 (Founding member)
  • 1996-2000, member, LS Council
  • 2001-2003, Secretary
  • 2003, Chairman, LS Foundation Fund

Educational and professional preparation:

  • 1957, graduate, eleven-year secondary school, Prague 10;
  • 1957-1962, Faculty of Science, Charles University;
  • 1968, CSc., RNDr., FS CU;
  • 1990, DrSc., Associate Professor, FS CU,
  • 1992, Full Professor, economic geography, FS CU

Employment and academic positions:

  • 1967-1970, lecturer, FS CU;
  • 1970-1992, scientific worker, FS CU;
  • 1992-present, Professor FS CU

Membership in domestic scientific bodies (selection):

  • 1992-1994, Head, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, FS CU;
  • 1999-present, member, Grant Agency of CU Council; member of several professional commissions for reform of territorial administration

Membership and positions in international organizations and societies:

  • 1995, Member, Academia Europaea

Notable awards:

  • 1995, Silver Medal, CU
  • 1998, Jubilee Medal, of CU
  • 1999, Memorial Medal, CU, Bratislava

Selected publications:

  • M. Hampl et al.: Regional development: Specific features of the Czech transformation, European integration and general theory. Prague, 2001
  • Reality, Society and Geographical/Environmental Organization: Searching for an Integrated Order. Prague, 2000
  • M. Hampl et al.: Geography of Societal Transformation in the Czech Republic. Prague 1999
  • M. Hampl et al.: Geographic organization of society and transformation processes in the Czech Republic, Prague 1996
  • Geographical Systems and the Order of Reality. In: Geography, History and Social Science. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston-London, pp. 71-80, 1995
  • Environment, Society and Geographical Organization: The Problem of Integral Knowledge. GeoJournal 32, 3. pp. 191-198, 1994
  • Territory, Society and Administration. The Czech Republic and the Industrial Region of Liberec (Barlow, Dostál, Hampl, Eds.). Amsterdam 1994

Masterclass Učené společnosti

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Prvním přednášejícím bude Petr Slavíček