Zpět na seznam článků
Kejř Jiří
Assoc. Prof., JUDr., DrSc
Born August 28, 1921 in Prague
- History of law
- Member of Learned Society since1998
- Member, LS Council, 2002-2004
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1940, graduation, Nový Bydžov academic secondary school;
- 1941-42, graduation, Business Academy, Prague Vinohrady;
- 1945-48, Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague;
- 1948, JUDr.;
- 1958, Candidate, legal sciences, Institute for the State and Law, CSAS;
- 1993, Associate Professor in Czech history, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University;
- 1999, Doctor of historical sciences, Institute of History, AS CR.
Employment and academic positions:
- 1940-1941 and 1942-1943, clerk brewery, Obora, District of Nový Bydžov;
- 1943-1944, economic volunteer, Šlechtitelské podniky von Dreger, Chlumec nad Cidlinou;
- November 1944-to war’s end, sick leave;
- 1948-1949, notary candidate;
- 1949-1952, external co-operation with several scientific institutions;
- 1952-1985, scientific worker, CSAS;
- 1952-1956, Cabinet, History of Law in CSR;
- 1956-1972, Institute of State and Law, CSAS;
- 1973-1985, Commission for Research of Manuscripts, Central Archives, CSAS;
- 1986-present, continued involvement in scientific work and publication activities
Membership and positions in international organizations:
- 1971, Corresponding Member, Arbeitskreis für südwestdeustche Stadtgeschichtsforschung, Tübingen
- 1980, Corresponding Member, Ősterreischischer Arbeitskreis für Stadtgeschichtsforschung, Linz
- 1982, Honorary Member, Commission Internationale pour ľ Histoire des Villes, Bruxelles
- 1992, Lifetime Member, Iuris Canonici Medii Aevi Consociatio (Society for Medieval Canon Law), Zürich
- 1987 Member, Collegium Carolinum, Munich
- 1968-1992, Co-worker, Centre de Recherche et de Documentation des Institutions hrétiennes, Strasbourg
Notable awards:
- 1985, Creative Premium of the Czech Literary Fund
- 1985, Fellow Commoner, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
- 1993, František Palacký Medal of AS CR
- 1995, Forschungspreis, Alexander von Humboldt, Stiftung, Bonn
- 1998, International Man of the Year 1997-1998, Biographical Centre, Cambridge
- 1999, Commander, Order of St. Silvester the Pope, Vatican
- 2001, Annual Award of the Vyšehrad Publishing House
- 2003, Medal De scientia et humanitate optime meritis, AS CR
Selected publications:
- Magistri Iohannis Hus Quastiones (Corpus Christianorum, t. 205), Turnhout, 2004
- Summae Confessorum and Other Works pro foro Interno in the Manuscripts of Czech and Moravian Libraries, 2003
- The Hus Process, 2000
- The Formation of the Municipal Establishment in the Czech Lands, 1998
- The History of the Prague Law University, 1995
- The Hussites, 1984
- Quodlibet Disputations at Prague University, 1971
- The Hussite Lawyer M. Jan of Jesenice, 1965
- Legal Life in Hussite Kutná Hora, 1958 (second edition, 2002)
- The Beginning of Court Justice, 1956
Masterclass Učené společnosti
přednášky pro středoškoláky a širokou veřejnost prezentované jak naživo, tak online
Petr Slavíček: Co dal vědě exkrement?