Zpět na seznam článků
Kratochvíl Pavel
Prof., Ing., DrSc., Dr.h.c.
Born February 6, 1930 in Prague, † April 7, 2023
- Physical chemistry of polymers
- Member of Learned Society since 1994 (Founding Member)
- Member, Foundation for Support of Science of LS
- Vice-Chairman, 1996-2001
- Chairman, 2001-2003
- Vice-Chairman of Foundation, 2003
Educational and professional preparation
- 1953, Ing., Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague (ICT)
- 1960, CSc., Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (IMC), CSAS
- 1968, DrSc., IMC
- 1991, Associate Professor of Macromolecular Chemistry, ICT
- 1992, Full Professor of Macromolecular Chemistry, ICT
Employment and academic positions
- 1953, technologist, Východočeské chemické závody (East Bohemia Chemical Works), Pardubice-Rybitví
- 1953-1957, assistant lecturer and lecturer, ICT, Pardubice
- 1957-1960, post-graduate student, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry CSAS
- 1960-present, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, scientist (1964, senior scientist; 1968, head scientist; 1990-1998, Director of the Institute)
Membership in selected national scientific bodies
- 2001-2005, Scientific Council (SC), AS CR, 1990-2003, ICT
- 1990-2010, SC University of Pardubice
- 1992-present, SC Faculty of Technology, Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín
- 1992-2003, SC Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology
- 2002-present, Commission for Scientific Integrity, AS CR
- 1990-present, Czech Commission for UNESCO
- 1990-2005, Accreditation Commission, Working Group for Chemistry
- 1995-2003, Commission for Awards, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports
- 1999-2005, Council of the Research Centers Programme
- 1983-2006, Czech National Committee for Chemistry (1990-2001, Chairman)
Membership in international organizations and societies
- 1990-present, Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry, London
- 1978-present, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (member of a number of committees and commissions; 1985-1991, Chairman of commission)
- 1986-present, International Symposia on Polymer Analysis and Characterization, USA, Governing Board Member
- 1990-present, American Chemical Society
- 1999-present, Society of Chemical Industry, UK
- member, editorial boards of six international journals
Notable awards
- 1970, National Prize for Science
- 1977, Prize of CSAS
- 1983, Silver Medal, Faculty of Natural Science, Charles University
- 1997, Gold Medal, Brno University of Technology
- 2000, J. Heyrovský Honorary Medal (for merit in the chemical sciences, AS CR)
- 2000, Doctor honoris causa, University of Pardubice
- 2002, Gold Memorial Medal, Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology
- 2005, IUPAC-Samsung Education Prize
- 2006, Emil Votoček Medal for merit in development of science and technology, ICT Prague
- 2007, Medal of Honour "De scientia et humanitate optime meritis", AS CR
Selected publications
- M. Netopilík, P. Kratochvíl: Polystyrene-equivalent molecular weight versus true molecular weight in size-exclusion chromatography. Polymer 44, 3431 (2003)
- P. Kratochvíl, J. Stejskal: Chemical heterogeneity of copolymers and its characterization. Polimery 46, 761 (2001)
- Z. Tuzar, P. Kratochvíl: Micelles of block and graft copolymers in solutions. Surface and Colloid Science 15, 1 (1993)
- P. Kratochvíl: Classical light scattering from polymer solutions. Polymer Science Library, Vol.5, Amsterdam, Elsevier 1987
- Z. Tuzar, P. Kratochvíl: Block and graft copolymer micelles in solution. Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 6, 201 (1976)
- P. Kratochvíl: Particle scattering functions. In Light Scattering from Polymer Solutions. London, Academic Press 1972, pp 333-384
- Z. Tuzar, P. Kratochvíl: Light scattering. XVIII. The behaviour of polymers in mixed solvents. Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 32, 3358 (1967)
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