Krejčí Jaroslav
Zemřel 16. 2. 2014 v anglickém Lancasteru.
Českému sociologovi, historikovi a ekonomovi bylo 98 let. Byl synem protektorátního premiéra Jaroslava Krejčího. Vystudoval práva. Za války se účastnil protinacistického odboje, po válce působil v Národohospodářském ústavu Josefa Hlávky. Jako sociální demokrat odmítl sloučení s KSČ. V roce 1954 byl odsouzen k deseti letům za velezradu, po propuštění na amnestii v roce 1960 pracoval v různých profesích.
V roce 1968 emigroval s manželkou do Velké Británie,v sedmdesátých letech byl jmenován profesorem na univerzitě v Lancasteru, kde se věnoval makrosociologickému výkladu dějin a civilizací.
Po roce 1990 začal působit i na Univerzitě Karlově, na univerzitě Palackého v Olomouci a na Diplomatické akademii.
Prof. JUDr, Dr. Lit. h.c.
Born February 13, 1916 at Polesovice
- Emeritus Professor in Social Sciences
- Honorady member of Learned Society since
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1935-1939, Charles University, Faculty of Law. Dr.jur. 1945
Employment and Academic positions:
- 1940-1945, Central Union of Commerce, in charge of trade law
- 1945-1949, State Planning Office, Department of National Accounting, in 1947-48 Secretary to the Chairman
- 1950-1953, State Bank, Documenatation Department
- 1954-1960 Prison and labour camp, coal mine and glass factory
- 1968 Cabinet for the Theory of Architecture and Human Environment, Research worker
- 1968 The Institute of Advanced Studies in Vienna
- 1969 Lancaster University Research Fellow (1969-1970), Lecturer (1970-1973), Senior Lecturer (1973-1976); Professor (1976-1983), Professor Emeritus (1983-now)
Departments: German Studies, European Studies and Religious studies, as Emeritus attached to the Department of European Languages and Cultures - 1993-1999 Visiting professor, Department of Politics and European Studies Palacky University, Olomouc
- 1995- Visiting professor, Department of constitutional law, Charles university, Prague
Notable Awards:
- 1946 Medal for participation in the Anti Nazi Resistence
- 1948 Habilitated in macroeconomics at the Graduate School of Social Studies in Prague (1948, not approved by the Post-February Communist minister of Education)
- 1975 Associate Senior member of St Antony´s College, Oxford
- 1989 Wilson Lecture to the Board of Higher Education and Ministry of the United Methodist Church in Nashville, Tennessee, US
- 1994 Distinguished Speaker at the 1944 Conference of the International Society for Comparative Study of Civilizations, Dublin
- 1998 National Merit by the President of the Czech Republic
- 2000 Doctor of Letters honoris causa, University of Lancaster
- 2003 Josef Hlavka Medal of the Czech Literary Foundation
- 2006 Medal for the merits in the development of science (Societas scientiarum
Selected publications:
Books only (Those in English simultaneously published in the UK and in the US:
- Důchodové rozvrstvení (Income distribution), 1947
- Social Change and Stratification in Postwar Czechoslovakia (1972)
- Social stucture in Divided Germany (1976)
- Ethnic and Political Nations in Europe (with V. Velimsky) (1981)
- National Income and Outlay in Czechoslovakia, Poland and Yugoslavia (1982)
- Great Revolutions Compared, the Search for a Theory (1983); Czech version (1992); 2nd enlarged edition with subtitle the 0utline of a Theory (1944)
- Czechoslovakia at the Crossroads of European History (1990)
- The Civilizations of Asia and the Middle East before the European Challenge (1990), Czech translation 1993 (Charles Unïversity Press)
- The Human Predicament, Its Changing Image (1993); Czech translation, (1996) (Charles University Press)
- Czechoslovakia 1918-1922 (with P. Machonin) (1996)
- Society in a Global Perspective (Slon Prague 1993)
- České křižovatky (Czech Crossroads) (Elk 2001)
- Postižitelné proudy dějin (Intelligible Currents of History) Slon 2002
- The Paths of Civilization (Palgrave/Macmillan 2004)
- Křesťanská Levanta (The Christian Levant) with O. Vodakova (2006)
Membership in Professional Associations and Scientific Societies:
- University Association for Contemporary European Studies
- International Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations
- Masaryk Czech Sociological Society
- British Chapter of the Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences
- Josef Hlavka Economic Institute (Prague)
- Director of the Centre for Research into Socio-Cultural Pluralism at the Institute of
Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Other Activities:
- Reviewer of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Lancaster home: 278 Bowerham Road, Lancaster, LA1 4LP
Tel.: 0044 1524 69451
Lancaster University
E-mail: taylor@lancaster.ac.uk
Prague, home: Nepomucká 13, 150 00 Prague 5, Czech Republic
Tel.: (02) 57211009
Institute of Philosophy, Jilská 1, PRAHA 1, Czech Republic
Tel.: (2) 22220107, Fax: (2) 22220725
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