Zpět na seznam článků
Loewenstein Bedřich
Prof., PhDr., CSc.
Born June 20, 1929 in Prague, † 2017
- Honorary member of Learned Society since 2000
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1949, graduate, academic secondary school, Prague 7;
- 1949-1951 and 1953-1956, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University (FP CU);
- 1957-1960; post-graduate student; Institute of History (IH), Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (CSAS);
- 1961 CSc.
Employment and academic positions:
- 1956-1957, Pedagogical Publishing House, Prague; then scientific worker at IH CSAS;
- 1970-1978, translator, Embassy of FRG, Prague;
- 1979, Professor of recent history, Free University, West Berlin;
- 1994-present, pensioner
Membership and positions in international organizations and societies:
- Corresponding member, Berliner Wissenschaft-Gesellschaft (Berlin)
- Member, Collegium Carolinum (Munich)
Notable awards:
- 1999, František Palacký Medal, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (AS CR)
Selected publications:
- Otto von Bismarck. Prague, 1968
- Středověk dvacátého století (Middle ages in the twentieth century). Prague, 1970 (destroyed)
- Plädoyer für die Zivilisation. Hamburg, 1973
- Der Entwurf der Moderne. Vom Geist der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft u. Zivilisation. Essen, 1987, 2. vyd. Darmstadt, 1990
- 6mal Prag (pseud. Fritz Böhm). Munich, 1988. 2. vyd. 1990
- Problemfelder der Moderne. Elemente politischer Kultur. Darmstadt, 1990
- O nacionalismu a revolucích (On nationalism and revolutions). Prague, 1991
- Projekt moderny (Project of modern times). O duchu občanské společnosti a civilizace (On the spirit of a civic society and civilization). Prague, 1995
- Annäherungsversuche: Geschichte und Psychologie. Pfaffenweiler, 1992
- My a ti druzí: Dějiny, psychologie, antropologie (Us and the Others: History, Psychology, Anthropology). Brno, 1997
- Wier und die anderen. Historische und kultursoziologische Betrachtungen. Dresden, 2003
- Civilizace a fašismus (Civilization and Fascism). Studie z let 1969/71 (Study from the years 1969/1971). Prague, 2003
Masterclass Učené společnosti
přednášky pro středoškoláky a širokou veřejnost prezentované jak naživo, tak online
Petr Slavíček: Co dal vědě exkrement?