Zpět na seznam článků
Možný Ivo
Prof., PhDr., CSc.
Born August 31, 1932
- Sociology, family sociology, social change
- Member of Learned Society since 1994 (founding member)
Employment and academic positions:
- 2004-present, Vice-Dean, development and public relations;
- 1998-2004, Dean, Faculty of Social Studies of Masaryk University;
- 1995-1997, Director, School of Social Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Masaryk University;
- 1997, visiting fellow, Institute for Human Studies;
- 1994-1997, Vice-Dean, Faculty of Philosophy, Masaryk University;
- 1993-1995, visiting fellow, European School for Historical and Comparative Sociological Research, Amsterdam;
- 1992-present, Professor of sociology and social philosophy, Masaryk University;
- 1990-1994, Head, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy, Masaryk University;
- 1990-1992, Associate Professor in sociology, Masaryk University;
- 1970-1982, marriage counsellor, Brno Marriage and Pre-marriage Consulting Centre;
- 1969-1989, professional worker, Faculty of Philosophy, Masaryk University;
- 1967-1968, Deputy Head, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy, Masaryk University.
Membership and positions in international organizations and societies:
- Fellow, European Academy of Art and Sciences
- Visiting fellow The Netherlands Institute of Advanced Studies, Wassenaar
- Visiting fellow Institute of Advanced Studies, Collegium, Budapesť
Notable awards:
- Gold medal, Masaryk University
Selected publications:
- Status for the Poor. Essex, Centre for European Studies 1995. (Co-author with P. Mareš)
- Social Consequences of a Change in Ownership. Brno, Spisy FF MU 1995 (Co-author with P. Mareš, L. Musil, I. Řezníček and T. Sirovátka)
- An Attempt at Non-Economic Explanation of the Present Full Employment in the Czech Republic. Czech Sociological Review, Vol 3 (1995), 1.
- Double Squeeze: Some Reasons for and Consequences of the Present Increase in Marriage Age and Decline in Fertility in the Czech Republic. Pp. 89-105. In: Rudolf Richter and Sylvia Supper (eds.):
- New Qualities in the Lifecourse. ERGON Verlag, Würzburg 1999
- Česká společnost. Nejdůležitější data o kvalitě života (Czech society: Most important data on the quality of life). Prague, Portál 2002
- Sociologie rodiny: její vývoj, teorie a základní problémy (Sociology of the Family: its development, theory and basic problems). Prague, SLON 1999; II. vyd. 2002
- Česká rodina v době pozdní modernity (The Czech family in the period of late modernity). in: Potůček, M. (ed.): Česká společnost na konci tisíciletí (Czech society at the end of the millenium). Praha, Karolinum 1999. pp. 27-37
- Proč tak snadno… (Why so easy…) Prague, SLON 1990.II. Edition with a new author's introduction 2001
- Modernizace české rodiny a mezigeneračních vztahů v mezinárodním srovnání (Modernization of the Czech family and intergenerational relations in international comparison). In: Mareš, P. and T. Potočný (eds.): Modernizace a česká rodina (Modernization and the Czech family). Brno, Barrister & Principal 2003
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