Zpět na seznam článků


Musil Jiří

Prof., PhDr., CSc.
Born February 20, 1928

  • Theory of sociology, urban sociology, cultural sociology, demography
  • Member of Learned Society since 1994 (Founding member)

Educational and professional preparation:

  • Student, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University, field of sociology, philosophy; completed in 1952

Employment and academic positions:

  • 1953-1958, research worker, Institute of Hygiene, Prague;
  • 1958-1983, Head, Department of Sociology, Research Institute for Building and Architecture;
  • 1983-1990, Czech Institute of Technology (CIT), Faculty of Architecture, research worker;
  • 1990-1992, Director, renewed Sociological Institute, AS CR;
  • 1992-1993, Director, Central European University, Prague and Professor at this University;
  • 1993-2003, Professor, Central European University, Budapest and Warsaw, simultaneously Professor, Faculty of Science, Charles University

Membership and positions in international organizations and societies:

  • Academia Europaea, London
  • Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea, Vienna
  • World Academy of Art and Science, USA
  • 1998-2001, President, European Sociological Association

Notable awards:

  • Six medals and awards for book publications and research in the field of urban sociology

Selected publications:

  • Housing Needs and Policy in Great Britain and Czechoslovakia. University of Glasgow, London 966
  • Sociologie soudobého města (Sociology of the Contemporary City). Svoboda, Prague, 1967
  • Assessment of Current and Future Housing Needs, United Nations, Geneva 1970
  • Sociologie bydlení (Sociology of Housing). Svoboda, Prague 1971
  • Urbanizace v socialistických zemích (Urbanization in the Socialist Countries). Svoboda, Prague 1977
  • Urbanization in Socialist Countries. M. E. Sharpe, White Plains, New York, 1980
  • The End of Czechoslovakia (editor). CEU Press, Budapest, New York 1995
  • Räumliche Auswirkungen des Transformationsprozesses in Deutschland und bei den östlichen Nachbarn (editor with W. Strubelt). Leske + Budrich, Opladen 1997
  • The Meaning of Liberalism-East and Wes (editor with Z. Suda). CEU Press, Budapest, New York 1999
  • Zrod velkoměsta (Birth of a Metropolis) (with P. Horská, E. Maur). Paseka, Prague 2002.

Masterclass Učené společnosti

V roce 2025 spouštíme nový projekt: Masterclass Učené společnosti. Jedná se o přednášky pro středoškoláky a širokou veřejnost prezentované jak naživo, tak online.

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Prvním přednášejícím je Petr Slavíček