Zpět na seznam článků
Perek Luboš
Assoc. Prof., RNDr., DrSc., dr. h.c.
Born on July 26, 1919, † 2020
- Astronomy, galactic dynamics and space activities
- Member of Learned Society since 1999
Employment and academic positions:
- 1945, assistant lecturer, Institute of Mathematics, Czech Technical University, Prague;
- 1952-1956, Associate Professor, Masaryk University (MU), Brno;
- 1955-1967, Head, stellar department, Astronomical Institute, CSAS, Prague;
- 1959, Visiting astronomer, Mt. Wilson and Palomar Observatories, California, USA;
- 1964, Visiting Professor, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA;
- 1968-1975, Director, Astronomical Institute, CSAS, Prague;
- 1975-1980, Chief, Outer Space Affairs Division, United Nations Secretariat, New York;
- 1980-present, head scientific worker, consultant, emeritus, Astronomical Institute AS CR.
Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies:
- 1983, Honorary member, Czechoslovak Astronomical Society
- 1989-1992, Chairman, Czech Astronomical Society
Membership and positions in international organizations and societies:
- 1954, Member, 1967-1970 secretary general, International Astronomical Union (IAU)
- 1973-1976, President, IAU Commission on Galactic Structure and Dynamics
- 1968-1970, Vice-President, International Council of Scientific Unions
- 1970-1979, Chairman, ICSU Panel on World Data Centres
- 1970, Associate Member, Royal Astronomical Society, London
- 1975, Member, Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina
- 1977, Member, International Institute of Space Law (from 1996 member, Board of Directors
- 1977, Member, International Academy of Astronautics (member Board of Trustees 1978-1982)
- 1980-1982, President, International Astronautical Federation (IAF) (1990-1992 Co-chairman International Program Committee; since 2003 consultant to IAF President)
- 1986, Member (1994 honorary member) Academie Nationale de l’Air et de l’Espace, Toulouse, France
- 1992, founding member, European Astronomical Society
Notable awards:
- 1969, Medal, Université de Liege
- 1971, Kepler Medal, Czechoslovak Astronomical Society
- 1980, T. Hagecius de Hajek Medal, CS Astronomical Society
- 1981, Nagy Ernö Medal, Hungarian Astronomical Society
- 1982, Medal, University of Zagreb
- 1982, Medal, City of Paris
- 1986, Medal, College de Paris
- 1992, Prix Janssen, Société Astronomique de France
- 1999, Doctor honoris causa, MU
- 1999, Nušl Award, Czech Astronomical Society.
Selected publications:
- Distribution of Mass in the Galactic System. Comm. Astr. Inst. Masaryk Univ. 1, No. 6, 1948
- Untersuchung von Sternen mit hyperbolischen Geschwindigkeiten. Astron. Nachrichten, Vol. 283, 213, 1956
- Distribution of Mass in Oblate Stellar Systems. Adv. in Astronomy and Astroph. 11, 165, 1961
- Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (with L. Kohoutek). Academia, Prague 1967
- Physics, Uses and Regulation of the Geostationary Orbit. Proc. 20th Coll. on the Law of Outer Space, Amer. Inst of Astronomy and Astronautics, 1978
- Delimitation of Air Space and Outer Space. Proc. Symp. on Earth Oriented Act and their Legal Implications, McGill University Montreal, Canada, Oct. 1981, p. 275
- Traffic Rules for Outer Space. Proc. 25th Coll. on the Law of Outer Space, AIAA, 1983, p. 37
- Space Debris as an Issue for the International Community. 8th ISTS Tokyo, 1992
- Space Debris at the United Nations, Space Debris, Vol. 2, p.123-136, 2002
- Basic Problems in Space Traffic. Proc. 46th Coll. on the Law of Outer Space, AIAA p. 322-331, 2004
- Space Debris Mitigation and Prevention: How to build a stronger international regime, Astropolitics 2, 215-226, 2004
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