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Petrusek Miloslav

Prof., PhDr., CSc.
Born October 15, 1936

  • Sociology
  • Member of Learned Society since 1998

Educational and professional preparation:

  • 1954-1959, Faculty of Philosophy, University in Brno (philosophy and history)

Employment and academic positions:

  • 1965-present, briefly in Zlín (then Gottwaldov), then Prague, engaged in sociology (with enforced interruptions), university teacher and scientific worker;
  • 1991-1997, established Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (FSS CU); Dean there twice;
  • Vice-Rector, Charles University (CU) (one term);
  • Currently, Professor of sociology, Institute of Sociological Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, CU

Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies:

  • Chairman, Council for Doctoral Studies;
  • Guarantor of BA and MA cycles of study of sociology, FSS CU;
  • Member, Scientific Council of FSS CU

Membership and positions in international organizations and societies:

  • Foreign member, Polish Sociological Society
  • 1994, Member, Russian Academy of the Social Sciences

Notable awards:

  • 1997, Gold Medal (for service to Charles University)
  • 1998, Jubilee Medal, CU
  • 1998, Award, Rector, CU (or the Large Dictionary of Sociology)
  • 2003, Order of the Knights of Academic Palm (France)

Selected publications:

  • P. Machonin et al.: Československá společnost - Sociologická analýza sociální stratifikace (Czech society - Sociological Analysis of Social Stratification). Epocha, Bratislava 1969 (co-author)
  • Sociometrie - teorie, metoda, techniky (Sociometry - Theory, Methods, Techniques). Svoboda, Prague 1969
  • Malý sociologický slovník (Small Dictionary of Sociology). Svoboda, Prague 1970; Bratislava 1970 (editor and author of a number of entries)
  • Alternativa - Úvahy o postavení sociologie v nealternativní společnosti (Alternative - Considerations on the Position of Sociology in a Nonalternative Society). Originally published illegally under pseudonym “Petr Grňa,” 1986; legally published by KOS, Prague 1992
  • Sociologie a literatura (Sociology and Literature). Čs. spisovatel, Prague 1990
  • Teorie a metoda v moderní sociologii (Theory and Method in Modern Sociology). Karolinum, Prague 1993
  • Sociologické školy, směry, paradigmata (Sociological Schools, Directions and Paradigms). SLON, Prague 1994 (editor and co-author)
  • Sociologie, literatura a politika (Sociology, Literature and Politics). Karolinum, Prague 1996 (co-author with Josef Alan)
  • Velký sociologický slovník (Large Dictionary of Sociology). Karolinum, Prague 1996 (conception, head of editorial board and author of more than 200 entries)
  • T. G. Masaryk: filosofija – sociologija – politika (T. G. Masaryk: Philosophy, Sociology, Politics). Izbrannyje těksty. Izd. Rossijskogo universitěta Družby narodov, Moscow 2003, 663 pp. Compiled by M. Petrusek and N. P. Narbut. Introductory study M. Petrusek and N. P. Narbut (pp. 8-34)

Masterclass Učené společnosti

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Petr Slavíček: Co dal vědě exkrement?

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